Supreme Lord

Chapter 2200

“jié jié! didn’t expect…you really have two sons! jié jié jié jié ——”

In the middle of the sky, the three-eyed demon jié jié laughed. He is nine meters tall Zhiju, with blood in his mouth, opening his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl when he laughs, it looks terrifying, especially when the evil laughter comes into the ear, it really makes people feel the scalp numb. one’s hair stand on end.

“However, that’s all. Today, this seat will let you see how powerful the Nether streamers are! jié jié jié jié!”

The three-eyed demon is hanging behind his back Nine flag streamers, everyone knows that these nine flag streamers are Nine Nether streamers.

Nine Nether flag can be said to be a magic weapon called become terror-stricken at the news.

It is said that it was made by a Nine Nether Old Ancestor in the ancient times. Nobody knows which Nether Old Ancestor was. Later, for some reason, he fell into the Ancestor of the Blood River, which is also a famous blood river. The hands of the ghost emperor.

Ancestor of the Blood River used this Nether flag to set off foul wind and bloody rain in the All Heavens Myriad Realms in the Great Wilderness. In the Great Wilderness, many experts have become the sacrifice of the Nether flag, and many of them A giant in the wilderness, 36 holes in seventy two, blessed land and even nine days of expert.

The Ancestor of the Blood River in the ancient times passed the Nine Nether flag to the three-eyed demon, and the three-eyed demon in the modern and ancient times sacrificed the Nine Nether flag. common people.

In the rumors, the Nine Nether flag is extremely evil and contains a terrifying evil force. Once it is taken out, Heaven and Earth will change its color.

One streamer kills your life, one streamer sucks your blood, one streamer refines your spirit, one streamer transforms your soul, one streamer swallows your heart, one streamer of miniature wisdom, one streamer of rot Your flesh will eat your body. No matter how high your cultivation base is, no matter how powerful you are, you will become a sacrifice to the Nether flag. Few people can resist it.


The nine flag banners behind the Three-Eyed Demon were full of green mist, and the mist burned like fire.

In a flash, a green light burst into the sky, followed by whiz whiz whiz, nine green lights bloomed one after another, and for a while the entire sky became deep green.

The green light is gloomy and evil. It feels like falling into the Nine Nether for an instant. It is scary and uncomfortable. The spirit is also depressed, and it feels like it will be swallowed at any time.

Emperor Dongyue, Jingyi Bodhisattva, Zipo Guidi and the others took out for the first time to guard the fleshy body, and while guarding them, they also keep retreating, even for them, Zixia Immortal Realm The Elders in Loulan Fudi had been hiding far away for fear of being implicated.

Instead, Gu Qingfeng still stood there leaning on the big rock, sipping a little wine without a sip, looking at the green light in the sky, rubbing his chin, and said: “This Rao Shizi’s Nine Nether flag looks It looks unusual. Let’s leave the formidable power aside for the time being. I just feel that this movement and this posture is not trivial.”


The monk rolled his eyes and said: “Don’t look at what this thing is, this damn thing is a Nether Nether flag.”

“It’s amazing?”

“It’s quite amazing!”

“How powerful is it?”

Gu Qingfeng has never been interested in magic weapons, so he doesn’t know much about the Nether flag.

“How powerful is it?” Da Xing lunatic scratched his head and said: “How powerful is Lao Na who can’t tell for a while, so let me tell you that, when Ancestor of the Blood River took out in the Great Wilderness Nine Nether clamored, and the scared 36 hole sky seventy two Old Guy dare not go out.”


Gu Qingfeng Weiwei lightly said with a smile:” This is what I need to see.”

In the field.

Emperor Fusheng may also be aware of the evil of the Nether flag. He placed a Formation between his waves to cover the Old Master, the centrifugal fairy and the others, and then jumped up and appeared in the sky.

Just as he appeared in the sky, the Three-Eyed Demon laughed wildly, and the Nine Nether banner behind him instantly rushed out!

whiz whiz whiz!

Nine flag banners dropping from the sky are inserted in all directions of the floating emperor, like nine primordial pillars, enveloping the floating emperor, and even more like nine fierce Demon Gods. The emperor surrounded him.

“jié jié jié jié! Emperor Fusheng die!”

Along with the laughter of the three-eyed demon, violent wind erupted, the wind is coming, the Nine Nether flag hu hu made a sound, as if it really turned into Nine Demon Gods, corroding the fleshy body of the floating emperor, devouring his soul, and corroding his mind…


What’s amazing is that no matter how evil the Nether banner is, Emperor Fusheng just stands in the air, standing with his hand holding his hand, he hasn’t moved, he hasn’t resisted, and he hasn’t even looked at it.

I didn’t really see, the eyes of Emperor Fusheng didn’t know when he closed his eyes. It felt like it was not him who was engulfed by Nine Nether flags, but someone else. He didn’t look at all. Affected.

How could this be?

What is the name of Nine Nether fans?

It is still said that the existence of the floating emperor is stronger than in the legend, so powerful that even the Nine Nether, who is called foul wind and bloody rain in the great wilderness, becomes terror-stricken at the news, can’t help him. Cents?

Others may not know.

The Daxing Monk knows very clearly that it is not that the Nine Nether fan has a false name, nor is it that the floating emperor is so powerful that it can ignore the Nether streamer, but the three-eyed demon today’s cultivation base The strength can’t control the Nether streamer, and it can’t display the true formidable power of the Nether streamer.

This is indeed the case. No magic weapon is so easy to control.

Like the great treasure in the hands of Lord Lingyin, it began to be practiced from Ancient Era, and it is still uncontrollable even in ancient times.

You must know that the Nether flag can be far more powerful than the great magic weapon in the hands of Lord Lingyin, and the difficulty of driving is naturally incomparable.

Even if the Three-Eyed Demon Lord had slaughtered more than forty worlds and killed millions and millions of creatures in order to sacrifice the Nether flag, he still could not control the Nether flag.

as everyone knows.

In a situation where a magic weapon cannot be controlled, if you force a take out, the consequences will be very dangerous. Draining the cultivation base and exhaustion of spirit strength is a trivial matter. Once you are backlashed, you will be injured in the slightest and severely injured on the spot. Scattered ashes and dispersed smoke is not impossible.

This is also the reason why the Three-Eyed Demon Lord never took out Nine Nether flags when he competed with Emperor Dongyue and the others for the colorful lotus. However, at this moment, in order to deal with such a powerful existence as Emperor Fusheng , The Three Eyed Demon Lord can no longer take care of that many.

Looking at the Nine Nether banner, there is no way for the floating emperor, the three-eyed demon is still frantically spurred, even if he exhausts his whole body strength.

“What a pity! What a pity!” The Daxing monk exclaimed, “It is a pity that the Three-Eyed Demon Lord can’t control the Nether flag at all. Otherwise, there will be a good show today.”

paused, the monk said again: “If the old turtle grandson of Ancestor of the Blood River took the take out Nine Nether flag, this is definitely enough for the floating kid to drink a pot.”


“speaking of which Ancestor of the Blood River, that old turtle grandson is really good with the bastard of the Three-Eyed Demon Lord, and even passed his Nine Nether flags to this servant. However, the Three-Eyed Demon Lord this My mind is obviously not enough!”

“It’s still too young, this time I ran into the boy Floating, the three-eyed demon bastard is afraid to be folded here.”

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