Supreme Lord

Chapter 1964

“Because at the end of the era of no way, cause and effect and destiny were severely damaged, causing the original source to dry up and almost collapsed. After the end of the era of no way, cause and effect have been sleeping all the time. The ancient is, the ancient is, the ancient is, the ancient is, Only in the modern and ancient times did it begin to recover…”

“Is there anything else?”

Gu Qingfeng thought for a while, raised his head and poured a glass of wine, he also I don’t know whether he should believe the ancient and nameless words, but he has heard about cause and effect, because of the relationship between the era of innocence, and the occurrence of disorder.

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something and asked: “You just said that cause and effect have been hit hard, causing the source to be exhausted…there is the source of cause and effect? ​​is it possible that this thing is also a great way?”


“This All Heavens Myriad Realms, as long as it exists, it is a great road, and the cause and effect is, and destiny is no exception.”

After the ancient nameless said, Cang Yan next to her closed her eyes and one hand. He knocked on the table, and followed the words: “Because of the end of the era of no way, it is not only cause and effect, but also the humanity, the way of nature, and even…”

paused, Cangyan only slowed down Slowly opened his mouth and continued: “Even Heavenly Dao. These avenues have fallen into a long, long sleep with the end of the era of innocence.”

“Heavenly Dao has been sleeping too?”

Gu Qingfeng’s heart is quite shocked. Humanity and the way of nature have been sleeping. He knows it. He is sleeping causally and he can guess how much, but Heavenly Dao has been sleeping for so long. , He heard about this for the first time.

“Why? Are you surprised?” Cangyan’s mouth flicked a playful smile, as if taunting Gu Qingfeng intentionally, and said: “As far as I know, Gu Da Lord, you Senior and Heavenly Dao has been dealing with him for a long, long period of time. Didn’t you notice the difficulties at all?”

At this time, Gu Wuming said: “When he was born, he was already an Ancient At the end of Era, at that time, the origin of the Three Thousand Great Daos was exhausted, and almost all fell asleep. He didn’t notice that it was normal.”

“Hey! I forgot, he was just one Little Brat was born at the end of Ancient Era in a smell of mother’s milk not yet dried.” Cangyan still held his forehead with one hand and closed his eyes, said with a faint smile: “Tell you, Little Brat, if you have experienced Great Ancient Era, If you have also experienced Ancient Era, you will know that Heavenly Dao has always appeared and disappear unpredictably for so many years. He can never show up without showing up. If he can do it with less hands, why? It’s not because the origin has been hit hard and fell asleep. In.”

“Otherwise, do you think the little immortal dao dare to dominate the nine days? Do you dare to claim the first place in the Great Wilderness? If the origin of Heavenly Dao has not been severely damaged, since ancient times, All Heavens Myriad Realms also There won’t be any fanatics that many walk the heavens-defying road…”

tone barely fell, Cang Yan said again: “Of course, you are an exception, I know, even if Heavenly Dao doesn’t Falling into a deep sleep, you should be against the sky or you will still be against the sky, and I also believe that even though Heavenly Dao still dominates Heaven and Earth, I am afraid I still can’t help you.”

“Big girl. “Gu Qingfeng glanced and squinted said with a smile: “Are you laughing at me, or are you laughing at me?”

“Gu Da Lord, your Senior looks at me too highly. Who are you, this All Heavens Myriad Realms, who doesn’t know the capabilities of your Senior, able to suppo rt both heaven and earth, burning up nine days, holding Nine Nether down, sweeping the wilderness, no one is invincible, how can a little girl ridicule you. “

“I didn’t notice it before, you kind of secretly hurt others. “

Gu Qingfeng did not continue to linger with Cangyan, and looked towards the ancient nameless, and said: “You tell me what this means, Heavenly Dao sleeps not sleepy, and your causal destiny sleeps with No, does it have anything to do with me? It’s not that I exhausted the source of their toss and made them sleep. “

The ancient nameless whispered in response: “No matter any avenue, once the source dries up and falls into a deep sleep, the law of order will become unstable, and even disorder, which will be exploited by some people. “

“So what? “

” Therefore, since ancient times, there will be that many people samsara reincarnation. They want to take this opportunity to try to cut off cause and effect, defying heaven changing fate. “

Gu Qingfeng asked again, not salty or indifferent: “What then? I still can’t hear what this has to do with me? “

“Gu Da Lord, you…If you have been so pretending to be confused, do we need to talk about it?” Cang Yan opened her eyes and stared at Gu Qingfeng, and said, “I have brought more than two hundred altars of heaven and righteousness. I dare not say how sincere it is, but I definitely want to talk to you sincerely. It really has no other meaning to resolve the misunderstanding between you and Wuming. “

Gu Qingfeng shrugged, noncommittal, did not speak.

Cang Yan raised his hand to invite a heavenly Tao, poured himself a glass, and then drank it all, saying: “Since you refuse to speak, let me just say it directly. The misunderstanding between you and Wuming is nothing more than suspicion that Wuming has been secretly dominating your causal destiny, but she is not at all, although she is a causal incarnation, the messenger of fate , But it is only the incarnation of cause and effect, the messenger of fate. She is neither causation nor destiny, let alone the causal destiny of anyone. “

“Of course, you may not believe it, but it is a fact. Even if we take a step back, even if the nameless can really dominate the destiny of cause and effect, it will never dominate your cause and effect and destiny. Believe that we don’t say it, you also know that your existence is very special, it is a variable, and it is the biggest variable in the present and ancient times. “

“Variables, cause and effect are complicated and confusing, fate is mysteriously unknown, and heaven is indeterminate. Even if Wuming really wants to dominate your cause and effect and destiny, to be honest, she does not have this ability, nor does she have this ability. “

Gu Qingfeng just lay on his back in the chair, bowed his head, and closed his eyes, did not speak any more, just listened like that.

“I know, you have been I suspect that I interfered with your cause and effect, and even suspect that many of your cause and effect are grafted through me. “An ancient unknown indifferently said: “But I have never intervened in your cause and effect, let alone grafted your cause and effect. “

“I just said that the law of order has always been very unstable due to the sleeping cause and effect, and it is easy to be exploited. Even though I have tried my best to maintain the order of the law of cause and effect for so many years. , I have been trying my best to stop some people from defying heaven changing fate, but… the effect is not ideal. “

The ancient nameless tone has always been very plain, as if talking about a very ordinary thing, but when it comes to cause and effect, his tone seems to be full of helplessness.


“There are too many people who want to defying heaven changing fate…uncountable, uncountable. Some people want to cut off cause and effect, some want to graft cause and effect… Others want to change cause and effect… …There are still people who want to seek cause and effect…”

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