Supreme Lord

Chapter 2024


Before the Daxing Monk didn’t at all tell the truth with Gu Qingfeng, he said he didn’t know the black clothed person whom Shuiyue Bodhisattva found, nor did he know who the witch was.

Now it seems that he not only knows witches, but also seems to be very familiar with it. It is not difficult to tell that he knows witches, and he has known them for a long time, dating back to the ancient times.


Not all what the Daxing Monk said is a lie, and some two or three of the ten sentences are true. For example, he said that the witch came from the ancient times, this sentence is true .

In fact, it is true.

Speaking of which, not only the witch belongs to the ancient times, but even the monk himself is considered half of the ancient times.

The reason why he is said to be half of the ancient times is because the great monk had already experienced samsara reincarnation before the end of the ancient times. Therefore, he not at all experienced the end of the ancient times. For a terrible catastrophe, it was not that he had the foresight, but that their Zen Sect Old Ancestor had the foresight. In order for Zen Sect to inherit, they sacrificed themselves and helped samsara reincarnation, and escaped the terrifying ancient catastrophe.

“Time flies, the years are flying, I don’t know how many years have passed.”

Perhaps thinking of the years of the ancient times, the monk can’t help it. With a sigh of emotion, whenever I think of things in the ancient times, the Daxing Monk feels melancholy. Looking at the witch, the Daxing Monk asks: “Witch Empress, when did your Senior wake up? Why didn’t you say in advance? Say hello, and the little monk can pick you up for you.”

To be honest.

Although Daxing Monk knows witches and knows that witches are ancient clansman, but that’s all, apart from this, as to what kind of existence a witch is, he is not too clear.

The only thing I know is that witches are like ancient unknowns. Their existence is very mysterious and weird, full of unknowns, and of course, especially terrifying. At least, the monk is extremely jealous of witches. He said that he could hide and hide, and he didn’t even dare to argue with him behind his back. This was the reason why he pretended not to know when he first saw a witch. When Gu Qingfeng asked, he also pretended not to know, not purely for the sake of Pretending to be confused, but he really didn’t want to have anything to do with the witch.

When the catastrophe occurred in the ancient times, humanity, Buddhism, and nature, including Heavenly Dao, fell one after another. Many ancestors of the Dao, the Three Purities of the immortal Dao, and the Five Kings of the Buddha and Dao. Fallen, but the witch survived from the ancient catastrophe.

I want to talk about what the catastrophe of the ancient era was, and how the witch survived the catastrophe.

Perhaps Daxing monk doesn’t know.

This is not important either.

The important thing is that the witch survived the ancient catastrophe, which is enough to show that its existence is unimaginable.

For these years, the monk has been secretly investigating the truth of the ancient catastrophe, and has not investigated As the water recedes, the rocks appear. However, based on various signs, he inferred the catastrophe of the ancient era. It must be related to the ancient clansman, regardless of whether it is an ancient nameless or a witch, they all belong to the ancient clansman.

The opposite.

The witch is dressed in black clothed, wearing a hooded hood, her whole body wrapped tightly, misty and vague, like flames burning, and water rippling, giving people a very unreal feeling, she With his hands behind his back, standing on a ball of light, a faint brilliance glowed all over his body, just looking at the Daxing Monk without a word.

The Daxing Monk felt a little hairy when she saw it, and asked: “Dare to ask Empress the witch, where are my Junior Sister and the Black Mountain Five Monsters?”

“Under my feet.”

The witch’s voice came, and the monk glanced at the ball of light at the witch’s feet. In fact, even if the witch didn’t say anything, he knew that the water moon Bodhisattva and Black The Mountain Five Devils were in the ball of light, but the witch was silent and stared at him. The monk really felt uncomfortable all over, so he had no choice but to find a word. Then he asked: “This… Empress, you and How did my Junior Sister… meet?”

“Shuiyue is destined for me.”

“Oh, this way, it’s good.”

The Daxing Monk couldn’t know the pulse of the witch, and he didn’t dare to say anything. If he could, he didn’t want to see the witch at all. After waiting for a while, no witch could speak. The Daxing Monk couldn’t help but said: “Witch Empress, my Junior Sister, you always take care of it. If nothing happens, Lao Na will leave first…”

tone barely fell, the witch finally spoke and asked, “I ask you , Why do you want to bring him to this ridiculous black hole.”

“Take him?” The Daxing monk touched his bald head, and asked in doubt: “Who?”

” What are you talking about.”

“Are you talking about Guy Gu or Boy Mo?”

“Both of them are the original sinners, they are also the vain me, and also the present Ancient variables, and one goes farther than one on the road of original sin, especially the person surnamed Gu.”

“Yes, what is the matter, what’s the matter?”

“Do you want to help them, let them achieve the Allah of Original Sin?”

“Witch Empress! You can’t talk nonsense about this. Lao Na has never thought of this before. Lao Na called them over. I just wanted to help Lao Na guard the remains of our Zen Sect. Lao Na didn’t expect to run into an ancient black hole…”

The monk earnest and well-meant advised to explain, and the witch on the other side not at all speak, just listening, just looking.

Perhaps I knew that I couldn’t hide it from the witch. After explaining it for a long time, the monk did not continue, and he simply did nothing, and admitted directly: “Well, now that the witch Empress has seen it. , Lao Na doesn’t want to lie to you either, yes, Lao Na really wants to help them and help them, it’s best to ask the Lord of Original Sin, Mo Xiaozi will not say, Lao Na is looking for him for another reason, but Gu Xiaozi, Lao Na is optimistic He also hopes that he can become the Allah of Original Sin!”


“The reason is very simple. There are too many fighting for Allah of Original Sin in modern and ancient times. There are innumerable and innumerable. Not only the great wild giants, but also the Heavenly Paradise, Three Thousand Great Daos, Nine Nether, Heaven and Hell, Guixu Ruins, Holy Land forbidden lands are looting, and everyone wants to claim the original sin of God. Everyone knows that only Allah of Original Sin can unlock the secrets of the Age of No Way. Everyone knows the meaning behind Allah of Original Sin.”

Daxing the monk righteously said: “If Original Sin really will If you choose a God in the modern and ancient times, Lao Na hopes that this person is an ancient boy!”


“If you want to know the reason, Lao Na might as well Let me tell you, the old man is the most humane of all the original sin vain several li face, and all the original sin vain multiple li face the least want to be the god of original sin.”

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