Supreme Lord

Chapter 2079

Seeing Tiankui flying, the faces of more than ten Old Ancestors in Zixia Immortal Realm were more ugly, and their hearts were more flustered. Lieyin Old Ancestor was the first to bear the brunt and rushed over to stop Tiankui and sound The transmission passphrase informs Gu Qingfeng’s identity.

“Tiankui, you must be careful, Youdi is definitely not something we can provoke, at least, not now!”

Old Ancestor Lieyin warned Tian with a very severe tone Que.

As today, Kuailai is here, and it is meaningless to say anything else. It is too late to say anything. Lieyin Old Ancestor can only severely warn him, and absolutely cannot provoke Gu Qingfeng.

When he learned that Gu Qingfeng was the famous Youdi, Tian Kui was also shocked.

Like the more than ten Old Ancestors in the venue, although I have never seen Gu Qingfeng before, I have heard too many legends about Gu Qingfeng. I know that the existence of Gu Qingfeng is mysterious, unknown, and strange. Weird.

He is arrogant, but not arrogant. Even if Lieyin Old Ancestor doesn’t say it, he will not provoke Gu Qingfeng.

“Uncle Gu, that bastard is the little Tiankui mentioned earlier.”

In the distance, the black pig Monster King stared fiercely at the Tiankui here, viciously. His eyes looked like a poisonous snake, and he rushed over to shatter Tiankui’s body.


Gu Qingfeng casually glanced at Tiankui.

Don’t say it.

It’s really an incomparable extremely precious body, and it is very likely to be a god-acting polar body.

The legendary god walking polar body fast as lightning, come without a shadow, go without a trace, go up to heaven or down to Hades, omnipotent, very powerful.

apart from this.

Tiankui’s Dao of Destiny, Star Monarch, seems to be extraordinary. The breath of Destiny on his body is not only stronger than Black Pig Monster King’s Throne Destiny, but also stronger than Zixia Immortal Realm Yuyang Immortal King’s Throne Destiny. The breath is powerful, even stronger than most of the thrones of fate that Gu Qingfeng has seen.

This is a rare thing.

Star Monarch is the destiny of the present and ancient, and it is also the last destiny of all destiny ranks. It is logically inferior to the throne’s destiny. Why is the breath of Star Monarch so powerful now?

Stupefied that this servant has been perfectly integrated with the Star Monarch’s destiny, regardless of each other, has conceived the heart, spirit, soul, and appearance of Rao Shizi?

The so-called heart-soul image refers to the heart of destiny, the spirit of destiny, the soul of destiny, and the aspect of destiny.

These are the four major stages of destiny.

In other words, a man of destiny can truly fulfill his destiny only if he conceives the heart, spirit, soul, and aspect of the destiny. At that time, he will be one with the destiny, regardless of each other, you are the destiny, and the destiny is You, no one can take the fate from you anymore.

Any destiny is no exception, whether it is the Destiny Star Monarch, the Destiny Throne, or the Destiny Emperor Seal, etc.


Speaking of which is easy, but it’s another thing to do. Throughout the ages, there are very few people who can truly be one with the destiny.

Most people of destiny can’t even go through the four major stages of destiny at all. Not to mention that it is a luxury to conceive the heart of destiny, that is, fusion with destiny.

For example, Black Pig Monster King is a good example. The destiny he snatched has been more than 100,000 years, and he still cannot fuse together with the destiny. As long as he doesn’t fuse for a day, he will It must be warm to nourish destiny.

Not only the Black Pig Monster King is like this, but also Gu Qingfeng’s Destiny Emperor’s Seal back then. He also failed to integrate that thing, at best, it can only be considered as a temporary integration into himself.

Looking at Rare and wondering, Gu Qingfeng took out to investigate.

After investigation, it was discovered that Tiankui was not at all and the fate of the unity, but the spirit of fate was conceived.

I don’t know what Star Monarch this servant has inherited. The spirit of destiny is really extraordinary, and it feels like a lion transformed by a starlight, with extremely fierce power.

However, Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know much about the Star Monarch destiny, nor can he judge the destiny from the spirit of destiny. I don’t know if it is the legendary destiny. From the spirit of destiny, he wonders most Likely should be the legendary destiny.

As for Tiankui’s original sin, Gu Qingfeng also investigated it just now, and it was indeed the original sin.

Black Pig Monster King previously speculated that Tiankui might have conceived the body of original sin. After investigation, Gu Qingfeng knew that Tiankui had indeed conceived the body of original sin, and it was the incarnation of original sin.

The original sin body and original sin incarnation are two concepts.

The birth of the original sin body is nothing more than the power that can dominate the original sin.

The original sin incarnation is different. The original sin incarnation is the original sin of incarnation.

Based on Gu Qingfeng’s understanding of original sin, once incarnation original sin is like a madman.

The most primordial evil of deep in one’s heart will be released, without humanity and morality, and its own power, fortune, etc. will become extremely violent like a tiger rushing out of the cage.

Apart from this, he also found a powerful fortune in Tiankui’s body.

That thing is growing like a big tree in Tiankui’s dantian. This tree is enveloped by purple clouds and blooms with colorful clouds. It looks extremely mysterious and abstruse. It is not related to Zixia Immortal Realm.

A go up to heaven or down to Hades omnipotent.

Plus a legendary avenue, Star Monarch.

There are also the original sin incarnation and the mysterious Zixia Tree.

In the Great Wilderness.

There may be many acquired original sins like Black Pig Monster King, and there may also be many innate original sins, and there are definitely not many original sin incarnations.

It is not only the incarnation of original sin, but also has the polar body of the gods, and the legendary avenue Star Monarch destiny. Throughout the past and present, there are not many.

I have to say that Zixia Immortal Realm is worthy of being a giant in the wild, and the person of original sin cultivated is really amazing.

“How about, the person who hurt you is here.” Gu Qingfeng smiled and asked: “Do you want revenge?”

Black Pig Monster King nodded, Immediately shook his head again.

He wants revenge, but he also knows that his strength is far from Tiankui. Revenge can only be said later.

“If you want revenge, just go over and kill him directly. Don’t worry, Lord will crush you.”


If you can, black Pig Monster King really wanted to rush to kill Tiankui to avenge his revenge, but he gave up after thinking about it.

Gu Qingfeng ignited his breath of life just now. The Black Pig Monster King is already very grateful and does not want to trouble Gu Qingfeng any more.

Of course.

He also has his own thoughts in his heart.

For Black Pig Monster King, if Gu Qingfeng is really willing to come forward for himself, Tiankui and Zixia Immortal Realm, these Old Ancestors, are not opponents at all. If you kill it, you will kill it, but then What?

Know that Zixia Immortal Realm came this time, not just these Old Ancestors, but a lot of them. Kill these Old Ancestors. What if Zixia Immortal Realm and other Old Ancestors come here?

Gu Qingfeng is willing to come out for himself once, what about the second and third time?

Furthermore, if Tiankui is really killed, Zixia Immortal Realm will be extremely angry if this happens. They don’t dare provoke Gu Qingfeng, they will definitely take this account. Counting to myself, when the time comes is really hard to avoid calamity……

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