Supreme Lord

Chapter 1955

Ling Luo Tianyu, Plum Blossom Immortal Realm.

This is the Immortal Realm full of plum blossoms. Looking around, there are plum blossoms everywhere, countless and countless, just like a sea of ​​plum blossoms, pink plum blossoms covered with soft The moonlight looks particularly graceful in the night.

Among Merlin.

A woman stood quietly.

The woman is wearing a white clothed.

white clothed is very white, but it is not Shengxue’s white, nor is it holy white, nor is it bright white, but a faint white of Taiyin, white solitary and calm.

Black’s hair rises slightly under the night breeze, like a fire like of darkness burning slightly in the night.

She has a beautiful face.


This beauty is neither charming nor dignified, but sad and sad, just like the most beautiful flowers between Heaven and Earth have been frozen for countless years. , There is only a beautiful appearance, but there is no soul.

She stood.

Just stand like this.

It gives people a very unreal feeling, emptiness and ethereal, as if it does not belong to Heaven and Earth at all, it will disappear at any time.


One silhouette appeared in Plum Immortal Realm.

Is a white clothed man.

The man came in the air, as if walking on the sea of ​​flowers, walking slowly, no plum forest moved, only plum blossoms fell,

not someone else.

It is Gu Qingfeng.

He is here.

Just because I sensed Jun Xuanji.

Just after seeing Jun Xuanji, he stopped again, with a plain face, with a somewhat complicated expression, just looking at Jun Xuanji in the Merlin like this, without saying a word, No.

And Jun Xuanji did not turn around, she still stood quietly, standing under a plum tree, looking at the plum blossoms slowly falling, there was a blur in her eyes, Also reveals a kind of hesitation.

She slowly raised her arm and gently caught a plum blossom. After a long time, she said, “Know… you know? I… once planted a very beautiful flower Flowers…”

Jun Xuanji’s voice is still as erratic as before, as if it came intermittently from far, far away.

She looked at the plum blossom petals in her palm, and said without any emotion: “But…I forgot. I don’t remember where I planted it, nor… I don’t even remember what flower I planted. …I don’t remember why I planted that flower…”

Since Jun Xuanji was lost, Gu Qingfeng has never understood what she said, and this time is no exception, he has no idea. What Jun Xuanji was saying, she didn’t know why she said these things to herself.

Previously, Gu Qingfeng heard from the old Meihua Road here that someone would be disadvantageous to Jun Xuanji, and even prevent Jun Xuanji from waking up, and these people may be the Mysterious Race people who are looking for.

Now that Jun Xuanji has awakened, Gu Qingfeng didn’t at all find any suspicious existence here, or did he say that he was a step late and those mysterious ancient clansman left?

If Jun Xuanji knew what Gu Qingfeng thought in her heart, she said: “They… didn’t show up.”

“I heard they wanted to kill you?”

“They…not you think you can kill me…They…just don’t want me to find myself.”

“I heard that when you were in Great Ancient Era, you buried your soul In the ancestral realm.”

Jun Xuanji shook her head slightly, and responded intermittently: “I said…I used to plant beautiful and beautiful flowers… But I forgot, I forgot to plant I have forgotten what kind of flower I planted and why I planted that flower…”

This time Gu Qingfeng seems to understand, and I also understand the so-called flower in Jun Xuanji’s mouth. , Should be the soul he buried.

“An Old Senior in the Immortal Realm said that you buried your soul in the ancestral realm.”

“It’s just that he thought that’s all…” Jun Xuanji Said: “Not only he thought, many and many existences thought that I buried my soul in the ancestral realm of Lingluo Tianyu…including those ancient clansman, but…the ancestral realm not at all my soul, so…they didn’t Appeared.”

Gu Qingfeng wondered when Jun Xuanji buried her soul, perhaps knowing that the ancient clansman would peep at her soul, so she arranged a lot of false and true doubts, and This Lingluo Ancestral Realm should be one of them.


He really didn’t understand why Jun Xuanji wanted to bury his soul. When he asked, it was no surprise that Jun Xuanji’s answer was the same as he had guessed. I forgot…

“Don’t you want to find the soul you buried?”

“No…no.” Jun Xuanji said: “I just want to… end… all this…”

“It’s the end of all this again…” Gu Qingfeng speechless saying: “What do you want to end?”

“I don’t know…forgot…”

“You don’t know how to end all of this, do you?” Gu Qingfeng exclaimed: “You said that you neither know what you want to end, nor how to end… just like a headless fly Crash everywhere, why not get back the soul you buried, and make things clear before you speak.”

“You don’t understand.” At this moment, Jun Xuanji seems to have lost his soul. Very at a loss, said: “At least, you… don’t understand now.”

“I really don’t understand.”

“You…will understand later.”


“Why do you say that?”

Jun Xuanji not at all answered Gu Qingfeng’s question, but Gu Qingfeng did not continue to ask, facing a gentleman who buried his soul and lost himself Xuanji, what can you ask? Soon, he took out a token, handed it over, and said: “This is the ancestral realm token. The old senior of the plum blossom asked me to give it to you.”


Jun Xuanji never turned around to look at Gu Qingfeng from beginning to end, and stood still so quietly, standing under the plum tree, watching the wind fall The piece of plum blossoms, said: “You keep it.”

“I keep it? It’s useless if I want this stuff.”

“You are not… already Have you decided to go to the Age of Innocence?”

“So.” Gu Qingfeng looked at the ancestral realm token in his hand, and said: “Stupefied this ancestral realm token is related to the era of innocence ?”


Gu Qingfeng’s heart moved. When the light of the ancestral realm flickered, he tried to find it. However, after searching the entire Lingluo realm, he did not find the so-called ancestral realm. I wonder, but if this ancestral realm token is related to the era of innocence, then that is to say… the so-called ancestral realm is not in the Lingluo Tianyu at all, but in the era of innocence?

Thinking about this, Gu Qingfeng asked: “Is the ancestral realm a relic of the innocent era?”


Gu Qingfeng stared at the ancestral realm token in his palm, took out Divine Consciousness, but found nothing, and it was empty inside. At this time, Jun Xuanji’s voice came again: “When I came out… The ancestral realm…has disappeared… Only a thousand years will reappear…”

“We have to wait a thousand years!”

“A thousand years, is it long?”

“Isn’t it long?”

“Hehe…you will get used to…you will be numb…it will be…no one is exception…”


“One more thing, the origin of the ancient world, and the origin of Lingluo Tianyu are also hidden in the ancestral realm?”

“Forgot…I don’t remember… “

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