Supreme Lord

Chapter 2133

“Tell me what’s going on?”

I heard that Gu Qingfeng almost died in the hands of those ancient Old Ancestors. The monk suddenly became interested and hurriedly went over to listen.

“I can’t say a word or two about this, let’s talk about it later.”

Gu Qingfeng pointed to the empty ancient vestige outside and asked: “You Let me talk about where is this place first?”

“This place must be a wild ancient vestige when it appears in a deserted ancient black hole.”

“Nonsense, of course I also know that this place is ancient. Vestige, I asked you what kind of place this is?”

“How do I know what this place is.”

“Okay.” Gu Qingfeng asked again: “Then I should know what’s going on here, right?”

“Knowing a fart, since I broke up with you brat, Laozi has been looking for you brat everywhere in the deserted black hole, and found something wrong here, so I came in Check it out.”

“And then?”

“Then? There is no such thing.” The monk said angrily: “I don’t know anything about this place. I know, but…” Paused, the daxing monk continued: “I wondered what terrifying great character might be, and it was cut open and sealed.”

“great character? How big?”

“Not good said, looking at the posture is not a small thing anyway.”

“Old bald donkey, aren’t you a goddamn from the ancient times? Why don’t you know anything.”

“Lao Tzu told you that although Lao Tzu is a man from ancient times, he has long been samsara reincarnation, and when he was reincarnated, setback occurred. The previous life memory has long been forgotten.”

“You’re so good at this.”

Gu Qingfeng glanced at the monk, shook his head, his words were full of contempt and mockery.

This can make Daxing’s monk not light, shouted: “bastard! You have a good life, right? You have appeared, but what is the situation here?”

Gu Qingfeng didn’t pay attention to him again, glanced at the empty ancient vestige, and found that there were many people hidden here. As for these all are who, he didn’t know and had no interest.


In addition to these people, he also found that many Divine Consciousness are also staring here.

These Divine Consciousness are most likely to be Old Guy from those ancient times.

“Daxing, I want to ask you one thing. When you came, were these Old Guy Divine Consciousness already staring here?”

“Yes, What’s the matter?”

“Nothing, I thought these Old Guys wanted to repeat their tricks again.”

Listening to Gu Qingfeng’s words, the monk became more curious and asked Said: “Gu boy, what did you say was that you were almost obliterated by the Old Guys of the Desolate Ancient Era?”

The Daxing Monk knew that the Old Guys of the Desolate Era even wanted to obliterate Gu Qingfeng. I will do it now. First, the time has not come, second, the situation is unknown, and thirdly, the fate is uncertain, the will of heaven is uncertain, and the signs have not come out. Under such circumstances, it is meaningless to start.

I want to come to the Daxing Monk, if the Old Guys in the ancient times really did something to Gu Qingfeng, then it must be something this kid did that made the Old Guys have to do something to him.

What the hell did this kid do? Those Old Guys are doing it this time?

What’s the original sin that stumped this kid?

Those Old Guys stopped?

This is unlikely.

The old guys in the ancient era are all old men. Even if they don’t want Gu Qingfeng to become the God of Original Sin, they will never stop blindly. They will wait and see and face Gu Qingfeng between Heaven. And Earth’s biggest variable, they can only wait and see apart from watching, there is no other way apart from this.

Watch the timing, the situation, the destiny, the will of heaven, and the signs.

To put it plainly, if fate and providence are on Gu Qingfeng’s side, they will also stand on Gu Qingfeng’s side. If fate and providence want Gu Qingfeng to die, they will also kill Gu Qingfeng.

Think of this.

The Daxing Monk has almost guessed that the previous ridiculous Old Ancestors must have acted in accordance with the situation to see the timing. In other words, it was not the ridiculous Old Ancestors who wanted to obliterate Gu Qingfeng, but other existences, those The ancient Old Ancestor was just a hand that followed the situation and saw the right time.

What exists to obliterate Gu Qingfeng?

Also, Old Ancestor can make a move in accordance with the situation. At that time, Gu Qingfeng’s situation must be nine lives and one death.

The Daxing monk knows that Gu Qingfeng’s strength is beyond imagination, and he can’t even try his best to find the depth. After thinking about it, he can’t think of what kind of existence can put Gu Qingfeng to death. .

What is even more called the Daxing Monk I don’t understand is that if Gu Qingfeng nine deaths and still alive were at that time, in the face of the Old Ancestor of the Hundreds of 80s, how did motherfucker survive this kid? And it seems that this kid is not injured all over.

This is really evil.

The Daxing Monk couldn’t understand how he thought about it. He asked, but Gu Qingfeng didn’t mention a word. This really made the Daxing Monk extremely depressed.



The roar came again, and the trembling void ruins trembled violently, and the star-like rune was also faintly discernible.

Gu Qingfeng has been observing the situation here, and he found that not only are more and more experts hiding here, but also more and more Old Guy Divine Consciousness in those ancient times.

It seems that what the great monk said is right. There must be a terrifying great character sealed here, otherwise, impossible attracts so many experts.


The roar kept coming.

Every time it came, the void ruins became more chaotic and trembling, as if it would explode at any time, and the rune, which looked like a star, was also becoming more blurred and distorted, as if it would collapse at any time.


Another roar came.

hong long long —— 哝巴!

The entire void ruins were tumbling for it, and the rune, like a star, made a crackle sound and collapsed one after another.

At the same time, the array of the Daxing Monk just now was also shocked and disappeared, and the silhouettes of the two appeared.

This roar not only shook them out, but also shook out all the other beings hiding here, good fellow! A glance over, dozens.

Most of them don’t know Gu Qingfeng, but a few Gu Qingfeng have met.

Among them are Emperor Fusheng and Emperor Peacock who just met outside not long ago.

There are also Junior Sister Bodhisattva, a great monk, and Empress, a mysterious witch, including the Black Mountain Five Monsters.

Apart from this, the black liquid Empress I met in Lingluo Tianyu and the old beggar were also there.

If only this is the case, it would not be a surprise to call Gu Qingfeng, he even saw Bai Chou entangled in white cloth among the crowd!

When I came here, I didn’t take a closer look, just glanced at it. At this moment, seeing so many acquaintances, Gu Qingfeng was really surprised.

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