Supreme Lord

Chapter 2009

Heaven Beyond the Heaven endless sea.

Various turbulences swept like waves. Although Shuiyue Bodhisattva is cultivation base profound and powerful, he still can’t move freely in the turbulence. Even though he is tied to his body, he won’t be caught Getting involved in the turbulence, of course, is nothing more than that.

Like a land duck falling into the water, in addition to struggling, it can only struggle.

At this moment, Shuiyue Bodhisattva can only slowly struggle little by little in the turbulent current to approach the void beast, apart from this, nothing else can be done, because everything Turbulence can Devouring All Living Things, including take out Divine Ability secret art is no exception.

If you can attack the Void Beast from a long distance, it’s not so difficult. However, the take out Divine Ability secret art can’t touch the Void Beast at all. Most likely it will be swallowed by the turbulence. The worst is When took out Magical Powers secret art, most people would give Divine Consciousness to control, so as to be able to attack more accurately.

Once the Magical Powers secret art is swallowed in turn, the Divine Consciousness endowed in the Magical Powers secret art will also be involved. In this case, just like the probe of the took out Divine Consciousness, a bad self Consciousness, including its own soul will be involved in the terrifying turbulence.

Just now Shuiyue Bodhisattva took out a Magical Powers that was caught in the turbulence. Fortunately, she responded in time and cut off Divine Consciousness in the first place. Otherwise, the consequences are really unimaginable, and Divine is cut off. Consciousness will inevitably lead to frustration of the mind. If the mind is frustrated and cannot concentrate, it will be like a waste.


Shuiyue Bodhisattva’s mind is strong enough, after forcibly cutting off Divine Consciousness, although his mind is frustrated, it does not seem to have much impact.


The three of Daxing Epilepsy Monk, Mo Wentian, and Gu Qingfeng can see that after just a few breaths, Shuiyue Bodhisattva is exhausted, and has been repeatedly Being involved in the turbulence, using all your strengths and then rushing out, is a great drain on both the cultivation base and Essence, Qi, and Spirit.

This is also the terrifying place of Heaven Beyond the Heaven endless sea, no matter how high your cultivation base is, no matter how strong your strength is, you will not be able to contend with the endless endless turbulence.

In this way, Shuiyue Bodhisattva tried her best to get close to the void beast.

Get closer.

Finally came to the side of the Void Beast, Shuiyue Bodhisattva took a deep breath, jumped up from the turbulence, the golden light of Buddha dust in his hand bloomed, and the Buddha dust suddenly turned into a thousand strands of fine light. All attacked the void beast.

Thousands of strands of light are like a thousand sharp swords, penetrating the void beast like a rainstorm pear blossom.


The Void Beast made a tearing sound, and flicked its tail abruptly to throw Shuiyue Bodhisattva fiercely out. The battered Void Beast was covered with holes pierced by inches of light, but it didn’t at all died, but screamed, turned around moved towards Shuiyue Bodhisattva and threw himself into the turbulence.

In the space tunnel.

The big monk squatted on a horse stance, folded his hands together, and his fleshy body trembled. Even if he had an immobile golden body, at this moment, he was tied to his waist and was dragged by the universe. Fortunately, Gu Qingfeng and Mo Wentian were helping. Otherwise, the monk would be dragged into the turbulence just now.


Where is Shuiyue Bodhisattva?

I don’t know.

No one knows.

Everyone mentioned their throats in their hearts, and it seems that Shuiyue Bodhisattva can’t be seen. The three monks only knew that Shuiyue Bodhisattva was threw away and was immediately messed up. Flow swallowed, and then the injured Void Beast plunged in the direction moved towards Shuiyue Bodhisattva.

What’s the situation inside?

No one knows, the only thing I know is that the power from Qiankun Ling is getting stronger and stronger. The dragging monk is ashamed and out of breath, Gu Qingfeng and Mo Wentian The two dared not let go. If they were outside, they could still use Power of Fortune, but inside the extremely unstable space tunnel, they didn’t dare to use it except the strength of the fleshy body. Power of Fortune.

As the power from Qiankun Ling became stronger and stronger, the three of them knew that they couldn’t hold on any longer. They looked at each other and saw each other’s concerns.

Just then.

The power on Qiankun Ling suddenly disappeared.


Just so unfathomable mystery disappeared.

Then, the three big monks saw the other end of Qiankun Ling floating out in the turbulence.

Where is Shuiyue Bodhisattva?

Stupefied and swallowed by the Void Beast?

Still swallowed by turbulence?

Or did she know that she was involved in the turbulence and didn’t want to involve the monks and the others, so she unlocked the universe by herself?

The three people’s thoughts are like electricity, and the big monk is even more anxious, and they shouted: “Junior Sister!”

For a moment.

In the turbulent flow, a golden beam shot out. It was not someone else, it was Shuiyue Bodhisattva, but not Shuiyue Bodhisattva.

Because the water and moon Bodhisattva at this moment is really like a golden light and brilliant Bodhisattva, standing on the lotus, there are Three Heads Six Arms, with three heads closed eyes and six arms folded together. Also rushing out with Shuiyue Bodhisattva was the void beast. Shuiyue Bodhisattva suddenly opened his eyes, ten thousand zhang Buddha’s radiance bloomed layer by layer, six arms pushed out one palm, palm like a Buddha, ten thousand mysterious, thousand Thousands of Magical Powers, the palms of Buddha in the sky in an instant.

Bang the moment!

The Void Beast was scattered ashes and dispersed smoke by the palm of the Buddha.

See this scene.

Gu Qingfeng and Mo Wentian both marveled at the power of Shuiyue Bodhisattva, and marveled at the boundlessness of Buddhism, and the Daxing Monk was even more shocked: “This is the palm of my Buddha Thousand-Hand Guanyin. The ancient secret technique Magical Powers, I can’t think that Junior Sister had realized this ancient secret technique after years of retreat. It’s really incredible.”

After killing the Void Beast, Shuiyue Bodhisattva seemed exhausted. , The incarnation disappeared, the true body appeared, the golden brilliance of the whole body also dimmed in an instant, and the whole person fell down like losing consciousness.

“Not good!”

The Daxing monk yelled, without thinking about it, and rushed out. However, Mo Wentian was also charging ahead with him With Gu Qingfeng, the three rushed out almost at the same time.

When the monk charged ahead, the whole person turned into a golden arhat, I saw both of his hands together, rushing in all kinds of turbulence, like walking on the waves Same, extremely fast, hugged the falling Shuiyue Bodhisattva, turned and ran back, when he saw Mo Wentian and Gu Qingfeng also rushed out, the whole person was stupid, and he cursed: “I’m scorning him! What do you two do!”

If you knew that the monk had the ability to gallop in the turbulence, he would kill Gu Qingfeng and he would not come out. Don’t ask God. I will never take personal risks. Don’t ask if there is any greeting to the family of the Daxing Monk, Gu Qingfeng doesn’t know. Anyway, I saw the Daxing Monk incarnation, a golden arhat, holding the water moon Bodhisattva back in the turbulence. While rushing, Gu Qingfeng had already greeted the whole family of the Daxing Monk firmly.

PS: I fell while riding a motorcycle at night two days ago. I was injured and almost disfigured. Fortunately, my hands are still flexible for the time being and I can bear the codewords. The update may be a bit slow in these two days. Take care of everyone.

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