Supreme Lord

Chapter 2098

But even so.

Lieyin Old Ancestor still hopes that You Di will die in the ancient vestige.

The reason is simple.

If the emperor is dead, even though the chance of their Zixia Immortal Realm’s apologizing to Allah of Original Sin is minimal, however, minimal does not mean that there is no chance. There is still a chance. In case of the good luck of Zixia Immortal Realm, In the end, someone really asks the Lord of Original Sin, this is not impossible.

But if Youdi were not dead, their Zixia Immortal Realm would not have any chance to aspire to Allah of Original Sin, not even a single bit.

Another reason is that the Emperor You is dead, and the giants of all parties may fight for the original sin. No matter who finally aspires to the original sin Allah, they are impossible to go their own way, even more impossible to harm the common people, Zixia Immortal Realm will not perish either.

If the Emperor You finally aspires to become the Lord of Original Sin, if he insists on his own way, who can stop it?

He dared to burn nine days in Ancient Era. In modern times, he dared not to regard all the existence of above heaven under earth in his eyes. It is impossible to imagine what terrifying things he would do if he asked the Lord of Original Sin.

Zixia Immortal Realm thinks this way. Feathering Immortal Realm, Hao Lei Family, including Shangqing Sect, and even all the giants and Heavenly Paradise think so.

In the distance.

The Black Pig Monster King looked at the eyes of many giant Old Ancestors here. He was very clear about the inner thoughts of these giants Old Ancestor, and he was sure that these giants Old Ancestor must be glare like a tiger watching his prey. Following Gu Qingfeng’s idea.

In his opinion, this group of giant Old Ancestor does not have a good bird, motherfucker is not someone who is easy to deal with.

Black Pig Monster King wanted to remind him, but he just looked at Gu Qingfeng who didn’t care, he didn’t know whether he should speak.

At this moment, when a turbulent vortex in the air changed again, a group of dozens of people jumped in from where the ancient vestige came from.

When I saw these people, the expressions of everyone in the venue changed again.

They all know these people, not others, but a group of Old Ancestors in Loulan.

Where does Loulan exist?

Answer, Seventy Two is one of the blessed places, and it is also one of the more famous blessed places in Seventy Two.

It should be said that this Loulan is worthy of seventy two blessed land, such as Zixia, Yuhua and other great wilderness giants this time also came a lot of Old Ancestor, but because of various reasons to act separately, like Zixia Immortal Realm It’s to find Tiankui, while the immortal Immortal Realm moves separately to find the treasure faster. If all Old Ancestors are together, safety is safe, but since then, if other ancient vestige appears treasure, they don’t even know. I missed it.

A dozen or twenty people move together, so that you can ensure safety and scatter in search of secret treasures.

The famous seventy two blessed land like Loulan, the family has a big business, and the powerhouse Old Ancestor is naturally more than the wild giants. In addition, many sleeping Old Ancestors in modern and ancient times are gradually awakening, and the ancient vestige Another opportunity not to be missed, the Old Ancestor from the seventy two blessed land in the 36th cave is sure to be numerous.


When I saw Loulan suddenly come 40-50 Old Ancestor, everyone in the field was still fiercely surprised.

Is it just that?

Of course not.

In addition to the 40-50 Old Ancestor, there are five avenue Star Monarch, two avenue thrones, and the leader is a avenue king.

A few words have been circulating in Dahuang.

The first sentence is that five of the ten fate of the Great Dao will return to Heavenly Paradise.

The second sentence is that Heavenly Paradise holds up half the sky of the Dao’s destiny.

The third sentence is the destiny of Heavenly Paradise, many as dogs.

These three sentences all mean the same thing, that is, 36 cave heavens seventy two. There are many destinies in the great avenue of blessed land, so many that they occupy half of all destiny. Star Monarch is the ancient destiny, and the ancient destiny throne is The seal of the emperor of destiny in the ancient times is the same as the emperor of destiny in the ancient times, since ancient times in all dynasties.

This is not an exaggeration at all, but a fact.

Otherwise, Loulan’s appearance of the lineup alone is enough to see it. Five Star Monarchs, two Tao Thrones, one Tao King, and many great desert giants have a full destiny. Not so much.

It’s only one of Loulan’s teams that has so many destiny. It’s important to know that this time Loulan’s separate actions are definitely not just such a team. You know how many teams Loulan has scattered and how many. Fate.

Five of them, Star Monarch, may not have come to the fore in the modern and ancient times. There are not many people who know them, and the two Dao Thrones are the most prestigious, just like the Kun of the Immortal Realm. Like the Immortal King, I have not only integrated the destiny into myself, but also gave birth to the heart of destiny, the spirit of destiny, the soul of destiny, and the aspect of destiny. They are not just in name only, but also in reality. .

Especially the headed man.

Road number celebration calendar.

Is a great king.

The king, as the name suggests, has inherited both the throne of the Dao and the Star Monarch, which can be said to be an unparalleled destiny.

This king of Qingli had conceived the destiny as early as the middle of Ancient Era. He was extremely powerful. It was one of the most famous and powerful Dao Thrones of the year, although it was only the Dao Throne. , But possesses the power of the Dao Emperor’s Seal. Back then, even a ghost emperor flees the blood. That battle also pushed the Qingli Emperor to the Peak of the Dao Throne. The limelight was for a while, and then suddenly closed for some reason. I thought the meeting would fall.

Everyone thinks that when the ancient times just opened, he actually inherited the fate of the Star Monarch. According to reports, in only ten thousand years, he has cultivated the appearance of the Star Monarch again.

To this day, no one knows how powerful he is.

Looking at the more than fifty people in Loulan’s line, everyone’s inner surprise was far greater than surprise.

If you find a treasure in other places and run into a powerful lineup like Loulan Fudi, they may think of themselves as bad luck. Loulan suddenly came to so many powerhouses, they are definitely not opponents, and they will fight. I can’t get it, don’t say anything else, the strength of King Qingli alone is enough for them to drink a pot. Even if those giant Old Ancestors don’t want to, they have to admit that this is a fact. They can only admit that they are bad luck, apart from this, nothing else. Other ways.

The point is that this is not other places, but the ancient vestige.

There is not only a heavenly demon, but also a mysterious Demon woman, and most importantly, there is a Youdi who everyone is afraid of.

How terrifying is the strength of Gu Qingfeng in Lingluo Tianyu before, no one does not know, has never seen it, and has definitely heard of it.

In the face of Youdi, no matter what noble family, or what prosperity sect, or what great wilderness giant, no matter what giant Old Ancestor, or what Dao destiny, what god, there is each one, don’t say Do it, don’t even dare to breathe.

There are so many powerhouses in Loulan Fudi now, although they may not be Gu Qingfeng’s opponents, but at least everyone can stay together for warmth, and they are not so afraid.

Just when everyone was still in the dark joy, someone jumped down from a turbulent vortex in the air.

Not many people jumped down this time, only seven or eight.

When they recognized the identities of these seven or eight people, their inner surprise completely exhibited one’s feelings in one’s speech.

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