Supreme Lord

Chapter 2102

The feeling of Asura is stronger than that of Shangqiongbi and Yellow Springs begin to stir.

The feeling of the beginning to stir of the ominous thing is relatively weak, and it is still detectable.

As for the original sin begin to stir, it feels more faintly discernible, sometimes and sometimes not.

If it were not for Gu Qingfeng’s sensitivity to this stuff, he would really not be able to detect it, and he could not even be sure whether the original sin was beginning to stir.

He also doesn’t know exactly what the Scarlet Blood Cauldron is, why everything he saw within the body began to stir when he saw this stuff, including his own kind of unfathomable mystery begin to stir feel.


Things are not at all so simple.

Begin to stir didn’t just kill him.

As soon as the scarlet blood cauldron appeared, Gu Qingfeng discovered that those who had been staring at him secretly began to stir.

At first, he thought the scarlet blood cauldron was such a great magic weapon that the Old Guys who were dormant in the ancient black hole couldn’t bear it.

After a closer look, I found that this was not the case.

If those Old Guys came for the Scarlet Blood Cauldron, they would have taken a shot long ago. Even if they didn’t do it, at least they would have to stare at it.

The problem now is that secretly those terrifying existences don’t at all stare at the Scarlet Blood Cauldron, but instead stare at Gu Qingfeng, and they stare hard.

When the Scarlet Blood Cauldron hadn’t appeared before, the existences in the dark were staring at him, but they were all looking at him as if they were standing far, far away. Even Divine Consciousness hadn’t been probed. Gu Qingfeng, at best, blew on him like a gust of wind.

When the scarlet blood cauldron appeared, those who existed secretly guarded Gu Qingfeng firmly.

That’s right!


And all of them are took out Divine Consciousness locked in Gu Qingfeng, there are as many as 46 Divine Consciousness, each Divine Consciousness is vast, and it is shrouded by so many terrifying Divine Consciousness Gu Qingfeng felt more pressure. It felt like dozens of motionless mountains were pressing on top of his head. His chest was tight and short of breath, and his face was slightly pale.


Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but cursed secretly. Since entering the barren ancient black hole, he knew that there were many beings staring at him in secret, how many, He didn’t know. When chatting with Black Pig Monster King not long ago, he said that dozens of people had been staring at him, and he was nothing serious. It really didn’t expect that there were so many motherfuckers.

What are the meanings of these dormant black holes?

Why didn’t it appear before? After the scarlet blood cauldron appeared, all motherfuckers appeared, and they were all locked in firmly.

What is their purpose?

Do you want to kill Lao Tzu?

Gu Qingfeng thought about it for a while, and found it impossible. If those who exist really wanted to obliterate themselves, they would have done it long ago, so why wait until now.

Looking at the scarlet blood cauldron in front of him, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but fell into contemplation. He felt that the reason for the emergence of more than forty Divine Consciousness was most likely to be related to the scarlet blood cauldron.

What does it matter?

Gu Qingfeng couldn’t understand it for a while.

It feels to him as if those who lie dormant in the dark are afraid that he will come into contact with the scarlet blood cauldron, and look at him to death.

If that’s the case, why don’t they want me to contact the Scarlet Blood Cauldron?

After deliberation, Gu Qingfeng can only think of one possibility.

That is the original sin.

He wondered whether there is really any blood of original sin in the scarlet blood cauldron, and those who dormant in the dark worry that after they merge with the blood of original sin, they will snatch the god of original sin with them?

After thinking about it again, I feel that this is a bit unreasonable.

If this scarlet blood cauldron is really related to original sin, then those lurking in the dark can’t just steal it away, so why stare at yourself so hard? Isn’t this just taking off your pants and farting?

Gu Qingfeng believes that if these existences take the Scarlet Blood Cauldron away, he really has nothing to do.

Said again.

He also believes that if these existences really want to obliterate him, even if he survives by chance, he will definitely not get better.


What tricks did these Old Guys play?

What kind of medicine is sold in bottle gourd?

Gu Qingfeng stood quietly in the sky, thinking and pondering.

In the field.

The river of billowing blood is burning like a flame. The nine-meter-large scarlet blood cauldron is like a terrifying ominous beast in the bloody flame, especially the mysterious rune faintly discernible on the cauldron. At the time, the scarlet blood cauldron became distorted and blurred, as if it had been alive, it was extremely strange.

No one dared to move forward, everyone stood in the air while guarding themselves cautiously, while staring at the scarlet blood cauldron.

Things of the ancient times, even if it is a stone, the shit is a treasure that makes people rob their heads.

even more how now is a cauldron.

They can all see that this scarlet blood cauldron is extraordinary. Even if it is not the Avenue Innate Magical Treasure, it is absolutely the same. It may even be stronger than the legendary Avenue Innate Magical Treasure. If you can grab your hand and hold it for yourself, you can basically walk unhindered in the future.

The question is who dares to snatch it.

The scarlet blood cauldron is not a good thing at first glance. If you blindly shoot, the ghost knows what terrifying things will happen.

Ten thousand steps back, even if the Scarlet Blood Cauldron itself is not so terrifying, there is still no daring to take it, because there is still a more terrifying Youdi standing there. If he does not leave, Give these people hundreds of courage, and no one dared to snatch things in front of Emperor You.

At this time everyone looked towards the Great Emperor Changfeng.

If anyone in the field has the qualifications to fight the Emperor You, then that person must be Emperor Changfeng.

Everyone also hopes that Emperor Changfeng will stand up and suppress Youdi.


The Great Emperor Changfeng was also standing in the sky. Like everyone else, he neither knew what it was for the Scarlet Blood Cauldron, nor could he detect it. The only certainty was the existence of the Scarlet Blood Cauldron. Very mysterious and weird, these two items alone are enough to make everyone afraid to act blindly without thinking.

The Great Emperor Changfeng is no exception.

However, at this moment, he didn’t even bother to guess the scarlet blood cauldron, but stared at Gu Qingfeng suspiciously.

Other people may not be able to see it, but Changfeng the Great knew that just now, dozens of Divine Consciousness suddenly appeared and all of a sudden covered Gu Qingfeng.

Where did these dozens of Divine Consciousness come from, and what kind of existence they belonged to? The Great Emperor Changfeng didn’t know at all. He just tried to investigate it, but he was scared. Shaking, these Divine Consciousness are stronger than he thought, and there are more terrifying. Every Divine Consciousness is vast, like the sun and the moon, and more like Heaven and Earth.

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