Supreme Lord

Chapter 2227

When I saw the deity of Cangyan, the monk was frightened and angry, both happy and afraid.

When I was surprised before, he had been guessing the identity of the other party. Almost all the powerful women he knew were in his mind, but he still couldn’t guess the identity of the other party. I didn’t expect it to be Cangyan, the Lord of Langya.

To be honest.

It’s not that the Daxing Epilogue has never guessed Cangyan, on the contrary, he deliberately thought about it several times, and even suspected it.

Because of the women he knows, Cangyan’s existence is one of the most powerful.

In addition, Cang Yan had teased him, the Daxing Monk once suspected that the mysterious woman might be Cang Yan.

In the end, he denied it.

Because he has fought Cangyan more than once, he dare not say that he has a deep understanding of Cangyan’s cultivation base, but he also knows a thing or two. He thinks that if it’s really Cangyan, unless he doesn’t Do it, as long as you do it, even if it is hidden, he has the confidence to detect it.

Until now, the Daxing Monk realized that he underestimated the ability of Cangyan, this girl has not shown any footwork from beginning to end, and when he started, no matter it was the profound Divine. Ability, or take out, are all unheard-of, and they obviously came prepared to tease the monk.

This is also the place where the monk is angry.

Because he was teased by Cangyan once, and that time was also the way of Cangyan, he had to shout great aunt three times, didn’t expect to meet again after many years, unexpectedly Was fiercely teased by this girl again.

This is the root of the tooth that is called Daxing Dian Seng Hate. If you change to another person, you dare to tease him twice. When the Da Xing Dian Seng says anything, you have to peel off the other person’s skin to relieve the hatred. .

Can face Cangyan.

Daxing monk can only choose to submit to humiliation, dare not to speak.

As soon as he could not do anything with Cangyan, he played against him several times, and he was the one who suffered in the end. Even if he tried his best, even if he used his ability to press the box, he was thinking about it. It may not be able to deal with Cang Yan.

Otherwise, the fact that Cangyan has the two imperial destiny of immortality and devil alone is enough to make Daxing monk a headache.

Apart from this, Cangyan is the owner of Langya Cave again, and he must have inherited Langya Strength of Source. This thing is more terrifying than the power of the two imperial powers and destiny.

In addition, Cangyan still has several great treasures on his body, such as the’Lianqin’ that shocked Heaven and Earth in the Great Ancient Era, and a’Void Aya’. It is no exaggeration to say that Cangyan Each of the great treasures in his hands is comparable to the great compassionate fan in the hands of the monk.

Is it just that?


Much more than that.

At least, the Daxing Monk knows that Cangyan has three terrifying good fortunes, each of which is a great good fortune, and everyone is somewhat afraid. When the fight just now, Cangyan took out of good fortune In his body, the Daxing Monk pondered the strength of Cangyan’s cultivation base today, fearing that it was completely beyond his imagination.

Speaking again.

Don’t say that the Daxing monk does not have the confidence to defeat Cangyan. Even with this confidence, he may not dare to move Cangyan.

After all, Su Hua is a Little Junior Sister cultivated by Cang Yan, and Su Hua is now Saintess Empress, and he is a real life. The monk can don’t dare provoke.

In addition to Su Wei, Cangyan also has a confidant sister, Empress, who is the most feared secret of the monk, and the monk cannot afford to offend.

A Saintess Empress and a Heavenly Ji Empress, both of which are the existence of the Daxing Monk don’t dare provoke.


The Daxing Monk knew that if he really moved his face, the first person to find himself was neither Saintess Empress nor Heavenly Empress, but Ancestor of the Blood River.

That’s right!

It is the Demon Sovereign Ancestor of the Blood River, the famous demonic path generation.

Not only will he settle accounts with the Daxing Monk, but it is even possible to kill the Daxing Monk. Although the Daxing Monk and Ancestor of the Blood River have some friendship, he and Ancestor of the Blood River The friendship between Ancestor of the Blood River and Cangyan is far inferior.

Others may not know, but the monk knows very well that Cangyan and Ancestor of the Blood River are good friends, and they are also a pair of idiots and women.

as everyone knows, Ancestor of the Blood River was in a demon, blood flowing into a river.


People of the older generation know that Ancestor of the Blood River is for a woman, and this woman is the master of Langya Cave, Cangyan.

To this day, the Daxing Monk still remembers that Ancestor of the Blood River said that if anyone dares to touch a vellus hair, he must slaughter his whole family. That’s what he said, too Doing so, otherwise, Myriad Realms would not have blood flowing into a river.

That year.

Great Ancient Era.

The destiny of the Dao comes, and it is the destiny that belongs to the Great Ancient Era, the imperial power of the Dao.

Therefore, many destined people are very lucky to get their destiny.

For example, the famous big sun emperor, the blue light ghost emperor, etc. are all aspired to imperial power in the Great Ancient Era. Although there were not many imperial powers, they were not too few. Yes, among them, immortal dao has the most imperial power, which is a full nine-way Immortal Sovereign.

Ancestor of the Blood River and Cangyan are one of the Immortal Sovereigns.

At that time, Ancestor of the Blood River and Cang Yan were a pair of immortal fate Dao Companion recognized by Dahuang Myriad Realms. The two can be said to be talented and beautiful.

Ancestor of the Blood River aptitude Unparalleled, he became famous when he was young, and he was born in one of the 36 caves in Yuxu Cave. Out of the ordinary, he is free and easy and famous, even the big day of the year. The imperial capital can’t compare with it. His ability to achieve Immortal Sovereign is not only expected but also expected.

Compared with Ancestor of the Blood River, Cangyan is not bad at all. She is also an aptitude unparalleled, became famous when she was young, is also a man of destiny, and is also born in 36 caves. The only difference is that Ancestor of the Blood River was born in Yuxu Cave, and Cangyan was born in Langya Cave.

Because the two are of different origins, the two formed an immortal fate Dao Companion, which has never been favored.

Although both Langya and Yuxu are 36 caves, in Great Ancient Era, the gap between the two is huge, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

The reason is simple, it is the ancient times.

At the end of the Desolate Ancient Times, not only many ancestors of the Great Dao fell one after another, but the experts above heaven under earth also suffered countless deaths and injuries. The 36 Cave Heaven Seventy Two Blessed Lands also suffered heavy casualties, and some even annihilated the entire army. Decline, be removed from the Great Wasteland.

Although Langya Dongtian was not completely annihilated, most of the experts, such as Old Ancestor and Elder, died in the ancient times, leaving only a group of disciplines that have not yet grown up. But even so, Some of the disciplines also left because of Elder’s fall, and felt that there was no future for them to stay in Langya.

The Langya Cave Sky of that year can be said to have almost fallen, only Cangyan and a few other disciplines have been struggling to support it.

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