Supreme Lord

Chapter 2249

I am stumped because I don’t know how to get rid of the original sin, so I don’t get rid of it?

I am troubled because I don’t know how to grasp my destiny, so I accept my fate?

I give up because I don’t know if I am stumped?

Of course not.

At least, regardless of whether it is Ren Tianhang or Mo Wentian, although the two do not know how to get rid of the original sin or how to take their destiny in their own hands, none of them will give up and will persistently pursue it. Even if they knew that the original sin could not be escaped, and knew that fate could not be rebelled, they would go all out to gamble.

Don’t ask for miracles to happen, but ask for no regrets in life.


Gu Qingfeng is different.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to get rid of original sin and do not want to control his own destiny. On the contrary, he also wants to get rid of original sin and also wants to dominate his own destiny. For this, he has not tried hard.

He worked hard.

And more than once.

If you don’t want to get rid of original sin, when Wudao Mountain came, he would not go in, let alone climb Wudao Mountain to light the original sin karma.

It’s just that.

Things backfired. In the end, instead of getting rid of the original sin, he got deeper and deeper, and he also found that the deeper he fell in the original sin, the more he could not control his destiny.

Maybe it is really tired, or it may be enough toss.

In short.

Since I ignited the fire of original sin and awakened from sleep for thousands of years, Gu Qingfeng has not had that strong desire to get rid of original sin, and his thoughts have become weaker and weaker.

Perhaps his nature is like this, or it may be due to his state of mind.

His previous dream was to live freely and carefree. His current dream is still the same, and it may not change in the future.


As long as he can live freely, as for whether he is a person of original sin and whether he is bound by cause and effect, even if it is a pawn of fate, he does not care that much.

Despite this journey, he is not so free, nor so comfortable. On the contrary, the living Heaven and Earth cannot tolerate and cannot help his life.

Maybe it’s numb, or maybe it’s used to it.

Sometimes I think about it, it’s not a bad thing to just stay alive like this.

At least.

Gu Qingfeng doesn’t mind that much.

Ren Tianhang doesn’t believe that Gu Qingfeng just admits his fate, he doesn’t believe it, he just couldn’t accept it, and said: “Gu brother, if you really admit your fate, why do you follow the loud noise like us? The source of this?”

“What this said, why I am now also coming in, and I can’t get out, I have to find something to do, I can’t be like a second fool without shit Just stay boring in the place, every time the loud noise comes, I am deeply affected. I am curious and naturally want to see what is going on.”

hearing this.

Ren Tianhang and Mo Wentian looked at each other.

Mo Wentian has a solemn expression, not knowing what he is thinking.

Even a pair of arrogant and cold Ren Tianhang’s eyes flashed with complex colors.

“What are the eyes of you two?” Gu Qingfeng looked at the two, playing with the taste: “Could it be that you are disappointed in me?”

Gu Qingfeng has a face It doesn’t matter, it’s still so frivolous, picking up the wine glass to fill the two of them, and then toasting the glass and drinking it, saying: “Don’t be afraid to tell you, don’t say you are disappointed, but I look at myself very disappointed. , I can’t do anything, I’m just such a person.”

“I’m a person, I have nothing to do when I was young, and I have no big ambitions, what roads, heaven and earth, what causal destiny, to be honest, hear I have a headache with these things. As long as I can make do with my other loves, I don’t mind being a pawn for fate.”

As soon as the conversation turned, Gu Qingfeng said with a laugh. “Of course, then again, even though I confessed my fate now, it does not mean that I gave up. If there is hope to get rid of original sin and dominate my own destiny, I will still give it a gamble, in case I win.”

At this time, Mo Wentian said: “Can I understand that the ancient brother is lost?”

“Lost?” Gu Qingfeng shook his head and denied, “I am not at all lost.” “

“no! Ancient brother, I am talking about being lost, not being lost in myself, but lost in direction.”

“Lost? What do you mean?”

“As the ancient brother said just now, if there is hope, you will still gamble. The reason why the ancient brother does not gamble now is because he has not yet seen hope, or it should be said that there is no hope, right? “

Gu Qingfeng shrugged noncommittal: “That’s right.”

“What if you lose the bet?”

“If you lose, you lose. What? If you agree to bet you must accept to lose.”


Ren Tianhang looked towards Mo Wentian, and said: “How?”

Mo Wentian stared at Gu Qingfeng and said solemnly: “I admire, admire the most, the ancient brother’s The state of mind is really as you said. It’s not that we can mention on equal terms. It’s beyond our reach!”

Hearing this, Gu Qingfeng, who was drinking, was very puzzled. He looked at Ren Tianhang, and again. Looking at Mo Wentian, he asked, “What do you guys do? How come it sounds like you dug a hole for me?”

“Don’t get me wrong. “

Mo Wentian explained: “It’s like this. When I met with brother Ren, he talked about you. Brother Ren told me that he only admires one person in his life. Ancient brother you.”

“He said you have always been able to afford to let go, do as one pleases, let it be, don’t force, don’t keep you, but you won’t refuse, to anyone This is true of everything.”

“I asked him, how does the ancient brother view original sin?”

“Brother Ren said that you can see what you want.”

“I asked him again, what is Brother Brother’s attitude towards fate?”

“He said you have no attitude towards fate.”

“I ask why.”

“Brother Ren said, you don’t care about original sin or fate at all, so you can see what you want. The attitude you want is what you want.”

“I asked Ren again Brother, what do you care about?”

“He said you only care about what you care about. Brother Ren doesn’t know what you care about, but he knows what you don’t care about. Among them are original sin and destiny.”


“Brother Ren said that although you are not detached, your heart is detached.”

“At first, when Brother Ren talked about you, I still didn’t believe it very much. Today I heard that the ancient brother talked about original sin With fate, Mo knows that what the old brother Ren said is not bad. The ancient brother’s state of mind is as high as the sacred avenue. It is beyond Mo’s imagination and is even more admired by Mo!”

Mo Wentian stood up and held a glass of wine in his hand. When he spoke, his resolute and handsome face was full of admiration, and he was very sincere.

However, Gu Qingfeng was very confused. He looked at Mo Wentian, grinned, looked at Ren Tianhang again, and asked: “I said…you two sang together, yes Are you playing tricks with me? Are you deliberately mocking me, mocking me, or mocking me, so Motherfucker said that my mood is high? It is comparable to the sacred path? Thanks to what you said.”

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