Supreme Lord

Chapter 2253

Mo Wentian said that he only did one thing in his life.

That is to seek one’s own cause and effect.

Since ancient times, there are many people who seek cause and effect. After all, according to legend, seeking cause and effect and cutting it off can not only change one’s own destiny, but also become a god.


Don’t ask for cause and effect, neither for changing your destiny, nor for becoming a god or sanctification.

He seeks for cause and effect, and has only one purpose. To find his true self is also to find his true self.

As for searching for cause and effect, there has always been a terrifying legend between this Heaven and Earth.

It is said that the search for cause and effect is a Road of No Return. Once you step on this Road of No Return, you can never look back. There is only one final result, losing yourself and falling into the Sea of ​​Bitterness.

It’s not that Mo Wentian has never heard of this legend. He has heard it, and many of his friends have persuaded him more than once, but he has not hesitated to set foot on the road of seeking cause and effect. No Return.

He thought that as long as his will was strong enough, he would not lose himself.

He believes in himself.

He didn’t realize that he was wrong until he set foot on the Road of No Return, which is a quest for cause and effect, and that he was wrong.

He overestimated himself and underestimated the terrifying of cause and effect.

At first.

He thought that by asking for the cause and effect of this life, he could find the cause and effect of the previous life.

This is indeed the case. He searched for the cause and effect of this life, and finally found the cause and effect of the previous life.

He thought that as long as he searched for the cause and effect of the previous life, he could find the true self.


After searching for the cause and effect of the past life, he suddenly realized that it was not the true self, but the self in the past life, because he still had a past life.


He began to look for the cause and effect of the past life. He searched for cause and effect, and finally found the cause and effect. What made him collapse is that even if he finds the past life of the past life, it is still not the end, because the past life of the past life is still There are past lives.

Although this result made him very disappointed, he did not give up, and continued to search for the cause and effect of the previous life.

On the way of searching for cause and effect, Mo Wentian also discovered something that made him extremely helpless.

That is, the more he seeks cause and effect, the deeper his original sin.

At the beginning, he couldn’t understand at all, and couldn’t figure out what was going on.

Later he gradually understood.

He himself is the man of original sin.

The original sin itself is formed by wrong causation.

In other words, if he finds the wrong result for this wrong result, another wrong result will be formed. How far he goes on the road of seeking cause and effect, his original sin will be more involved. deep.

It’s a pity.

When Mo Wentian wanted to understand this, it was already too late.

Because he has walked a long way on the road of seeking cause and effect, his own original sin has also fallen deeply and deeply, and he can’t look back at all.

He regretted it.

And also trying to recover.

I even thought about samsara reincarnation.

But in the end, I gave up.

He knows that if his samsara reincarnation does not help, it will make himself deeper in the search for cause and effect.

Don’t ask heaven knows that you can’t turn your head back, you can only brace oneself and continue to seek cause and effect.

As he walked further on the road of seeking cause and effect, his original sin became deeper and deeper.

The original sin from the beginning.

To the original sin incarnation, and then the original sin retribution, the original sin should be the body…

Finally he was lost…

He lost himself…


He doesn’t know whether he is lost in cause and effect or in original sin. He only knows that he is lost…

I don’t know who he is or which one It’s me.

Is myself in the previous life? Or is the past life of the past life oneself, or the past life of the past life is oneself?

Or the original sin is the true self?

I don’t know.

Mo Wentian knows nothing.

I don’t know what I did when I was lost, how many years I went through, and where I went.

He didn’t even know how to find his self-consciousness later. The only thing he knew was that after he recovered his self-consciousness, he found that he had already been samsara reincarnation and had become the original sin dharmakaya.

Maybe you have recovered yourself?

Mo Wentian still doesn’t know until now. He doesn’t even know whether he is searching for cause and effect in this life after samsara reincarnation, or the previous life before samsara reincarnation, or the previous life of the previous life. cause and effect.

He can no longer distinguish between the past and the present, nor can he tell whether the past is the result of the present, or the present is the result of the past.

He is lost.

Also hesitated.

Even he suspects that he may never find himself, and he is still lost at this moment.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

Mo Wentian just drank and talked like this, his expression was very complicated, his eyes and tone were the same, without exception, he showed countless hesitation.

Next to it.

Ren Tianhang listened silently, and Gu Qingfeng did the same.

When Mo Wentian finished speaking, the two of them looked at each other, and both saw a kind of horror in each other’s eyes.

Even if Ren Tianhang was ruthless and ruthless, his face changed and changed when Mo Wentian told these things, even the corners of his mouth seemed to be pulled out twice, and Gu Qingfeng even more. There is a feeling of numb scalp, have one’s hair stand on end, the glass of wine in my hand is also still in the air, I haven’t drunk it from beginning to end.

He has always had a lot of courage, and there are very few things between Heaven and Earth that can make him feel scared,

But after listening this time, don’t ask. After recounting these things, he felt scared from the bottom of his heart. To be precise, it was a kind of fear.

Because he also tried to find cause and effect back then.

To be honest.

He has also heard about the terrifying legend of seeking cause and effect, and knows that since ancient times, those who seek cause and effect, without exception, fall into the Sea of ​​Bitterness and lose themselves.

He has not only heard of it, but there are living examples around him, such as Jun Xuanji, such as clouds and neon clothes, Rufeng month by month, almost all of the self lost because of cause and effect.

But Gu Qingfeng didn’t know how they got lost and couldn’t imagine it.

When he was searching for cause and effect, both Jun Xuanji and Yun Nishang appeared to persuade him not to ask for cause and effect. In addition to them, there were also the old monks living in the bone jade of nirvana I have also advised him many times not to ask for cause and effect, and the voice in an avenue seed that unfathomable mystery merged back then once told him not to ask for cause and effect.

Gu Qingfeng did not follow the persuasion of these people.

If these people did not persuade him, perhaps he is not so interested in seeking cause and effect. So many people have come to persuade him, so he has to be curious and want to see if seeking cause and effect will actually happen. What happened, why did these people come out to persuade themselves.

As for what to lose yourself, fall into the Sea of ​​Bitterness.

Gu Qingfeng is not unbelieving, he just wants to know his cause and effect too much.


At that time, he set foot on the Wudao Mountain arbitrarily.

Not only to get rid of original sin, but also to seek cause and effect, and to find the truth.

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