Supreme Lord

Chapter 2075

“The surname is ancient! Lao Tzu will never end with you!”

The Black Pig Monster King roared in anger. He knew that in his current situation, he was basically impossible to be Gu Qingfeng’s opponent. He couldn’t stop this palm, but he didn’t want to sit still, he could only resist desperately.

It’s a pity.

Gu Qingfeng’s palm was too fast. When Black Pig Monster King realized it, the palm had already fallen, and it just happened to fall on his top of the head impartially.


The black pig Monster King who was shaking like Five Thunderbolts was numb all over, and then…there was nothing and then…he could feel nothing, not even the pain.

It’s over.


The single thought that came to the mind of Black Pig Monster King was that his fleshy body was scattered ashes and dispersed smoke by Gu Qingfeng.

Think of this.

Black Pig Monster King is as angry as it is, and regret it as much as it is!

He knew that there must be nothing good to see Gu Qingfeng this time.


He knows.

He felt this way the first time he saw Gu Qingfeng from the outside, so when Gu Qingfeng said that he would stay to heal his injuries, Black Pig Monster King finally gave up after thinking about it.

But what he didn’t expect in any way was that Gu Qingfeng, a guy who to have no shame, unexpectedly attacked himself suddenly!

The hatred in Black Pig Monster King’s heart!

He who hates him just wants to get rid of Gu Qingfeng!


At this moment, he can only hate in his heart.

Apart from this, he can’t do anything. The Black Pig Monster King had broken into Nether with Gu Qingfeng before. He clearly knows that Gu Qingfeng seems to be doing nothing, but if he moves, Absolutely more vicious than anyone else, and if this guy doesn’t make a move, as long as he makes a move, it’s not only a sweeping but also a pot-and-drink, it won’t give you any chance of revenge. Not only will you destroy your fleshy body and destroy your soul, but he will also Go to slaughter your whole family.

Thinking of this, Black Pig Monster King is completely desperate, thinking that he might end up living today.

I was thinking, and suddenly I felt something was wrong.

The fleshy body that had disappeared… gradually felt.

Although this feeling is very subtle, Monster King still feels it.

How could this be?

Isn’t Lao Tzu’s fleshy body scattered ashes and dispersed smoke by Gu Qingfeng?

Why do you feel it again now?

Not sure!

Don’t know.

Black Pig Monster King doubted whether this was an illusion before he died, he felt it carefully, and his fleshy body was indeed still there, and it felt clearer and clearer, as if the fog was gradually dissipating , Everything about Fleshy body began to become clear.

What makes Monster King even more unbelievable is that he found his fleshy body full of vitality.

Be aware that the black pig demon King Keshi was seriously injured and weak. The breath of life is like a fire like a candle in the twelfth lunar month, which may be extinguished at any time.

However, now his breath of life has become extremely exuberant. If his breath of life was like candle fire, then his breath of life is like a raging fire, burning the entire winter Twelfth lunar month.


The Black Pig Monster King is completely dumbfounded, his thinking is frozen, his mind is blank, and he can’t understand what is happening at all.

I don’t know how long it took, when the black pig Monster King’s consciousness returned to the fleshy body, he felt it over and over again.


Not an illusion.

His breath of life is indeed very exuberant, exuberant is several times stronger than before without injury, and the injuries on his fleshy body, including the injury of the original deity, meridian muscles and bones, dantian mind, Even the severely frustrated Dao Throne, everything is recovering at an incredible speed in the enveloping breath of life.

If it hadn’t happened to him, Black Pig Monster King couldn’t believe it would be true.

Open your eyes.

Found that he was still in the dark space, and Gu Qingfeng was sitting on the Old Zhang chair while drinking some wine, looking at him with a smile.


The Black Pig Monster King opened his mouth, but didn’t know what to say.

He thought he would be so dead today.

Absolutely did not expect that instead of dying, the breath of life became so exuberant.

Perhaps the contrast between the front and rear is too great, and the big name Black Pig Monster King can’t believe it is true.

He just sat paralyzed on the ground, and felt his fleshy body over and over again. I don’t know how many times he felt it. In the end, Black Pig Monster King finally realized that he was not dreaming. It’s not an illusion, his breath of life is indeed a mess.

Although he didn’t know what was going on, he knew it must be related to Gu Qingfeng’s palm.

“You…you just…that palm…is not…is not to kill me?”

took a deep breath, Black Pig Monster King asked in his heart Doubts.

“Kill you? Why do you want to kill you?”

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Don’t say that we have no grudges, even if we have grudges, I am too lazy to kill you , Let’s talk about it again, if the Lord kills you, do you still need to take action? If you blow it over, you brat will have scattered ashes and dispersed smoke on the spot.”

This is not a big deal.

If other people say this remark, Black Pig Monster King won’t even bother to talk about it, but the person who said this sentence is Gu Qingfeng, it’s very different.

“What…what did you…do to me? How could my breath of life become so exuberant?”

“We two knew each other, even though we were not friends, but also not the enemy, if you don’t say anything else, just rush to the love that we used to break into the Nether Nether together. Lord, I can’t help but die.”

Gu Qingfeng stood up and stretched his waist. , Said without a sentence, saying: “Let you stay here to heal you and you will not be healed. The Lord can only give you a little breath of life. As long as the breath of life is strong, you brat will not die outside.” /p>

The breath of life is very important to all living beings, whether it is an immortal Buddha or a Demon ghost.

Once the breath of life is extinguished, Essence, Qi, and Spirit are also disappeared, as if an oil lamp dies out, not far from death.

It is very difficult to recover the breath of life. Even if you take spirit pill and marvelous medicine with the assistance of Formation, it takes a long time to retreat to gradually recover.

Gu Qingfeng can call Black Pig Monster King with just one palm. The weak breath of life becomes exuberant. This ability is absolutely extremely mysterious and abstruse. It is wonderful and wonderful, at least for Black Pig Monster King. That’s the case, he couldn’t imagine how Gu Qingfeng could make his breath of life so exuberant with one palm.


He thought of a possibility.

As early as in Lingluo Tianyu, he once witnessed Gu Qingfeng took out several taboo roads.

There is the way of silence, the way of death, and the way of the absolute, Slaughtering Dao, and Dao of Life.

Is it the legendary Dao of Life that stumped the palm just now?

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