Supreme Lord

Chapter 2090


The thing that worries Black Pig Monster King the most and most fears it happened.

The reason why he wants to leave Gu Qingfeng is that the existence of Gu Qingfeng makes him feel inexplicable fear, apart from this, and there is another more important reason, that is, he knows Gu Qingfeng became the target of all people because he ignited the original sin karma fire and awakened the original sin. Many people suspect that he is the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny. Above heaven under earth I don’t know how many existences have been glare like a tiger watching his prey. His original sin.

Black Pig Monster King has always been afraid of getting into trouble with his upper body and getting involved in Gu Qingfeng’s troubles. When the time comes, I’m afraid I don’t even know how to die.

No matter what, I’ll do whatever I’m afraid of.

It didn’t take long for me to meet Gu Qingfeng, and I started to be targeted by some terrifying existences, and listening to Gu Qingfeng’s meaning, these existences may have been integrated into the ancient black hole, maybe the Old Guy of the ancient era !

Oh heaven!

A catastrophe in the ancient times, even the ancestors of the great avenues that possess great magical power have fallen one after another. Many of the Old Guys in the ruins were also beaten in the ancient times. The Black Pig Monster King is indeed I can’t imagine, and I can’t imagine, what kind of existence is stronger than the ancestor of the Dadao, and can survive the catastrophe of the ancient era?

What should I do?

Run now?

But is it still too late?

Black Pig Monster King confused, his mind is also very confused, he asked nervously: “Gu Uncle, what should we do?”

“What should I do?” Gu Qingfeng shrugged , Said indifferently: “Chill, what else can we do.”

“Shall we be stared at by those terrifying entities?”

“Otherwise?” Gu Qingfeng laughed Then he asked: “What can I do to stump you?”

“How can I be small.” Black Pig Monster King wanted to cry without tears, he knew that there must be nothing good to meet Gu Qingfeng child.

If you didn’t run into Gu Qingfeng, even though he was seriously injured and life or death is uncertain, there is still hope of survival.


After encountering Gu Qingfeng, although he got a lot of vitality, he also scared away the people of Zixia Immortal Realm, but motherfucker is now stared at by someone who does not know how terrifying it is.

In the face of Zixia Immortal Realm, Black Pig Monster King can still jump up and struggle so twice, but if faced with the existence of mysterious unknown terrifying, Black Pig Monster King doesn’t even have the courage to struggle. From the cultivation of Ancient Era to the present, the Black Pig Monster King clearly knows that in the face of absolute strength, any crafty plots and machinations are like a child’s play. Facing the existence of terrifying, there is no other way except waiting for death. selected.

“Uncle Gu, you are… not afraid at all?”

Looking at Gu Qingfeng, who is relaxing and drinking wine, I don’t know that he thought he was visiting brothel. The Black Pig Monster King couldn’t understand it at all. He was stared at by the existence of dozens terrifying from the ancient black hole. How could this guy seem not scared at all. Not only was he not scared, but he didn’t even have any worries. There was no even a little bit of worry. The person staring at existence is not him, but other people.

“It’s okay, I’ve been staring at you all these years, and I’m used to staring now. If no one is staring at him one day, I might think I am missing something.”

Listening to Gu Qingfeng’s words, Black Pig Monster King couldn’t help snarling in his heart. Can you get used to being stared at motherfucker? Is there such a statement?

“Furthermore, it’s useless to be afraid of not being afraid. I’m afraid they will stare. I’m not afraid that they will continue to stare. If there is no way, just let them stare. Show up.”

Gu Qingfeng patted the shoulder of Black Pig Monster King, motioning him to look away, don’t take it seriously.

It’s just…

He is used to it, he can look away, and he can take it seriously.

Black pig Monster King can’t get used to it, he can’t look away, and it’s even more impossible.

For a moment of contemplation, Black Pig Monster King said: “Old Master, I don’t know if I should say something small.”

“Let’s listen.”

“If you say something wrong, you have the right to fart as a kid, don’t take seriously.”

“Okay, let’s talk.”

“Little thinking After thinking about it, no matter how you think about it, you really shouldn’t come to this ridiculous black hole in your old situation.” The black pig Monster King said seriously and seriously: “When the wild ancient vestige appeared in the wild, there were 36 giants in the wild. There are many powerhouses in the seventy two blessed land. Although the small ones did not see the people of Holy Land, I think they should have also come. After all, they are the relics of the ancient era. No one wants to miss it.”

” Even if you don’t say anything about it, you know that those grandsons have always glare like a tiger watching his prey on your old body. If you let them know that you are also in the ancient vestige, the most likely grandsons will not give up.”

Gu Qingfeng laughed, raised his head and took a sip of wine, said with a smile: “Black pig, I understand what you said, if you were me, what would you do? “

“Run quickly, the farther you go, the better.”

“Run?” Gu Qingfeng shook his head helplessly said with a smile: “Where can I go?”

“No matter where you go, it’s safer than staying here.”

“Bullshit, no place is safer than here in my eyes.” Gu Qingfeng said. “After all, this is Heaven Beyond the Heaven endless sea, and it is also a ridiculous black hole. You let me leave here and run back to the Great Wilderness? Master stay here. Anyway, Three Thousand Great Daos’s claws can’t reach here, and run back to the Great Wilderness. Isn’t it a lamb in a tiger’s den?”

Listening to Gu Qingfeng’s words, Black Pig Monster King thought about it carefully, and it really made sense.

The Great Wilderness is the site of Three Thousand Great Daos. Once you step in, you will enter the law of Three Thousand Great Daos. When the time comes, there are endless trials.

And it may be a little dangerous in the ancient black hole, at least the Trial of Three Thousand Great Daos will not come here.


On second thought, Black Pig Monster King feels that this is not the reason. Now Gu Qingfeng’s problem is not the Trial of Three Thousand Great Daos. The enemy he faces is not just Three Thousand Great Daos. Apart from this, there are Guixu Ruins, Holy Land forbidden land, and even more terrifying existences. For example, those who are staring at Gu Qingfeng at this moment, most likely are also directed at the original sin of Gu Qingfeng.

Black Pig Monster King said: “Old Master, the little one is thinking about the current situation. You might as well go back to the Great Wilderness. If you want to talk about the future of this world, the little one may not know, but Speaking of the existence of the ancient vestige, the small ones can understand what it means.”

“Oh, not simple, do you still know this? Let’s listen to it, the ancient vestige means that this life means What?”

“It means that a storm of contention for original sin is about to come. According to rumors, in the ancient era, someone once aspired to the god of original sin, and also opened the era of innocence. This time, the ancient era, the original sin Allah may be born…”

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