Supreme Lord

Chapter 2185

“This…Junior Sister, you guys are here too.”

When the Daxing monk saw Shuiyue Bodhisattva, he said hello.

Shuiyue Bodhisattva is just nodded, not at all.

Although the two are fellow apprentices, the relationship is not very good, and they have fallen out several times, and the fight is not the first time.

After the fall of Zen Sect, Shuiyue Bodhisattva has been working hard, hoping to revive Zen Sect. For this reason, how many years Bodhisattva has put in Shuiyue Bodhisattva. I don’t know how much effort and effort has been put into it. That’s all, it also caused trouble everywhere, corrupting Zen Sect’s reputation, so that Pure Land Sect and other Buddhist Eight Sects caught the handle and suppressed Zen Sect everywhere.

This is also the root reason Shuiyue Bodhisattva left Zen Sect that year.

When she thought about it, Zen Sect ended up in Heaven and Earth today, which was more or less caused by the great monk.

Therefore, she hated the Daxing Monk from the bottom of her heart, and once suspected that the Daxing Monk was in collusion with the Buddhist Eight Sects to plot Zen Sect’s Supreme Treasure.

Although this matter has been clearly explained by the monk, but not at all dispels Suyue Bodhisattva’s inner doubts, it is still the case until now, she still does not fully trust the monk.

Beside, the Five Monsters of Black Mountain have been asking all sorts of questions when they met the Daxing Monk, and the Black Mountain Five Monsters never seemed to put the Daxing Monk in their eyes. They followed Little Monk every bite. Just like calling a child, they not only did not put the Daxing monk in their eyes, but also did not seem to put Gu Qingfeng in their eyes.

The landlord, the head of the five monsters, looks normal.

As for the father and daughter of Thunder, plus a Feng Siniang, none of them seem to be normal.

Especially Huotou Tuo, his temper is called a grumpy, holding a double hammer to see no one pleasing to the eye,

When I first met, I wanted to spend time with Gu Qingfeng After a trick, I saw Gu Qingfeng again this time, and kept waving the double hammers in his hands. If it weren’t stopped by the earth metric, it seemed that Huotuo Tuo had to fight Gu Qingfeng.

In the field.

With the appearance of Gu Qingfeng, the atmosphere has become more and more tense.

For the Ghost King, the Monster King and the others, the appearance of Gu Qingfeng may be just shocking.

However, for Dongyue the Great and Lingyin’s Zixia Immortal Realm and Loulan Fudi, the shock was more of anger!

Because they all got news, not long ago, more than a dozen Old Ancestors including Lie Yin Old Ancestor of Zixia Immortal Realm, Yuyang Immortal King, etc., all died tragically in another ruin. Loulan Fudi was even more miserable. More than forty Old Ancestors who had mastered mystery and ingenuity died tragically on the spot. Apart from this, there were five Star Monarchs, two Taoist thrones, and a Taoist king who led the team.

The murderer is not someone else, but Gu Qingfeng!

Although Zixia Immortal Realm was a giant in the wild, more than a dozen Old Ancestors and an Avenue Immortal King died all at once, which is definitely a heavy loss for Zixia Immortal Realm.

Especially in Loulan Fudi, not only did more than forty Old Ancestors died, but also five Star Monarchs, two Tao Thrones, and one Tao King. This can no longer be described as heavy losses. For Loulan Fudi, it was even a disaster.

You must know that those Old Ancestors who died are experienced and knowledgeable seniors with rich cultivation base profound experience. Everyone is the backbone of Loulan Fudi, almost in charge of the lifeline of the resources of a world. Such a death is tantamount to losing the lifeblood of many world resources, and the loss is not disastrous.

The most important thing is that this time Loulan Fudi also has five avenues, Star Monarch, two avenue thrones and one avenue king, who were also obliterated by Gu Qingfeng.

Everyone knows what meaning the existence of the Dao Destiny represents.

After all, he is the one who inherits the destiny of heaven, is the orthodoxy of the great way, and conforms to the will of heaven.

In other words, the destiny of the Dao not only represents the orthodoxy of the Dao, but also the destiny of the Dao.

The name is just right, and the influence is naturally not to be underestimated.

In a sense, it is not an exaggeration to call it the future.

After all, no matter what changes happen in the future, there will definitely be a place in the great destiny.

It is precisely for this reason that the great wilderness giants and Heavenly Paradise will spare no effort to cultivate the great destiny.

The hard work and cost of cultivating a Dao Destiny is unimaginable by an ordinary person. General family sects, including some Immortal Realms, cannot support a Da Da Destiny, and only inheritance has been long. The great wilderness giant and the profound talent of Heavenly Paradise.

Now Loulan Fudi has lost so many Dao Destiny at once. This is simply breaking an arm of Loulan Fudi. Although it will not cause Loulan Fudi to decline since then, it will definitely affect Loulan Fudi’s status in the Great Wilderness.

And at this critical moment that determines the future, losing so many Dao destiny will inevitably miss many opportunities. The consequences caused by when the time comes are unimaginable. If Loulan Fudi has fallen from now on Not impossible.


When everyone in Loulan Fudi heard that the white clothed man in front of them was the emperor, they were all furious, and the headed Lord Lingyin flushed with anger, staring at the word Gu Qingfeng Shouted and shouted: “Family name! Ancient!”

Gu Qingfeng raised his brows and asked in confusion: “What’s the matter?”

“Do you know the old man?”

Gu Qingfeng drank wine, glanced at Lingyin, shook his head, and said bluntly: “I don’t know.”

“old man Lingyin is the Supreme of Loulan Fudi Elder!”

“So what?” Gu Qingfeng looked at Lingyin’s angry look, and said: “Look at your look, it’s stupid that we have enemies? Or what?”

“Have a grudge? ha ha ha ha ha!” Lingyin’s father laughed extremely angry, and the laughter was particularly harsh. He saw his eyes red and gnashing teeth shouting: “Not long ago you killed in another ancient vestige. There are more than forty Elders in Loulan Fudi, apart from this there are five Avenue Star Monarch, two Avenue Thrones, even the old man’s discipline Qingli King died in your hands!”

Ling It’s okay for Yin Gong not to say this. When he said this, everyone else in the court was really startled.

The people at Shui Jing Empress and other Changsheng Pavilion didn’t know that Gu Qingfeng had also come to the ancient black hole. Naturally, they didn’t know about it. At this moment, listening to Lingyin’s grandfather speaks of it, it’s the scalp of listening. It’s numb, including Ghost King, Bloody Monster King, and Water Moon Bodhisattva, as well as Jingyi Bodhisattva and the others.

They all know that the existence of Gu Qingfeng is mysterious and terrifying.

But how mysterious is it, and how terrifying it is.

No one’s psychology has any foundation.

I heard that more than forty Elders from Loulan Fudi, five masters, Star Monarch, two masters, and even Lingyin Gong’s discipline Qingli king died in the hands of Gu Qingfeng. They were shocked.

Whether it is Shuiyue Bodhisattva or Empress of Shuijing, and Bodhisattva of Jingyi, including Emperor Dongyue, they are all possessing great magical power, and they will not be able to transform the general into the mysterious. The old Mysterious Immortal puts his eyes on the Star Monarch and the Throne does not pose any threat to them.

But that’s all.

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