Supreme Lord

Chapter 2205

Above the sky.

The huge turbulent vortex filled the sky is still slowly rotating. Although there are less than a dozen light beams that appeared in Desert, there are still several light beams flashing.

Under each beam of light is a mysterious ancient vestige. After the emperor Dongyue, Jingyi Bodhisattva and the others left, they all quickly entered other ruins to explore.

The holy and pure colorful lotus may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, but who can guarantee that there is no second colorful lotus in other relics, or a treasure that is more precious than the colorful lotus?

In the Desert.

Gu Qingfeng played with the black jade statue while walking around like a headless fly.

The black jade statue was given to him by the white bone Old Demon. Gu Qingfeng just took a look. It did contain a lot of wine. However, he was more interested in the black jade statue than the wine inside. This thing is dark and dark, about fist sized, it looks lifelike and vivid, like a Buddha and a devil, like a ghost and a strange, like a god and a holy, more like a four-not-like image.

“I said Gu Xiaozi, are you too innocent, why don’t you even say hello when you leave.”

It was a meal after the Daxing monk caught up. Blame.

“What’s the matter, you are still afraid that the master will run away secretly.”

“Nonsense, if you run away, where will Lao Na find you.”

“Don’t worry, I can’t run, I won’t run, let’s talk about it, where can I run.”

“This is also true.”

Daxing The monk grinned said with a smile: “How?”

“How about what?”

“Lao Na asked you how Ancestor of the Blood River did? Did you play beautifully?”

Gu Qingfeng felt the same way, and nodded praised: “It’s really beautiful.”

“Why don’t you say that Ancestor of the Blood River is Demon? As for Sovereign, this method is not acceptable if you don’t admire it. To tell you the truth, this time if it weren’t for Ancestor of the Blood River to call the White Bone Old Demon to come forward to resolve the matter, this boy floating life would have to peel off if he didn’t die!”

“It won’t be.” Gu Qingfeng said: “Emperor Floating is not an ordinary existence at first glance. As you said, he is born with a hegemonic body, and the inheritance is Star Lord Zi Wei plus the Canghao Emperor Seal. , And Dao Hunyuan, he even holds a big Dao Divine Weapon like Xuanyuan Sword in his hand. Looking at Heaven and Earth in ancient and modern times, I am afraid that few people can kill him. Ancestor of the Blood River chooses to retreat. Isn’t it also something afraid of him? Otherwise, the dignified generation of Demon Sovereign will not voluntarily back down.”

“You are right. Ancestor of the Blood River is indeed somewhat afraid of the floating emperor, but you brat is only half right. “

“How do you say?”

“Heaven and Earth, ancient and modern, is not only Ancestor of the Blood River, Black Mountain old monster, immortal dao’s big sun The emperor, the Buddha of the West Heavenly Buddha Dao, including Nine Nether, and even the forbidden land of Holy Land, are somewhat afraid of the floating emperor.”


is playing Black Jade Statue of Gu When Qingfeng heard this, he couldn’t help lifting the head, and glanced at the monk with deep meaning.

And the big monk chuckled and said: “Gu boy, is this a bit familiar to you?”

“What do you want to say?”

“What Lao Na wants to say, you brat can’t guess it? If you brat exists because Heaven and Earth can’t tolerate it, even if it’s not Heaven and Earth, the floating boy is absolutely the same.”

The great monk profound mystery sighed: “If a person makes all beings somewhat afraid of him, then this person is absolutely walking on thin ice, and he will be consigned to eternal damnation if he takes a wrong step. I believe it is not necessary for Lao Na to say, You brat can understand better than anyone else.”

Gu Qingfeng was a little confused, and asked: “Why don’t you understand me? What do you mean? It’s hard for Emperor Fusheng to be a person of original sin?” /p>

“Floating life is not a person of original sin.”

“This is even more difficult to understand. Since Emperor Floating is not a person of original sin, listen to you, how can it be like this above heaven Do you want to kill him under earth?”

“Gu boy, do you remember what Lao Na said before?”

“You old bald donkey said that Many words, how do you know which sentence you said.”

“It’s about you brat is destined to destined the original sin Allah.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Lao Na said earlier that all of this possibility from the very beginning is a conspiracy, destiny is also God’s conspiracy to completely get rid of original sin, you brat may be the pawn of fate, once you become the god of original sin , Destiny will obliterate you, so as to completely get rid of the original sin.”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, said: “Did you say this, what happened?”

“Lao Na is so Let me tell you, Emperor Floating has another identity.”

“What identity?”

“The person who should be robbed.”

“since ancient times There are many people in All Heavens Myriad Realms who should be robbed, right?”

“There are indeed many people who should be robbed, but there are definitely not many people who have inherited the true fate. I found a few, one of them is Su Hua, who has become Saintess Empress, and the other is Floating Life.”


Gu Qingfeng was lost in thought and did not say words.

“You brat think about it carefully. If Lao Na’s previous guess was correct, and all of this is a conspiracy arranged by fate to get rid of the original sin, then the person who accepts the true fate will Is it what tribulation?”

Without waiting for Gu Qingfeng’s answer, Daxing Monk continued: “If Lao Na’s guess is correct, it must be your tribulation!”

” You mean… Emperor Fusheng was arranged by fate to deal with him?”


“You don’t make sense.”

“I don’t know how to say it?”

“If it is like you said, Emperor Fusheng was arranged by fate to deal with me, then why can’t these beings above heaven under earth tolerate him?”


“The problem lies here.”

“What’s the matter?”

“You brat can’t see it?”

” What do you see?”

“The boy in the floating life is not only the one who has passed his fate, his motherfucker is also a variable like you, and his variables are not worse than you brat.”

hearing this.

Gu Qingfeng suddenly became dumb, and said: “Can the person who accepts the true fate become a variable?”

“Even you brat, the destined son of original sin, can become Variables, why is it weird that a person who has inherited his fate becomes a variable?”

“I don’t think it’s strange, it’s just…” Gu Qingfeng scratched his head, frowned, and said: “It’s just why this thing sounds so messy!”

“Chaos? It’s the right thing to mess, but it’s strange if it’s not.” The monk rolled his eyes and said: “The existence of original sin If the cause and effect are messed up, the cause and effect will be messed up, and the fate will naturally be messed up…If it is not messed up, why does fate take so much effort to obliterate the original sin!”

Said with a laugh: “Don’t be afraid to tell you brat, don’t say that your destined son of original sin is a variable, nor that the person who has inherited the true fate of the floating life becomes a variable. Now it is the ancient name of the messenger of destiny, known as causal incarnation, becomes a variable. Lao Na is not surprised.”

“Lao Na said that if original sin is a kind of poison, the cause and effect is already deeply poisoned, and there is only one breath left in fate.”

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