Supreme Lord

Chapter 2131


The roar kept coming.

The ancient vestige, which resembled a void, trembled violently. While trembling, there was also a mysterious rune faintly discernible in the void. These runes filled the void like stars.

What is it?

Gu Qingfeng took out Divine Consciousness cautiously, but he couldn’t see through the profound mystery of these runes, and I don’t know what these runes are, but it faintly felt that it might be a seal.

Is there anything being sealed here?

Not sure.

Gu Qingfeng tried to find a breakthrough in this void ruin, but he just looked around and didn’t find any breakthrough. This void ruin is constantly changing, just like endless void with heavy space. Weird.

What made him even more suspicious was that although he did not find a breakthrough, he discovered that there are many hidden existences in this place.

There are immortals and Buddhas, demons and demons, and there are several Gu Qingfeng who don’t know what they are.

These existences are all who, Gu Qingfeng does not know, the only certain existences are probably not simple.

“Gu kid!”

Suddenly heard someone shouting to himself, Gu Qingfeng was suspicious, turned around to see, a man wearing a ragged monk’s clothes, a ragged cap, and a face full of folds The tattered monk appeared out of thin air in front of him.

It’s not someone else, it’s a monk.


Gu Qingfeng really did not expect to meet the Daxing monk here, and asked: “Why are you here?”

Daxing put his finger on his mouth and signaled Gu Qingfeng not to speak. He waved his hand, and Gu Qingfeng appeared in a mysterious array.


The Daxing Monk did not want to be exposed, so he hid himself and Gu Qingfeng with Formation.

Don’t say, this kind of hiding method is quite brilliant, at least in Gu Qingfeng’s opinion, it is brilliant, but it’s just that.

between Heaven and Earth not at all The means of absolute hiding, even the brilliant means, cannot be absolutely hidden.

even more how this place is expert as clouds, the Formation displayed by the monk, at best, can only hide the power and spiritual aura and so on. As for people, there is no way to escape those experts. Of Dharma Eye.

“Gu boy! Why are you still here?”

The big monk grabbed Gu Qingfeng’s wrist, his face was full of anxious expression, choking his throat to say solemnly: “Didn’t I ask you to leave this place quickly? Why did you brat not listen to persuasion? Why did you run here!”

Gu Qingfeng was a little confused by the words of the monk, he Looking at Daxing in confusion, he asked: “What do you mean? When did you let me leave here? Lord, I just came here, and I don’t even know where this place is.”

“I said It’s not here!”

“Where did you say?”

“I’m talking about a black hole! It’s this ridiculous ancient black hole!” The monk shouted in great anger: “Let you brat quickly leave from the ancient black hole!”

“I said Daxing, are you okay? The good master recruited you? Or did you mess with you? Why did I leave the ancient black hole? , This ancient black hole belongs to your family?”

“motherfucker! Do you know how dangerous your situation is? Lao Tzu tells you that if you don’t leave quickly, this time the most likely thing will happen. Here!”

“Come on, let’s go cool.”

Gu Qingfeng waved his hand, really too lazy to listen to these savage things, every time I met Daxing There is nothing good about the monk, and this time is no exception, until now he is still very upset with the act of the monk who tricked him into it.

This can make the monk anxious.

To be honest.

He previously deceived Gu Qingfeng from the Great Desolation, really wanting to use Gu Qingfeng’s powerful strength to preserve their upcoming Zen Sect secret treasure. Of course, apart from this, he also used his own selfish calculations , That is to help Gu Qingfeng as much as possible to seek original sin, it is best to be able to aspire to Allah.

At first, he felt that from the current situation, only Gu Qingfeng, a lonely man and a widow, might be able to stabilize the chaotic situation.

Secondly, he understands Gu Qingfeng, he knows that Gu Qingfeng is bohemian and has no desire for power. Even if he aspires to the original sin, God will not dominate Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.

In the third time, Gu Qingfeng is the biggest variable. After the aspiration of the original sin, it is also full of unknowns. The cause and effect is that the destiny is the future.

This is a fatal problem in the eyes of others. No one would hope that the future fate of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao is full of unknowns.


In the opinion of the monk, Gu Qingfeng is the biggest variable to aspire to Allah of Original Sin. Although there are disadvantages, it is also beneficial.

The disadvantage is that the future fate of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao is full of unknowns.

Lee is also Heaven and Earth Grand Dao. The fate of the future is full of unknowns.

If someone else aspires to the original sin of Allah, even if the future fate of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao becomes a fixed number, this fixed number may not necessarily change, as long as the fixed number changes, it will cause no end of trouble, even more how, once the destiny of the future becomes a fixed number, no one knows whether the fixed number is good or bad. If it is good, then that’s all. If the fixed number is bad, when the time comes, there is even a chance to save No.

But if Gu Qingfeng is the biggest variable aspiring to Allah of Original Sin, although no one knows whether the future destiny is good or bad, it is precisely because they don’t know that no one dares to act blindly without thinking.

Daxing lunatic monk thinks that this and ancient times has become a mess of porridge, above heaven under earth has been like this from ancient times to the present.

If anyone can suppress this chaos, then this person must be the biggest variable Gu Qingfeng.

To put it plainly.

Daxing monk wants to take a gamble on Gu Qingfeng, not only for himself, but also for Zen Sect, but also for the Heaven and Earth Grand Dao all living beings, and the future cause, effect and destiny.

He knew that this gamble must be risky.

Until he met the witch Empress and after listening to what the witch Empress said, he realized how stupid he was to bet on chess this step, especially when he entered the ancient black hole and found some ulterior motives After the incident, I can say that I regret as much as I regret it. If I regret it, I should not lure Gu Qingfeng into it.

The words that the witch Empress said made him realize that if Gu Qingfeng became the Allah of Original Sin, the consequences would be unimaginable. When the time comes not only could not stabilize the situation, it would even make the chaotic situation even worse. Chaos is ten times more chaotic than it is now.

Now the chaos is nothing more than above heaven under earth, Nine Nether, and Guixu ruins, forbidden land and Holy Land.

And the witch Empress said that if Gu Qingfeng asks the Lord of Original Sin, the curse of original sin will reappear Heaven and Earth. At that time, Yin and Yang will be reversed, time will be disordered, the avenue will fall, Heaven and Earth will end, not now , The past will not be the past…the future will not be the future…

If these words are said by others, the monk will naturally not believe them, but these words are said by the witch Empress. The monk believes that he believes, and he does not believe that he must believe, because he knows that the existence of the witch Empress is worse than that of the ancient unknown who is known as the incarnation of the cause and effect messenger.

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