Supreme Lord

Chapter 198

Wei Qing said that they had a chaos in the Sea of ​​Consciousness 500 years ago, and it gradually began to get better after the catastrophe.

This means that Yun Nishang awakened as a red sleeve 500 years ago. During the catastrophe, he may once again use bloodline to escape. Will he awaken again with another identity after the catastrophe? If so, is it still in the Yunxia faction?

“Is there any female disciple in Yunxia School…”

Gu Qingfeng is about to ask Huo De, whether Yunxia School has a female disciple similar to Hongshou, and he stops after another thought. Live, as if suddenly thinking of something, and dumbly lost said with a smile: “I am confused, Yun Nishang’s soul is now sealed in the lunar seed, and it needs its blood to unlock it, and the sun seed is not correct. Is there a drop of her blood…”

There is no hesitation.

Gu Qingfeng took out the lunar seed that had sealed the soul of the cloud and neon clothes, stretched out his hand and held the seed of the sun in the palm of his hand, several Spirit Art hits, there was a crackle, the seed of sun Suddenly it exploded, and a drop of blood in Yun Nishang floated in the air.

He placed the Lunar Seed in his palm and slowly pushed it over. When a drop of blood came into contact with the Lunar Seed, he swished and was instantly sucked into it, turning the Lunar Seed into blood red. Emphasize blood mist.

“What the hell is that!”

Huo De scrambled to get up and stared. He didn’t know what Gu Qingfeng was doing, he just felt very strange.

“Stand back.”

Gu Qingfeng stared at the lunar seeds emitting blood mist, not only pushed Huo De to the outside, he also retreated outside the stone chamber, if everything If the speculation is correct, the soul sealed in the lunar seed will break open, and the soul of Yun Nishang will appear.

Although he doesn’t know Yun Nishang is who, but based on the things she has done, thinking with toes is definitely not an ordinary master.

Gu Qingfeng has been in Heaven Realm and won the title of Nine Nether. He knows that this world is strange, infinite and endless, and has a lot of terrifying existence, so be careful.


The blood mist fills the entire stone chamber. This blood mist imposing manner is majestic, and the Great Buddha is like invading the sky, and it is also permeating the ancients.

Emitting out, every touch of blood mist seems to contain endless mysterious, endless legal principles, and it is very scary.


Definitely expert!

It is most likely the kind of legendary Roaming Great Dao.

Only a drop of blood of the Roaming Great Dao can be so majestic and contain all kinds of mysterious principles.

The lunar seed floats in the air and trembles violently. The rising winds and scudding clouds within it are all mysterious and condensed, and the blood imprint is blurred and distorted with time. In the past, Dayan Ning’s blood imprint has become more vague, more distorted, and faintly discernible.

bang, completely disappeared.


With a sound of ka-cha, the lunar seeds split a gap.

One, two…Three, four…In another instant, the lunar seeds turned into countless starlight fragments, and at the same time, a vague bloody shadow emerged.

The scarlet shadow is extremely vague, like a silhouette, the outline is extremely vague, and it is not clear at all, because the shadow has been condensing and changing, endless.

“Endless cause and effect, endless cause and effect, continuous cutting, endless cutting, no beginning, no end, no…no…”

“Road of No Return… This is a Road of No Return…”

“One more time…”

“How many times…”


“Reincarnation? Hehe…”

The soul emerged, murmured, and the voice was extremely vague, as if it contained countless vacancy and countless Helpless…

Standing at the door, Gu Qingfeng looked cold, his eyes were quiet, and tried to ask: “Red sleeves?”

No one paid attention to him.

If the soul didn’t hear the same thing, it continued to mumble: “Explore cause and effect…fill cause and effect…cut cause and effect…hehe…again, endless…hehe…”

“Yunni Clothes?”

Gu Qingfeng tried to shout again.

Unfortunately, the soul still ignored it, whispering: “Road of No Return…you are right, this is really a Road of No Return…hehe… once you step on this road , I can’t look back, I can’t…hehe “

“But…how did you do it…”


“You are not born! You are not dead! You are not dead!”

“I searched the Three Thousand Great Daos, I searched the reincarnation in the world, and also searched for Heaven and Earth. Laws, but after all I can’t find you…”

“You…are still alive.”

“I know you are still alive…”

” In that lifetime, in that lifetime, I shook all the sutra barrels, not for the sake of transcendence, just to touch your fingertips.”

“In that lifetime, that lifetime, I was crawling on the mountain road, not for admiration, only To stick to your warmth.”

“Then reincarnate again and again, not to repair the next life, but to renew the front edge with you on the way…”

“You say you Will wait for me…”

“You said…”

“What you said will wait for me… what you said… said…”

The shadow of the soul is getting fuzzy and misty.

Outside the stone chamber, Gu Qingfeng looked suspicious, a little puzzled, thinking about Yun Nishang’s words, but couldn’t figure it out. I don’t know who said these words, what they said, what cause and effect Road of No Return, what kind of reincarnation…what and what is this.

“She is… She is Red Sleeve?” Huo De was stunned. After a while, he choked his throat in astonishment and said: “Gu boy, is she Red Sleeve? I remember that Red Sleeve merged with Yan Yang. What I said behind my heart are these unfathomable mystery words, what reincarnation or cause and effect, just now……”


The soul of Yun Nishang disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Gu Qingfeng also chased after Shan Shen.

Leave only incomparably dazed, incomparably shocked, and terribly frightened Huo De stood there alone, looked left, and looked again, when he wanted to leave, he found that a pair of legs did not listen at all and moved. Can’t move.

The sun is setting.

The sky is a bit cold.

For some reason, the weather has become colder and colder since nature has undergone spiritual changes. Even if the sun is shining brightly, there is also a cold air.

Grade 1 Villa.

In the pavilion.

Ouyang Feiyue sat in a chair and drank booze.

The villa has been closed for many days, and it has not been open since the transformation of nature. Firstly, everyone is busy hunting for treasures and there are too few guests. Secondly, because of Ouyang Ye’s weird bloodline The frequency is getting heavier, and her mood is not good.

She was going to let her see what was going on when Su Wei came over.

But Su Wei will not come here until the end of the year, and there are still a few months. I wonder if the little girl can hold on to that time.

“Why don’t you find him…”

Ouyang Feiyue has been thinking about this issue, because she has heard Ouyang Ye say that the bloodline attack may be related to Gu Qingfeng.

“It’s just that guy…”

Although Ouyang Feiyue was not present at the Chixu Villa a few days ago, she also heard about it.

The man was rampant, bold, and did not say that he killed the Spiritual Sect. Elder of the Ice Profound Sect was also killed by him. Even the Murong Family of the Jiuhua League was also killed by him, still in deficit. The chassis of the head kills.

This kind of person is unidentified, has a mysterious background, and has strange strength!

After thinking about it, Ouyang Feiyue thinks it’s fine. She doesn’t want little girl to have anything to do with that person.


She seemed to perceive something, she looked over, and was startled. She did not know when she appeared in the yard.

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