Supreme Lord

Chapter 2237

“What you said are just speculations. Let’s not talk about whether you have actually deduced countless futures, countless causes and effects in the ancient times. Even if you deduced them, whether these futures and causes and effects you deduced include the existence of variables. You said that the cause and effect of variables is chaotic and wrong. Therefore, their fate is uncertain and cannot be deduced. Therefore, the future is full of unknowns.”

Cang Yan said softly: “And , In the ancient times, you buried your Life Source soul, not necessarily to escape fate, it may also be a stake all on one throw gamble, whether the existence of variables can change fate!”

Cangyan understands the ancient nameless, just as the ancient nameless understands her.

She knows.

Now the situation of the ancient black hole has become a mess, because variables have emerged one after another. What will happen to the future? No one knows, no one knows, even right and wrong. I’m not clear.

Everyone fell into a hesitation, lost their way, and didn’t know what to do.

She is so, and Eternal Unknown is no exception.

Ancient Wuming also lost his way in this chaotic barren black hole.

Cangyan does not know how to help Eternal Nameless, and she also does not know how to let Eternal Nameless find her own direction. The only thing she knows is that if even Eternal Nameless gives up, then she can only choose to resign. Up.

“Promise me.”

Looking at the ancient nameless opposite, Cangyan said solemnly and seriously: “Got a gamble, okay?”

“If you lose.”

“If you lose, you will lose. Whatever you should do.”

The ancient unknown looked at Cangyan, just looking at it like this, after a long time , She nodded and said: “Okay!”

“Haha! Let’s have a drink!”

The two drink each other and drink several cups in a row.

The loud noise that came before has stopped, and all the turbulences no longer roll and roar, and the nine huge turbulence vortex entrenched in the desolate ancient black hole are still slowly rotating and swallowing everything Turbulence.

“The Desolate Ancient Nine Palaces are almost formed, let’s go and take a look?”

The ancient unknown glanced at the Nine Palaces conceived from the desolate ancient black hole, and said: “Wait first.”

“Waiting for?”

“Waiting for someone.”

“A person?” Cang Yan asked curiously: “Waiting for whom?”


tone barely fell, Cang Yan immediately felt wrong, and then the turbulent current not far away began to change, and it also rotated to form a turbulent vortex.

Have troubled the ancient black hole and formed a house again?


This is not one of the ancient nine palaces.

Cang Yan can see that this is a method, and it is also a large space method.

Sure enough.

The turbulent vortex is getting bigger and bigger. Through this vortex, you can see the cave inside.

Good guy!

Someone even opened up a space channel.

Who will it be?

Under the curiosity, Cang Yan was about to look over, only to see a golden brilliance blooming.

This is Buddha’s radiance.

And it is also a holy light Buddha’s radiance.

Buddha’s radiance spews out from the turbulent vortex, like a big day rising, the sun is shining on Heaven and Earth, and the surroundings will be illuminated in a flash, for a time, like the whole Ancient black holes have become a world of Buddha.

That’s true.

Everywhere is filled with the vastness of Buddha’s breath, and even the turbulent flow that flows is like the Buddha in the sky is changing.


The sound of chanting came, and the sacred scriptures fell like snow.

At this time.

A golden Buddha statue dropping from the sky.

This Buddha statue sit cross-legged on the lotus, the lotus blooms, like World’s All Living Things is changing, like all beings are growing.

Behind the Buddha statue is a big day that illuminates Heaven and Earth. It seems to represent the sacred and light.

The Buddha statue has one hand on his chest and one hand on his knees, with his eyes slightly closed.

When this Buddha statue came, the scriptures that fell like snow turned into Buddhas in the sky. These Buddhas are all clasped together, kneeling on the ground, worshiping the Buddha statue.

This is the supreme good fortune of Buddhism, Myriad Buddhas Makes A Pilgrimage Toward Sect!

Since ancient times, West Heavenly Buddha Dao, Myriad Buddhas Makes A Pilgrimage Toward Sect, the existence of this supreme good fortune is very few.

Daxing monk counts as one.

In addition to the great monk, there is one more.

At this moment, the man is sitting on the palm of this huge Buddha statue. This man is wearing a crown of five Buddhas, wearing a robe, a Relic on his neck, holding a rosary, sitting cross-legged, slightly closed Keep your eyes, turn your rosary, and read the scriptures.

The five Buddha crowns are engraved with five Buddha statues. They are King Naifudo, King Jiang III, King Jundali, King Great Prestige and Virtue and King Vajra Yaksha. They are the five Kings of Buddhism!

The robes are covered with sacred scriptures. Each scripture is changing like a Buddha. There are 81 in total, which is like the legendary 81 Ami Buddha!

There are 36 Relics hanging around their necks, and each one resembles a Vajra Relic with the fire of Nirvana.

There are nine rosary beads in the hand, and each one is like a reincarnation bodhi!

Wear the crowns of the Five Buddhas of the Ming Dynasty.

Wearing a big day Arhat robes.

Vajra Relic on the neck.

Hold the bodhi nine prayer beads.

Each of these existences can be called the Supreme Treasure of the Buddha’s Tao, each is Buddha Law Is Boundless, each contains infinite profound mystery, and even each one can withstand this time and The test of this space.

Throughout the West Heavenly Buddha Dao, there is only one person who has so many good fortunes.

That is the Xitian Buddha, Miao Tathagata, sitting on the golden body of the Great Buddha with his back on the bright side!

as everyone knows.

Miao Tathagata is the representative and leader of the Heavenly Buddha Dao in Nexi, and it is the existence of Eight Sects that governs Buddhism.

Because of this, he was hailed as the Western Heaven Buddha Emperor.

He, the Buddha Emperor, is not the destiny of the Great Dao.

There are three destiny in the Great Dao: no descending from heaven, no descending from heaven, no descending from earth, and no descending from Buddha in midst.

I have seen Immortal Emperor, Demon Sovereign, Demon Sovereign, Ghost King, but no one has ever seen Buddha, Buddha King…

That’s because Since ancient times, the destiny that came on the avenue avoided the Heaven and Earth Buddha.

Destiny! To put it bluntly, it is the life of Heaven and Earth. Since it is the name of Heaven and Earth, Heaven and Earth will naturally not come to oneself.

This is like a dynasty in the secular world. The emperor canonize hundreds of officials and ministers, but never canonize himself.

As for why I avoided the Buddhist path.

Different opinions.

Some people say that Buddhism does not talk about destiny, but only about cause and effect, so Buddhism has no destiny, only Luohan, only Bodhisattva.

It is also said that Buddhism has offended Heaven and Earth. Therefore, when Heaven and Earth descended on the destiny, they should avoid Buddhism.

Some people also say that the transcendent position of Buddhism and Taoism means that Heaven and Earth is not qualified to bestow the destiny of Buddhism and Taoism.

Since ancient times has everything.

As for why Buddhism and Taoism have never assumed the destiny, there is still no definite answer.

The reason why Miao Tathagata is known as the Buddha of the Western Heavens is because the existence of this person dominates the Eight Sects of Buddhism and dominates the Western Heavens.

Another reason is that Miao Tathagata’s character has always been rampant and overbearing.

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