Supreme Lord

Chapter 1982

I want to ask how much space is there in Heaven and Earth.

No one knows.

I only know that the Great Wilderness Heaven and Earth will have spaces conceived and born every moment, some of these spaces have formed all kinds of worlds, and some have formed all kinds of secret worlds. There are also all kinds of Spirit Realm and so on, and there are countless countless ones.


There will be room to fall and die every moment in Heaven and Earth.

Some of these spaces encountered a void storm and collapsed, and some lost their original vitality and fell.


The collapse does not mean disappearance, nor does the fall mean disappearance.

The collapse of space will form many space fragments.

The space that fell is nothing but the orbit of the Heaven and Earth order, and was gradually forgotten and exiled by Heaven and Earth.

These fallen spaces cannot be seen by naked eye, nor can Divine Consciousness be detected, but it does exist, and there are many, too many to count.

According to the legend, as much space as Heaven and Earth conceived, as much space is forgotten.

These forgotten spaces, just like solitary souls, unbound ghosts, are floating in Heaven and Earth. If you encounter storm turbulence, they may be able to reappear, such as those Ancient Vestige. Most of them are the space that suffered catastrophe and fall. After being forgotten by Heaven and Earth, they encountered storm turbulence and saw the sky again.


More forgotten space may never be seen again.

Because the forgotten space has no vitality, coupled with the loss of the warmth of Heaven and Earth, it is like a wandering orphan abandoned by the mother, you don’t know what it will become.

The reason why world space has mountains and waters, flowers and grasses, sun and moon, is because there is not only Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, but also the vitality of nature within the body transform all living things.

If you lose the warmth of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, without nature within the body transform all living things, it will evolve into mysterious, strange and irregular existence over time.

For example, hell, such as the abyss, such as the ruins of the ruins, the ruins, etc., are all formed by forgotten spaces.

Because these forgotten spaces are out of the orbit of Heaven and Earth’s orderly operation, once they fall in, it is almost difficult to return.

Gu Qingfeng strayed into the ancient Transmission Array back then, and ended up in the forgotten space, more than once, but three times.

The first time was to avoid the pursuit of the Three Thousand Great Daos, and strayed into the ancient Transmission Array, because the Transmission Array hadn’t been operating for too long. After Gu Qingfeng was forced to open it, it suddenly collapsed on the way of transmission. As a result, Gu Qingfeng fell into the forgotten space,


Gu Qingfeng still clearly remembers the forgotten space that year, which was filled with a kind of turbid poison qi, even though Gu Qingfeng was a man of good fortune and possessed vast vitality, after falling in, he almost died in it. .

And those spaces don’t know how many years have been forgotten by Heaven and Earth, without any origin, without any vitality, without any order, and without any rules, boundless, infinite, completely irregular. , No matter how powerful you are, you cannot charge ahead.

If there is no order, there will be no enchantment, and there will be no barriers if there is no law, how to charge ahead?

Gu Qingfeng tried his best back then, and couldn’t get out. It was a very weak feeling, and he didn’t know where to go if he was strong.

Finally, I was able to go out. That was Gu Qingfeng’s good luck. I encountered turbulence and the forgotten space returned to the orbit of Heaven and Earth order. Only after this world, I was able to escape.

Since then, Gu Qingfeng has vowed that even if he is beaten to death in the future, he will never go to the ancient Transmission Array again.

Unfortunately, it’s not long.

The second time I fell into the forgotten space.

That time, it was not because of the old Transmission Array, but because of alcoholism.

An Ancient Vestige appeared back then. Gu Qingfeng wondered if he could find some fine wine in his collection. But not long after entering, the Ancient Vestige that had just appeared was unfathomable mystery and left Heaven again. The orbit of and Earth order fell again. Gu Qingfeng’s wine was not found, but was trapped in the forgotten space again.

As for how long he was trapped inside, Gu Qingfeng didn’t know.

Because there is no concept of time in the forgotten space.

With the previous experience, Gu Qingfeng didn’t mess around this time, so he waited for space turbulence. However, this time his luck was not as good as the first time. He waited for a long time. I didn’t wait for the space turbulence, I almost collapsed after waiting until the end.

Gu Qingfeng wondered that waiting this way is not a way. The ghost knows when he can run into space turbulence, but he doesn’t know how to get out of it. It feels that the forgotten space is not in Heaven and Earth at all. It’s the same inside, it’s true. Gu Qingfeng once tried to open the Gate of Samsara to see if it could be samsara reincarnation.


Not at all.

Don’t say that Gate of Samsara is the Gate of Hell. He can’t open any avenue door. There is no avenue in the forgotten space.

In desperation, Gu Qingfeng finally committed suicide.

That’s right!

I committed suicide.

Of course.

Other people committed suicide, maybe they really died, and Gu Qingfeng committed suicide because he wanted to try whether he could leave the forgotten space through death and rebirth.

Fortunately, after Gu Qingfeng scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, the rebirth of death and rebirth really came out of the forgotten space.

I don’t know if Gu Qingfeng did too much evil before, or God deliberately wanted to punish him, and I don’t know if it was bad life or bad luck.

After Gu Qingfeng came out of the forgotten space for the second time, more than ten years later, he fell into the forgotten space again.

The first time I strayed into the ancient Transmission Array.

The second time I entered Ancient Vestige by mistake.

The third time I was judged by all the great roads.

It’s not that he fell into the forgotten space by the trials of all the great avenues, but that there were too many great avenues to judge him back then, not only Heavenly Dao, but also immortal Dao, Buddhist Dao, including Demon Dao, etc. Gu Qingfeng didn’t know how many avenues were going down for the trial, because there were too many trials down, which led to space turbulence and turbulence.

Gu Qingfeng was so forcibly involved in the Forgotten Space by the Void Turbulence.

Falling into the Forgotten Space for the third time, Gu Qingfeng didn’t know how long he had been trapped inside, and he did not commit suicide again, and went out by the means of death and rebirth.

It’s not that I don’t want to.

But this method of death and rebirth, Gu Qingfeng has no way to control it.

It’s not that after scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, there is no certainty to rebirth after death.

On the contrary.

Gu Qingfeng is very sure.

Each time scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, as long as there are no accidents, it can be reborn from the dead.

But the problem lies in the words “No accident.”

Nothing is impossible, Gu Qingfeng dare not say that every scattered ashes and dispersed smoke can definitely be reborn.

Another question is, after death and rebirth, when will you be reborn? Gu Qingfeng cannot control where he is reborn.

You can go out of the oblivion space after the last rebirth from nihilism, and it may not be necessary for the next rebirth from nihilism.

For Gu Qingfeng, every time he perishes and rebirths, it is as if he is forgotten from the track of order.

The difference is that space fell because it broke away from the orbit of the Heaven and Earth order.

And Gu Qingfeng’s death and rebirth, it feels like being out of the track of the order of life, like being forgotten.

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