Supreme Lord

Chapter 2174

Looking back now, Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know whether he was lucky or his fate was really too hard. Although I don’t know how many lives and deaths he has experienced along the way, fortunately, he can save his life in the end. Carried over.

Back to the Demon Moon Palace that year, after saving the wind month by month, he was once again encircled and suppressed by the experts of many Sect families in the Northwest. Although he had been in the Demon Moon Palace for many years, his cultivation base strength brought it up a level. However, there were too many experts who encircled him back then. Even if he was already incarnate in the past, it would be of no avail. If it weren’t for the mysterious expert who lived in the northwest to rescue him, Gu Qingfeng would definitely bode ill rather. than well.

Gu Qingfeng cultivated for several years in the Taohua Secret Realm of Taohualao Road, and then left the Northwest and started to fight in the Yanluo Dynasty.

I don’t know where Feng Zhuyue learned about him in the Yanluo Dynasty, and even went to him personally. Gu Qingfeng doesn’t want to involve too much with Feng Zhuyue.

The root cause is very complicated.

One is that he has too many enemies in the Northwest, almost everywhere. He has been involved once and windy month by month, so he doesn’t want to hurt her a second time.

Of course.

This may be just an excuse. More reasons may be due to personality, or it may be that Gu Qingfeng is really a romantic, abusive person.

So, when Feng found him month by month, he deliberately lied that he had formed Dao Companion with a woman in the Yanluo Dynasty.

Gu Qingfeng rarely regrets what he has done in his life, but he deliberately lied in order to make Feng forget himself month by month. This incident still makes him regret it when he thinks of it now.

Because after this incident, the wind has changed month by month.

To be precise.

From a tender and charming woman to a female devil who kills without blinking an eye, on the day she inherited the position of the lord of the Demon Moon Palace, she encircled and suppressed the various gates of Gu Qingfeng that year The sects expert are all slaughtered!


It’s massacred!

Anyone who participated in the encirclement and suppression of Gu Qingfeng in the past was killed by her. Many of the large and small Sect families in the northwestern region suffered a disaster for this.

Since then, the Northwest has no longer the name Wind by Month.

Only the Queen of the Borderlands called become terror-stricken at the news.

Later, after Gu Qingfeng learned of this, he regretted it in his heart. He went back to the Northwest for more than one time to look for the wind month by month, but unfortunately, not at all, he never saw it again. The wind passed month by month, not even once.

The name Feng Zhuyue has always been in the deepest part of his heart.

This dream is like a dream returning to ancient times and like a dream returning to a young man.

It’s more real as if you have opened a long dusty heart.

The setting sun is changing, and the waning moon is changing too. For example, half of the yin and half of the yang are mingling, more like the chaos of Tai Chi.

In a trance, Gu Qingfeng seemed to see a woman.

Is a sleeping woman.

Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but shouted his name month by month.

He can feel that this woman is windy month by month.


No matter how he shouted, the woman was still asleep as if she couldn’t hear.

Gu Qingfeng wanted to walk over, but found that it couldn’t work at all. No matter how he walked, he couldn’t walk in front of the woman, just like he is in the ancient vestige reality, and the woman is in the illusory dream.

At this moment, whether it is in reality or in a dream, Gu Qingfeng has long been unclear. He doesn’t care if it is in reality or in a dream. He just wants to wake up the woman.

Ask her if Feng Zhuyue, he has too many thoughts to say to Feng Zhuyue, it is not just an apology.

It’s just that when he shouted again, he was stunned again.

He felt like the sleeping woman in his dream is not Feng Zhuyue, but another woman.

This woman is also very familiar.

It is actually a mandala!

How could it be a mandala?

Keep watching.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that women are mandala.

Looking at it again, it feels like windy month by month.

Looking at it, Gu Qingfeng himself was lost. He didn’t know whether the woman who seemed to be sleeping in a dream was Feng Zhuyue or Mandala.

Boom moment.

Gu Qingfeng’s heart startedled, he thought of a possibility.

As if the woman sleeping in her dream is not only the wind by the month, but also the mandala, the two of them may be past and present.


The dragon bird Empress said that he owed the mandala more than a flower of cause and effect. Gu Qingfeng didn’t understand it at the time, but now he finally understands it.

If Mandala is really a past life of Feng Yueyue, then he really owes more than a flower of cause and effect, but also a life debt.

To this day, he still clearly remembers that when the time comes when the seal of Mandala was broken, he felt that Mandala was deja vu, but he didn’t know what this deja vu belongs to. Now he finally understands. The feeling of deja vu in the mandala belongs to wind by month.

Looking at the woman in her sleep and dream.

It is like looking at the wind month by month, and it is also like looking at the mandala.


I don’t know why, Gu Qingfeng feels more and more strange to the woman sleeping in her dream.


It’s not a stranger, on the contrary, it’s a kind of familiar familiarity.

What really confuses him is that the woman sleeping in his dream still feels like wind by month and mandala, but at the same time it makes him feel that it is not just wind by month. , And it’s not just the Mandala, at least, it’s not the Wind by Moon that he is familiar with, nor the familiar Mandala, and this familiar feeling is getting more and more strange, and the feeling of deja vu is changing more and more. The stronger.


Gu Qingfeng has a name in his mind.


Wuyou Empress!

He didn’t know why he suddenly thought of Wuyou Empress. Perhaps it was the strong deja vu that reminded him involuntarily of Wuyou Empress.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingfeng’s heart couldn’t help but trembled.

If… if the woman sleeping in her dream is not only wind by month, but also mandala, then she belongs to another person.

Wuyou Empress.

To be honest.

Although the fuse together in the past and present lives is rare, it is not uncommon for Gu Qingfeng. Not to mention fuse together in the past and present lives, it is not that he has never seen fuse together in the three lives and three lives.

The first generation of Yunnichang, the second generation of red sleeves, the third generation of Ouyang Ye is the third generation of people.

Including Jun Xuanji, I don’t know how many lives.

Feng Zhuyue and Mandala Brahman are past and present, he can barely accept it, but if you add a Wuyou Empress, this makes Gu Qingfeng a little harder to accept.

Because the existence of Wuyou Empress is too important to him.

His life experience, the blood of original sin within the body, the messy cause and effect of his innocent era, and the unfathomable mystery in the small secret world of quicksand after igniting the original sin karma at Wudao Mountain. Wake up, wait and so on, too many unintelligible things happened to him are related to Wuyou Empress.

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