Supreme Lord

Chapter 2100

“ha ha ha ha ha!”

The Great Emperor Changfeng burst into laughter suddenly, the laughter was unrestrained and passionate ten thousand zhang, containing countless excitement and surprises, shocking The blood and mist around him all shattered one after another, making this originally gloomy bloody land less terrifying.

It’s just that his laughter really makes others incomprehensible.

I just saw the Great Emperor Changfeng pointing at Gu Qingfeng. Everyone on the scene thought that the Great Emperor Changfeng would do something with Gu Qingfeng, and everyone was looking forward to it. At this time, the Great Emperor Changfeng not only didn’t do anything, but instead Also laughed heartily up.

Why is this?

Bug Changfeng the great emperor is too excited to see the enemy of Youdi?

The excitement is because this time you can finally take revenge for the people?

Is it true?

not quite clear.

I always feel that the atmosphere seems a bit wrong.


Only Chiba Immortal King knew that the reason Changfeng Great Emperor saw Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help laughing heartily. It was indeed because of excitement, but not for revenge, nor for the people. It was because the Great Emperor Changfeng finally saw the Youdi who he had been talking about.

That’s it, nothing else.

For the Great Emperor Changfeng, Gu Qingfeng was not a friend, but definitely not an enemy. There was no personal grievance between the two, not even a single bit.

If they hadn’t had different positions, they might have become confidantes.

Since the Great Emperor Changfeng knew that You Emperor was also in the deserted ancient black hole, he was eager to see You Emperor. Unfortunately, Qianye Immortal King did not allow him to do so.

Although the Great Emperor Changfeng said yes, he knew very well in his heart that as long as the Emperor You was in the ancient vestige, the two would definitely meet. It was only a matter of time.

But what the Great Emperor Changfeng didn’t expect was that when he came to such a mysterious place of blood mist by chance, he saw Emperor You himself.

He was so happy, he couldn’t help laughing out loud.

The opposite.

Gu Qingfeng looked at the laughed heartily Emperor Changfeng, he couldn’t help laughing.

The Great Emperor Changfeng was so excited when he saw him here.

When Gu Qingfeng saw Changfeng the Great, he might not be so excited, but he was definitely surprised and pleasantly surprised.

He has fought countless fights in his entire life, and countless opponents with the same number. In addition, he is relatively forgetful, and there are not many opponents he can remember. Emperor Feng is definitely one.

Among his many opponents, Changfeng Great may not be the most powerful, but he is definitely the one who impressed Gu Qingfeng the most.

To this day I think of the battle that year, whether it is Gu Qingfeng or the Great Emperor Changfeng are full of enthusiasm.

That battle was the most invigorating one ever fought by the Great Emperor Changfeng. Similarly, it was also an impressive battle for Gu Qingfeng.

The Great Emperor Changfeng admires Gu Qingfeng for his unyielding fighting. Gu Qingfeng also admires him for his unyielding indomitable fighting.

The Great Emperor Changfeng admires Gu Qingfeng. The more he fights, the more crazy he gets. Gu Qingfeng admires him the more fights the more brave is.

The battle that year was like the dragon wars, the tiger battles, both equally excellent.

Gu Qingfeng did not convince Emperor Changfeng, and Emperor Changfeng did not convince Gu Qingfeng either.

Furthermore, at the end of the battle that year, the Great Emperor Changfeng who fought was confused, and Gu Qingfeng who fought also was confused. Neither of them knew the result of that fight.

This is also the fundamental reason why Changfeng the Great has always been obsessed with Gu Qingfeng. It is very difficult to be a confidant of birds of a feather in life, and it is even more difficult to win a bird of a feather.

“Youdi, youdi, I didn’t expect that after many years, you and I met again. It’s really not easy.”

“What happened?” Gu Qingfeng squinted his eyes said with a smile: “The scattered ashes and dispersed smoke didn’t beat you last time. You seem to be unconvinced?”

“ha ha ha ha! You are worthy of being the emperor, in ancient times You are so arrogant, you haven’t changed at all in the ancient times, you are still so arrogant!”

The Great Emperor Changfeng nodded, said with a big smile: “Yes! The last battle, I’m really not convinced, how about you, have you been convinced by me?”


Gu Qingfeng laughed dumbfounded and said: “Come on, just you That point of ability wants to convince me, there is definitely no hope in this life, let’s talk about it in the next life.”


Perhaps too excited and too excited , The Great Emperor Changfeng laughed constantly and said: “Without the next life, Gu Changfeng can beat you Gu Tianlang thoroughly in this life!”

“Okay! No problem.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Let’s make a time to make gestures later?”

“Just to my liking!”

After that, the Great Emperor Changfeng laughed again.

In the field.

Zixia Immortal Realm, Yuhua Immortal Realm, Hao Lei Family, Shangqing Sect and Old Ancestor of Loulan Fudi are looking at this scene, you look at me, I look at you, and they all feel a little unable understanding.

I thought that Emperor Changfeng and Emperor You would definitely fight each other, but when I say it, I change my taste. You say one thing to me, these two people, just like two old friends who haven’t seen each other for a long time. Same, just hit it, why is it time to make an appointment? What kind of enemy is this? This is clearly an agreement between old friends.

Isn’t it your deadly enemy between Changfeng Great Emperor and You Emperor?

When did you become an old friend who admires each other?

What is going on here?

Beside, Chiba Immortal King has been very nervous since she came here and the moment she saw Youdi.

Once, she knew that Gu Qingfeng’s existence was terrifying and terrifying.

Secondly, she worries that Gu Qingfeng will fight against Changfeng Great Emperor again when he remembers the things he hated.

Sanlai is also the thing she fears most, and that is that Emperor Changfeng couldn’t help but fight Gu Qingfeng.

You Dao is afraid of what comes.

Gu Qingfeng seems not at all to hate the things of the year, and it does not seem to have the intention of doing hands with the Great Emperor Changfeng, at least, it seems not at all.

I never thought that these two people would even get together when they were talking.

What made the Immortal King of Chiba collapse even more is that the Great Emperor Changfeng agreed.

No matter how the Chiba Immortal King persuaded him to sound transmission behind his back, it would be useless. Changfeng Great Emperor seemed to turn a deaf ear if he hadn’t heard it. This would make Chiba Immortal King angry.

Just as she was about to step forward to pull the Great Emperor Changfeng over, suddenly a mutation occurred in the field.

The originally calm blood spring unfathomable mystery blistered, and the billowing blood mist became denser for a while like smoke.

Such a mutation suddenly pulled the minds of everyone in the field from Gu Qingfeng. Since entering, all their attention has been on Gu Qingfeng’s body. As for what this bloody spring is. No one knows about existence, and no one cares. They care more about Gu Qingfeng’s original sin than the bloody spring.

Now that the blood spring suddenly undergoes mutation, everyone immediately retracted their minds and turned their attention to the blood spring.

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