Supreme Lord

Chapter 2021


The big monk grinned said with a smile: “This turbulent vortex is a black hole in the ancient times. I don’t know how many ancient vestiges are in it. What are you excited about Lao Na? Aren’t you excited about it? In ancient times, humanity, Buddhism, Heavenly Dao, and nature all fell in that era. Many avenues, Old Ancestor, also fell in the ancient times. There were too many in the ancient times. What a secret I want to know.”

“Even if there is an ancient vestige, I am afraid it would have been crushed and disappeared in this turbulent vortex.”

“Gu boy, don’t you understand?” Daxing monk explained: “Most of the crushed are ruins from other eras, but black holes were formed since the ancient times. When black holes were formed, the ancient times The most likely ruins of the era were involved. Even though many ruins were crushed by the turbulence, the rest are definitely powerful ruins from the ancient era. If not, our Zen Sect ruins would have already collapsed.”

“It seems very reasonable to hear you say this.” Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and asked: “It’s just that I have been floating in this turbulent vortex for so long, and I haven’t seen one. The ancient vestige, have you seen it?”

“Neither did Lao Na.”

“Isn’t this the equivalent of not saying anything, besides, even if you enter the ancient vestige, what can you do? You can’t stay here for the rest of your life. How to get out is the most important thing.”

“I said Gu boy.”

The Daxing monk stared at Gu with extreme contempt. Qingfeng said: “Lao Na found that your courage is getting smaller and smaller. This is not like you at all. Back then, you brat was fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, and you never thought about the consequences when you did things. How to get out.”

As he was talking, the monk seemed to think of something, mocking said with a smile: “Back then, you brat alone was going to rush to our west, and what else did you say to calm down? We Buddhism Eight Sects, Lao Na advised you not to go, and you can’t come back after you go to Xitian. Do you remember how you brat responded to Lao Na’s at that time?”

“How did you respond?”

“You brat can’t come back if you say that you can’t come back. What’s the worst thing about it, you die if you die, it doesn’t matter, what else can you say, can a living person be suffocated?”

Daxing monk points to Gu Qingfeng said angrily: “If you leave it before, if you encounter an ancient black hole, you brat will definitely be more excited and excited than Lao Na, and will not even consider whether you can go out. Look now, you brat is courageous. Like flies, I said Gu, when did your courage become so small? “

When the monk said so, Gu Qingfeng could only shake his head and smile, and said: “This is not a question of being timid. I used to be young and energetic, not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, so doing things regardless of the consequences, now is different, I have experienced more, I know more or less the sky is how high, how thick the earth is, I don’t dare to toss like before. “

With a sigh, Gu Qingfeng came again: “Besides, the old man is now a lot of people. The old man just wants to live a stable life. “

“Go on! Your motherfucker can only live for 10,000 years, and the damn years of which are spent sleeping. In other words, your brat is less than a thousand years old, so are you old? If you brat is old, what should you do? Do you know how old Lao Na is this year? “

“How old? “

“It’s so old that Lao Na has forgotten it. Lao Na can’t remember how many years he has lived. Anyway, it’s a long, long time. “

Gu Qingfeng laughed dumbly and didn’t speak any more.

“Gu boy, your current mentality is very dangerous. If you are terrified and over-cautious, you may leave. Not far. “The big monk said to Gu Qingfeng very seriously and earnestly: “How come you brat, who is so good, suddenly became like this? Couldn’t it be the ancient nameless lady who gave you something? It is still said that you brat really has an eternal and unknown way. “

Gu Qingfeng startled and asked: “Why do you say that?” “

“Don’t you feel that something is wrong with you?” “

Gu Qingfeng thought about it seriously, and shook his head. He really didn’t feel anything wrong with him, and he didn’t think that the ancient nameless had done anything to him.

“It’s not that Lao Na is instigating the discord, Gu boy, Lao Na sincerely advises you, you should stay away from that old nameless lady, that lady is so evil, she can have a quiet influence with just one look Your state of mind, you met her, and talked about that many with her. If you don’t keep up with her, those words will affect your state of mind. “

Hearing this, Gu Qingfeng suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart. Regarding the Daxing monk, he said that the ancient namelessness can quietly affect the mentality of others. Gu Qingfeng also feels deeply. For this reason, he has always been on guard. For the words that the ancient nameless said, they are also in one ear and out the other, not thinking, not thinking, not thinking, not thinking.

It’s hard to say that I am still careless after all, and I have written an ancient and unknown way, and was affected by her words?

Gu Qingfeng thought about it, but couldn’t think of himself. What’s the change in his state of mind, he asked, “Daxing, if the Lord really learned the ancient and unknown Tao, what would be the consequences? “

“Look! Isn’t it here again? “Daxing monk shouted: “What you brat do now is almost instinctively considering the consequences first, without asking the cause at all. “

“Good fellow! “

Gu Qingfeng took a deep breath, secretly thought was broken, and this time most likely he might really have an ancient nameless way, and yelled: “motherfucker! Lao Tzu knows that the ancient nameless lady is not at ease! What to say to resolve the misunderstanding with Lao Tzu, in the end I still plot against Lao Tzu! Too insidious, I cautiously watched her all the time, didn’t expect finally followed her way! “

“That’s why Lao Na persuades you to stay away forever. “The monk said: “That woman is the messenger of fate after all, the incarnation of cause and effect, there is no human nature at all, and everything she does is for the purpose of causal destiny. “

Gu Qingfeng did not speak any more, but fell into contemplation.

The ancient nameless did not appear early, and did not appear later, why did he appear when he decided to claim the original sin?

At first, Gu Qingfeng also doubted whether the purpose of the ancient nameless appearance was to prevent him from seeking original sin.

But after meeting, the ancient nameless did not mention anything, not only did not mention it. , On the contrary, in a sense, they also use words to tempt or even imply to seek original sin.

Now that I think about it, all these are ancient and unknown routines. The purpose of the ancient unknown is to prevent myself from seeking Original sin.

It’s just that she not at all directly said, nor did she directly do it. Instead, she used her words to quietly affect her mood and make herself suffer from gains and losses, thus giving up seeking original sin.

This method is really called a brilliant, and it corresponds to the old saying, it is better to kill the heart!

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