Supreme Lord

Chapter 2082

Lieyin Old Ancestor met Changfeng the Great, and it was natural to have a conversation after meeting.

It’s not about talking nonsense to each other, most of the talk is about the ancient black hole.

This time.

Suddenly someone spoke up and said: “It seems that the ancient vestige is really extraordinary. Even the Changfengda Imperial Capital, which has not been seen for a long time, has come here.”

It’s not someone else, it’s Tian Kui. He walked to the front and said, “I have heard the name of Changfeng Great Emperor, and I saw it today, and the name is not in vain.”


The Great Emperor Changfeng frowned slightly, glanced at Tian Kui, and asked suspiciously: “This is?”

Rather than waiting for Lieyin Old Ancestor to speak, Tian Kui took the initiative to stand up , Arched his hands and said: “In the next Tiankui, I have seen Changfeng Great Emperor.”


Hearing this name, Changfeng Great Emperor looked startled and asked: “You Is it Tiankui?”

Not only was Tiankui stunned, even Lieyin Old Ancestor was also stunned. Hearing the words of Emperor Changfeng, it seemed that he had heard of Tiankui?

Should this not be?

Tiankui is the son of original sin secretly cultivated by Zixia Immortal Realm, not to mention that outsiders don’t know, but Zixia Immortal Realm doesn’t know much. How did the Great Emperor Changfeng know?

Of course.

Lieyin Old Ancestor is not afraid that the Great Emperor Changfeng will know.

It’s no secret that it’s no secret that it’s a great wilderness giant or Heavenly Paradise to cultivate children of original sin. They also know each other. Not only do they know which giant which Heavenly Paradise cultivated several sons of original sin, and even the son of original sin has arrived. To what extent, the giants of the wilderness know more or less clearly.

The real name is Lieyin Old Ancestor. The question is, why did the Great Emperor Changfeng react so much after hearing the name Tiankui?

Before there was time to inquire, Emperor Changfeng responded with an apologetic smile and said: “I’m really sorry, I almost forgot important things.”

The Emperor Changfeng suddenly went again. Saying such a sentence inexplicably makes Lie Yin Old Ancestor and the others puzzled.

“It’s like this. In other Immortal Realm, I met several Supreme Elders of you Zixia Immortal Realm. They said that you have separated from a discipline called Tiankui. Looking for him.”

hearing this.

Lieyin Old Ancestor quickly asked: “Oh? The emperor has seen our other Elders in Zixia Immortal Realm, where are they now? There is no danger, right?”

” They are not in any danger. As for where…” Changfeng Great shook his head and said: “I can only say that they are in a barren ancient vestige. As for where the barren ancient vestige is, it is really not clear.”

“As long as they are okay…”

“So, this youngster is the Tiankui who has separated from you?”


The Great Emperor Changfeng looked at Tiankui, nodded, and praised: “Okay, very good, the younger generations will surpass us in time.”

“Hey, you are the one who strayed My god.”

Standing beside Changfeng Great is a tender woman who is the immortal fate Dao Companion of Changfeng Great, and the famous Chiba. Immortal King, and beside Chiba Immortal King, there is a long unearthly girl.

Who is the girl.

Lieyin Old Ancestor didn’t know. At first he thought it was the daughter of Emperor Changfeng and Immortal King of Chiba, but later found out that it was not because he saw that this girl is not a human being. It is a demon.

The girl blinked her big eyes and asked: “Why are you so careless? This is an ancient black hole that is very dangerous. Now that you have followed Sect Elder, you have to listen to the elders. I ran around alone.”

“Just you talk a lot!”

The Chiba Immortal King next to him said helplessly: “She is called Lian’er, it was me not long ago I received a little discipline.”

“so that’s how it is.”

Lieyin Old Ancestor wanted to chat with Changfeng Great Emperor for a while, but he still has to worry Looking for other Old Ancestors of Zixia Immortal Realm, when he was about to leave, Changfeng Great said: “Leeyin Senior, if you just look for Zixia Immortal Realm’s other Old Ancestors, I don’t see it. Waiting for them here.”


Lieyin Old Ancestor was a little confused, and asked: “The emperor, what do you mean… our Zixia Immortal Realm Old Ancestor has also come to this deserted ancient vestige?”

“It shouldn’t be there yet.”

Now Lieyin Old Ancestor doesn’t understand even more.

“Now the ancient black hole is chaotic and too dangerous. When I came from the ancient black hole, I almost had an accident…”

The great emperor Changfeng hasn’t finished yet. Lie Yin Old Ancestor said in a hurry: “Even if the ancient black hole is dangerous, we must find another Elder.”

“It’s not too late to make a decision after you listen to me.”

“The great emperor, please say.”

“The reason why I let you wait here is because the ruins in the ancient black hole are merging with each other. If my guess is good, it will not take long. Inside the ancient black hole The ruins will fuse together to form a complete ancient vestige.”

“Is this…is…really?”

Old Ancestor also found out before coming. The ruins in the desolate ancient black hole are merging with each other. He is just not sure what will happen after the wild ancient vestige merges with each other, whether they collide with each other, swallow each other, or really fuse together to form a larger ancient vestige.

“According to my observation, it should be true, but I dare not be 100% sure. This can only be regarded as a proposal. You can make a decision after your own consideration.”

After saying that, Emperor Changfeng didn’t say too much. After leaving, he left with Chiba Immortal King and little discipline Lian’er.

There are seven or eight people in their entire group, there are old and young, men and women, and they drag their families. It doesn’t look like they came to the ancient vestige to take risks, they are more like coming. Those who travel, especially the disciple Lianer of Immortal King of Chiba, talk and laugh along the way, and are really lively and cute.

Lian’er walked on one side, raising her head and asked: “Master, didn’t you say that Kui was the son of original sin cultivated by Zixia Immortal Realm that day?”

Chiba Immortal King nodded, and asked: “What’s wrong, is there anything wrong?”

“There is nothing wrong, Lian’er just thinks that Kui is not very good that day, it looks ordinary. It’s almost as Lian’er imagined.”

hearing this.

Qianba Immortal King and Changfeng Great looked at each other, and then they both shook their heads and smiled helplessly. Chiba Immortal King said grimly: “Pity, you are not very young, but your tone is not small. It is said that the sons of original sin that others have been training are ordinary. If they are heard by the Old Ancestor of Zixia Immortal Realm, they will not be angry.”

“It was originally very ordinary.”

The Great Emperor Changfeng curiously asked: “Lian’er, do you know any good fortune on Kui that day?”

“Of course I do.”

“Let’s talk about it.”

“It’s nothing more than Shenxing polar body, Tianshi stars, and original sin incarnation, oh! By the way, there is also East-Rising Purple Qi of Zixia Immortal Realm.”

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