Supreme Lord

Chapter 2122

I thought that after it was swallowed, the ancient ominous beast would resist fiercely, especially if I couldn’t refining it. I’m afraid the resistance would be even stronger. Maybe it would at all costs backlash myself.

What Gu Qingfeng didn’t expect was that this ominous beast not at all resisted. Instead of resisting, he hid obediently and honestly in the corner like a quail.

This is very abnormal in his opinion.

As the saying goes, there must be a demon if something is abnormal. How ferocious and violent this ominous beast is. Gu Qingfeng has a deep understanding of it. Before, he could not wait to swallow himself. How could it be so honest after being swallowed? .

Gu Qingfeng wondered whether this might be a conspiracy or something.

After I relax my vigilance, this servant will have another surprise attack?

It’s hard to say, and it’s hard to say.

It is not without this kind of probability.

To be honest.

If this is really possible, Gu Qingfeng wouldn’t worry too much. Since he dares to swallow this thing, he is not afraid of the backlash.

He may not be able to refining the ancient ominous beast, but he still has confidence in suppressing it firmly.

After all, now the ancient ominous beast is in his within the body, which is his territory.

even a powerful dragon cannot repress a local snake, if the ominous beast is a strong dragon, then Gu Qingfeng is a local tyrant.

What really worries him is another possibility.

Did the ancient ominous beast find any existence within the body that made it so honest?

In other words, is there something that makes him jealous within the body?

If this is the case, then what is it afraid of?

Is Asura?

Or is it going to fall to Yellow Springs?

Thinking about it, it’s impossible.

I don’t know why, Gu Qingfeng always has a feeling that Asura and Shangqiongbi fall into Yellow Springs, including the ominous beast that has just been swallowed, there seems to be a certain connection between the three. , These three kinds of existence gave him the feeling that there is an inexplicable relationship with original sin.

Think of this.

Gu Qingfeng shook his heart.

He still clearly remembers that when he first entered the ancient black hole, whether it was Asura or Shangqiongbi falling to Yellow Springs, each one was more excited than one excited, and he was always beginning to stir.

Since I merged with an ominous thing in another ancient vestige unfathomable mystery, Asura and Shangqiongbi fell into Yellow Springs and suddenly became very honest, although still excited and excited. They are also beginning to stir, but they are much more low-key than before, and they are obviously quite jealous of the ominous things of the Rush.

This is the case of Asura, and it is the case of Shangqiongbi falling to Yellow Springs. Now this ominous beast is also very honest.

Couldn’t it also be the reason for fear of that ominous thing?

not quite clear.

Gu Qingfeng also didn’t understand.

I only know that if this is the case, then he is in serious trouble this time.

Think about the terrifying existence of even Asura, Shangqiongbi, Yellow Springs, and the ancient ominous beast, who are so afraid of the ominous things of Lao Shizi? How terrifying is that ominous thing?

Apart from this There is one more thing that Gu Qingfeng is worried about.

When he swallowed each other with the ominous beast, his blood within the body suddenly boiled. At that moment, Gu Qingfeng had an unprecedented feeling, feeling that the whole person was sober, and every inch of skin on his body was Full of boundless power.

It’s a pity.

This feeling lasted for a short time, and it was fleeting, and then the blood of original sin became as lifeless and lifeless as before, just like stagnant water.

The blood of his within the body is the blood of original sin. If it boils, does it mean that original sin has awakened?


Gu Qingfeng is very sure that at the moment when the blood of original sin is boiling, his original sin within the body is really like waking up.


Not like, but fact.

Since the original sin karma fire was awakened in Wudao Mountain that year, Gu Qingfeng has not felt the existence of original sin at all, even a little bit.

Now, he has been able to feel the existence of original sin, although that feeling is very vain and ethereal, even faintly discernable, but he is sure that it is original sin.

This makes Gu Qingfeng a little excited.

After all, his purpose in coming to the deserted black hole this time is to seek original sin.

As for whether the original sin can be obtained, Gu Qingfeng is not sure, and can only do his best and do his best.


Just as Gu Qingfeng was thinking about it, a familiar and unfamiliar voice suddenly came to mind in his head.

This sound seems to come from the past, as it comes from the future, as if it comes from another time and space, especially emptiness, especially misty. When the sound sounds, it is like passing through countless years, giving people a very ancient a feeling of.

Hearing this voice, Gu Qingfeng was both surprised and unexpected. He could hear that this was the voice of the old monk, and it was the old monk who lived in the nirvana bone jade.

The original sin karma fire was ignited in Wudao Mountain that year. After Gu Qingfeng’s death and rebirth, the death bone jade that was originally hanging on his neck disappeared. To be precise, it did not disappear, but merged into his Fleshy body, but since then, he has not been able to feel the existence of the nirvana bone jade, and thus lost contact with the old monk.

Later, by chance, Gu Qingfeng entered the mysterious space in the illusory place of the era of innocence and met the old monk.

It was also the time that he knew that this nirvana bone jade belongs to the era of innocence, and the nirvana space in the nirvana bone jade also belongs to the era of innocence, including the old monks living here. era.

It’s a pity.

The last time I met the old monk in False Land, I never met again.

When I heard the voice of the old monk this time, Gu Qingfeng didn’t mention how pleasantly surprised he was. After careful induction, as expected, he felt the dying bone jade, thoughts move next moment Gu Qingfeng Divine Consciousness appeared in a mysterious space.

In this space Yin-Yang Joined Together, light and dark are intertwined, just like a cloud of chaos.

Here is the world in Nirvana Bone Jade.

A nirvana space that he couldn’t see through back then, but still can’t see through.

And in this nirvana space, there is a mountain called Ji Mie Shan, and there is a temple on the mountain called Ji Mie Temple, and there is an old monk who Gu Qingfeng has never seen before. .

Looking at the chaos in the annihilation space, Gu Qingfeng’s heart is a bit complicated, just like an orphan who has been wandering for many years suddenly returning to his hometown, there is an indescribable feeling in his heart.

In recent years, although he has become accustomed to loneliness, he is only used to it, and does not mean enjoying loneliness.

He has never enjoyed loneliness.

He has no father or mother since he was a child, and he has no relatives, let alone the concept of home, and he doesn’t even have a few friends. He only knows the hardships and hardships on this journey, and he has always been with him. Around him, the only one who grew up with him was the old monk who had never met in this space of silence.

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