Supreme Lord

Chapter 2181

There are a lot of experts from Loulan Fudi, there are 20-30 people. Although there is no such great God of All Heavens Myriad Realms like Zhuge Yun, there is one who is very good, even the Changsheng Pavilion. Empress is also somewhat afraid.

This person is Lord Lingyin of Loulan Fudi, and he is called Lingyin Lord.

as everyone knows, the word “gong” is the honorary name given by the Jiutianxian Dynasty. Usually, only the Old Senior who has high morals and made great contributions to the Jiutianxian Dynasty will be given the honorary title of the public.

Lord is also a kind of honorific name. Since ancient times, only a region’s Overlord can be honored as Lord, and Lingyin Gong is the master of heaven in the wilderness.

Lingyin is an old Mysterious Immortal. No one knows how old he is. Its cultivation base is deep and unmeasurable, especially because he has an extremely powerful Innate Magical Treasure in his hands. It is called Jiujueshanhaiyin. It is said that it is amazing fortune, Magical Powers are changeable, and the formidable power is endless. In the Great Ancient Era, the Emperor of Heaven was once seriously injured. It is conceivable how terrifying it is.

Although Duke Lingyin has no destiny and no powerful destiny on his body, but with his mental efforts to cultivate one step at a time, the cultivation base, and the great path of Innate Magical Treasure, even if it is Dongyue Great Emperor Zhuge Yun didn’t dare to make any trouble in front of him.

If it were in the All Heavens Myriad Realms in the Great Wilderness, facing the current situation, the centrifugal fairy would not be so frightened.

After all, there is Empress here, even if the people from Zixia Immortal Realm and Loulan Fudi want to snatch, they have to weigh the consequences, even more how in the All Heavens Myriad Realms, They can notify the Changsheng Pavilion with a letter.

The problem is that this is not the All Heavens Myriad Realms in the Great Wilderness, but the mysterious and unknown ancient black hole.

Here, it’s called every day to be unwilling, and the ground is not working well. Don’t say take out a letter talisman, even a thousand letter talisman take out will not help.

Speak morally?

How can there be any moral to say about this kind of thing? Since ancient times, it means speaking by strength, whoever can get it.

Don’t think that Changsheng Pavilion and Loulan are both seventy two blessed places, but the relationship between them is not very good, nor can it be said that the relationship is not good, it can only be said that they are not the same camp.

The leader of Zixia Immortal Realm, Dongyue the Great, is under the throne of Naiyao, and Loulan is also looking at the emperor’s head. The leader of the Changsheng Pavilion is the Fusheng Emperor, and the Fusheng Emperor is not a big one. Under the throne of the sun, not only was it not, but the emperor had also offended the emperor, because the emperor had repeatedly tried to recruit the emperor and was rejected.

In the mind of the centrifugal fairy, if today is facing the Emperor Dongyue of Zixia Immortal Realm and the others, they may be able to cope with the Changsheng Pavilion under the leadership of Shui Jing Empress, but if you add Lingyin from Loulan Fudi is such an expert, so it’s hard to say.

Make the centrifugal fairy even more headache, now they are facing not only Zixia Immortal Realm and Loulan Fudi, apart from this, but also a group of people are also glare like a tiger watching his prey. With.

It’s not human to be precise.

There are demons and ghosts.

The monster is the bloody Monster King under the seat of Black Mountain old monster, and the ghost is the blue ghost Ghost King under the seat of blue light ghost.

Regardless of whether it’s the bloody Monster King or the blue hazel Ghost King, they are all prestigious masters in the Great Wilderness. Each strength is stronger than the other, and the other is stronger than the bloodthirsty and violent. In the ghost road, and even In Nine Nether, there is also a face and a face.

Furthermore, the existences around the bloody monster King and the blue ghost Ghost King are deep and unmeasurable old demons and old ghosts.

Don’t say that the centrifugal fairy is worried, but Empress, as the Empress of the Heavenly Mandate, has no confidence in facing these experts.

She knows very well that if these people take action to snatch her, she and the others will definitely be unable to withstand it.

even more how, now that the brilliance of the colorful lotus blooming everywhere all is, it may attract others at any time, when the time comes, it will only be worse, not to mention keeping the colorful lotus, Whether it can survive or not is unknown.

What should I do?

Shui Jing Empress doesn’t know what to do.

If possible, she really wants Qingqing not to get such good luck as the colorful lotus, so that at least she won’t have to worry about her life. Although she has got the colorful lotus, can she refining it by integrating with it? It’s not clear whether you can survive the hands of these guys who glare like a tiger watching his prey.

The only thing that Shui Jing Empress feels fortunate now is that Shui Yue Bodhisattva is also here.

She has a deep and complicated relationship with Shuiyue Bodhisattva, not only from the avenue, but also from the same sect, as well as from the bloodline, and even from family relationships.

Although the two of them have a normal friendship, they rarely see each other, and even if they have not said anything intimately, they are like the most familiar strangers, but Empress knows that as long as you speak , Shuiyue Bodhisattva will never ignore it.

She glanced at Shuiyue Bodhisattva in the distance. Before she could speak, Shuiyue Bodhisattva’s voice came.

“I am here, you can rest assured.”

Shui Jing Empress was so moved, biting his lip, nodded heavily, sound transmission responded: “Thank you!”

Shuiyue Bodhisattva promised to help, which gave Shui Jing Empress a little bit of confidence.

Shuiyue Bodhisattva’s cultivation base is only stronger than her, and there are five Black Mountain monsters around her.

Others may not know, Empress knows very well that the Five Monsters of Black Mountain were taught by Old Ancestor Black Mountain. Although the temperament is a little weird, its strength is definitely terrifying existence. , Used to make a mess of the West Heaven Buddha Realm. If the Black Mountain Five Devils join forces, I am afraid that no one among the people present will be an opponent.

“It is too early to say thank you, and your situation is very bad. The longer you delay, the more dangerous you will be. Taking advantage of the fact that there are not many people here, I urge you to plan ahead. “

Shuiyue Bodhisattva’s voice came, and Shui Jing Empress responded: “The incident happened suddenly, and I was completely unprepared.”

“Your little girl in the Changsheng Pavilion has no Any awareness?”

“No!” Shui Jing Empress replied: “I have been trying, and Qingqing has not responded. I don’t know what is happening now.”


I don’t know what the colorful lotus is. The water mirror Empress has taken out Divine Consciousness more than once, but it’s useless. I can’t detect its existence at all. It’s not completely impossible to detect, but rather vague and faint. Appointment, it feels like the moon reflected in the water, no matter how you fish it, you can’t get it.

She asked: “Can you detect this colorful lotus flower?”

Shuiyue Bodhisattva shook his head, nodded, and said: “Although it can be detected, it is very vague “

“So are you?” Empress Shui Jing asked in surprise: “What are these seven lotus flowers? Why are they like this?”

“I don’t know either.”


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