Supreme Lord

Chapter 2188

The colorful lotus is floating in the sky, blooming with multi-colored brilliance, Qingqing closed her eyes slightly, sit cross-legged on the lotus, and under the cover of colorful brilliance, her silhouette also becomes misty , Just like fuse together with colorful lotus flowers, more pure and more holy.

On the outside of the colorful lotus, there is a layer of mist. The mist is like a world of its own. It looks like a vast full moon evolving and evolving. The surface is halo flowing, and the light flickers, just like bright Like the stars, it looks particularly magical.

This is Formation.

It is called imaginary formation of Xingyue Fan.

Shui Jing Empress knew that after the colorful lotus appeared, there would be people competing for it, so as early as the first time, the star and moon fan imaginary formation was secretly arranged.

This Formation was created by her discipline Floating Emperor. It not only contains tens of millions of mysterious, but also has infinite formidable power. Once you stray into Formation, it is like falling into a maze of stars and moons. It is easy to get in and out. At this moment, the Old Master of Changsheng Pavilion, the centrifugal fairy and the others are all hiding in the Xingyue Fan imaginary formation. Once someone breaks into the Formation, they will use the power of Xingyue Fan imaginary formation to attack each other. .

The imaginary formation of Xingyue Fan is very powerful. If this Formation is arranged by Emperor Fusheng himself, the people in Changsheng Pavilion believe that all the Purple Poison Ghost Emperor and the Three Eyed Demon Lord will be trapped inside. Come.

Unfortunately, Emperor Fusheng is not here.

Although Shui Jing Empress is a female emperor who inherits the destiny and the Master of the Emperor of the Floating Emperor, her perception of the Dao Xingyue is not as good as that of the Emperor of the Floating Moon, and the imaginary formation of the imaginary formation is naturally better Fortunately, the old master, the centrifugal fairy, and the others hide in the formation, so that the formidable power of the imaginary formation of the star and the moon can be better utilized.

But even so, less than as a last resort, Empress still won’t let the Three-Eyed Demon King, Purple Poisonous Ghost Emperor and the others break into Formation easily. Therefore, she and Shuiyue Bodhisattva still There are five Black Mountain monsters blocking everyone outside Formation.

At this moment.

Shuiyue Bodhisattva stops the Purple Poison Ghost Emperor.

The two of them couldn’t fight each other. The Purple Poison Ghost Emperor wanted to break into the Formation, but was stopped by Shuiyue Bodhisattva when he captured the colorful lotus.

In this All Heavens Myriad Realms, anyone who has heard of the Purple Poison Ghost Emperor will be somewhat afraid of him.

The Purple Poison Ghost Emperor is sinister and vicious, and it is also a famous old poison. Its dangerous degree is among the best in Nether, Nine Heavens and All Heavens Myriad Realms.

It’s not because he is a ghost emperor who has inherited his destiny, but a poisonous word.

The Purple Poison Ghost Emperor is also known as the Old Ancestor of Ghost Poison. He has been dealing with various poisonous breaths throughout his life, either sacrificing or refining the poisonous breath.

According to the rumors, his fleshy body is extremely poisonous. As long as you encounter it, you will undoubtedly die. Not only is the fleshy body extremely poisonous, but also its Purple Mansion dantian, internal organs, pores, blood, hair, etc. Very poisonous, I heard that even his breath and inhalation are extremely poisonous, not to mention the magic weapon refined, it is simply that the poison can no longer be poisoned.

The most famous is the Wangu Soulchasing Needle he refined. These years, up to nine days, down to Nine Nether, I don’t know how many experts have died in the hands of his Wangu Soulchasing Needle. A great emperor had been hit by the Ten Thousand Gu Soul Pursuit Needle, and he was completely closed for tens of thousands of years. Until now, he has not recovered completely. One can imagine how terrifying the Purple Poison Ghost Emperor’s Wan Gu Soul Pursuit Needle is.

This is not the most terrifying. The most terrifying is that the purple poison ghost emperor has a unique ability to seed poison. He once seeded the poison in the source of the world, but it didn’t take long for the other side. All living beings in the world were poisoned and died, and even the capital of the corpse was not left. The flowers, plants and trees in the world were also withered and withered. The mountains, rivers and even a part of the world were barren and decayed in a short time.

Speaking of the Purple Poison Ghost Emperor, I have to talk about a terrifying incident that occurred in the early days of Ancient Era.

As everyone knows, large and small space storms will occur every once in a while in the Great Wasteland, mostly because of unstable space.

No one knows how terrifying a space storm is. Since ancient times, I don’t know how many worlds and Immortal Realm have been involved in space storm and scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

So, if there is a space storm in the great wilderness, everyone will unite to break the space storm, and they must do it the first time, because once a space storm appears, it will become bigger and bigger like a snowball.

It is said that there was a space storm in the early days of Ancient Era.

Same as before, after the space storm appeared, everyone joined forces to encircle and suppress the poison. It didn’t take long before Purple Mansion dantian began to rot. All the people who went to stop the space storm at that time He died, all because of the poison in his body, lost the battle strength and finally got involved in the space storm and was torn to pieces.

Because the space storm was not stopped in time, the space storm was getting bigger and bigger. Every world was involved in it, and those who went to stop it were not spared.

In the end, Old Ancestor of Shangqingdong, one of the 36 caves, took the shot, and this stopped the space storm.

No one knows how many worlds and Immortal Realm were involved in the space storm at that time, and no one knows how many people died in the space storm.

The only thing I know is that a space storm swept across the sky as if it had been tried by Heaven and Earth, and there were ruins and barren everywhere.

It was also afterwards that people knew that the space storm was planted with poison, and it was no one else who planted the poison in the space storm, it was the Purple Poison Ghost Emperor.

Since then, whether it is Nine Heavens or 36 Cave Heavens Seventy Two Blessed Land has chased and killed the Purple Poison Ghost Emperor.


The purple poison ghost emperor appears and disappear unpredictably, even if he appears, he has been fighting with the Nether Nether. The expert above nine days has nothing to do with him, plus the purple poison ghost emperor is the blue lantern ghost emperor. Under the seat, there is a big tree like the Green Lantern Ghost Emperor, whether it is nine days or Nine Nether, whoever wants to move the purple poisonous ghost Imperial Capital has to weigh it.

Although Shuiyue Bodhisattva has been in retreat all year round and rarely appeared in the world, she has heard of the name of the purple poison ghost emperor. Not only has she heard of it, but she has also played against it as early as Ancient Era. Therefore, she is no stranger to the Purple Poison Ghost Emperor, knowing that this old poison is vile and insidious, and extremely poisonous, Shuiyue Bodhisattva has always been cautiously when he shot.

“Shuiyue Bodhisattva, I haven’t seen it for many years. I can’t think your cultivation base has become more profound.”

The corner of the purple poison ghost emperor’s mouth is filled with a gloomy smile, and his body is glowing with green oil. The fog and the countless changes of fog are as terrifying as the billions of Poisonous Insect. He silhouette faintly discernible. He tried to get rid of Shuiyue Bodhisattva several times, and rushed to grab the colorful refining, but finally failed.

If facing other people, the Purple Poison Ghost Emperor would naturally not be so cautious, but in the face of Shuiyue Bodhisattva, the Purple Poison Ghost Emperor did not dare to be careless, especially when Shuiyue Bodhisattva took When the holy Buddha dust was out, the Purple Poison Ghost Emperor was even more frightened.

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