Supreme Lord

Chapter 1953

“What’s the matter.”

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “I’m still afraid that they will have trouble finding him?”

“You brat is not afraid, but you can’t hold the old man afraid. Ah!” Huo De said irritably: “Since I met you brat, the old man hadn’t had a good day. His mother was worried all day for fear that you brat would be killed.”

“Oh, listening to this, it seems to drive the Lord away?”

“Come on, old man means to make you brat be honest and make you less troublesome, even if something is wrong. Come home, you brat can’t bear it? Just like this time, originally you brat will pass, you have to go out, go out, and you have to have such a big fun, this guy is good, it’s either a giant or Heavenly Paradise, I heard that the Holy Land forbidden land and the Old Ancestor from the ruins of the ruins are here. Even the motherfucker Heavenly Might has come down. You brat almost broke the sky.”

“Let’s have fun. , Of course I’m looking for a great fun.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile playfully: “The Lord originally wanted to have fun with the nine-day immortal dao. Who knows that the nine-day immortal dao is clever this time. There is no way to learn. Others have fun, and they are all out. You have to find some fun, otherwise it’s boring. You say it’s the reason.”

“The key is whether you brat had too much fun. In front of the immortal dao of Nine Heavens, you killed ten Great Dao Destiny. Not to mention, the motherfucker also crushed ten Destiny Hearts in God’s face. Also, the old man found that you brat was so bold It’s getting bigger and bigger, and it’s so big.”

Gu Qingfeng fell into the fire, took a sip of wine, and said: “People suspect that you brat is the original sin. Allah has not wronged you at all. Old man and old man would also suspect that now you brat has already started riding on God’s neck and peeing. When you brat really becomes the original sin, motherfucker will one day really slaughter Three Thousand Great Daos. This world is gone.”


Gu Qingfeng was happy, toasted and drank, and then said seriously: “Huo virtue, tell you the truth, Don’t say you doubt, even I doubt myself It may be Allah of Original Sin. Maybe I will slaughter the Three Thousand Great Daos in an anger in the future. If this world is not pleasing to the eye, it will be destroyed. “

“What! You…”

Looking at Huo De’s astonishment, Gu Qingfeng laughed happily.

“you brat…are you serious, or is it to scare the old man?” “

“It’s just a joke, you are afraid of being a hairy man, even if the Lord really becomes the Allah of Original Sin, can he kill you? “

“If you brat really became the Allah of Original Sin, would the old man still use you to kill it?” Your motherfucker wiped out Heaven and Earth, and the old man would naturally not survive! “

“Don’t say it. “Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “This is really troublesome, but don’t worry, if you really want to Exterminating Heaven and Earth in the future, he will definitely kill you first, and you will never be left alone. Old. “

“Come on! you brat you have no conscience! “Huo De panting with rage said: “Fortunately, Empress said that the book of destiny is a rumor, otherwise today an old man will have to kill you if he fights this old fate. “

“Save it, Huo De, for your old life, I slap it down and tell you to do more than 108,000 times in the Samsara Channel. “

“You bastard, don’t be proud! “The fiery gnashing teeth pointed to Gu Qingfeng, angry shouted: “The old man will beat you down one day. “

At this moment, Little Jin’er next to him suddenly called Gu Qingfeng: “Big Brother.” “

“What’s wrong?” “

Little Jin’er looked at Gu Qingfeng and asked with complicated eyes: “If… Jin’er said yes, if one day in the future, this world cannot accommodate Big Brother, Big Brother really Will destroying heaven extinguishing earth? “

“Why do you ask such a question suddenly?” “

“No, I just heard Big Brother joking with Grandfather Huo De, Jiner was a little curious, so I want to know. “

“Of course not. “

“Why? “

Gu Qingfeng smiled and raised his hand to scrape Little Jin’er’s Qiong nose, and said: “Because Jin’er is still in this world, how could Big Brother destroy this world?” “

“If…when the time comes, Jiner is no longer in Heaven and Earth. “

“Where can you go without being in Heaven and Earth?” “

“Anyway, it’s passed away. Not only Jin’er is not there, Grandfather, Elder sister, all the people that Big Brother cares about are no longer in Heaven and Earth, Big Brother will destroy Heaven and Earth ? “

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, without even thinking about it, and responded: “No. “

“Why? “Little Jin’er tilted his small head slightly, blinked his big smart eyes, and asked: “Since the people Big Brother cares about are passed away, Big Brother has no attachments, and Heaven and Earth can’t accommodate Big. Brother, Big Brother why not Exterminating Heaven and Earth? “

“silly girl. “Gu Qingfeng stared at Little Jin’er, after a while, slightly said with a smile: “Big Brother will not let you disappear in Heaven and Earth.” “

Next to it.

Huo De and Fei Yue both felt a little strange. I don’t know why the good-natured Little Jin’er suddenly asked this question.

Huo De glared at Gu Qingfeng and complained: “You said you brat was joking and didn’t pick a time. I didn’t know that Little Jin’er was here. “After that, Huo De comforted Little Jin’er again, and said: “Jin’er, you Big Brother just joked with me, don’t take it seriously, we are living well, no one will disappear, you Will not disappear, neither will I, nor will your Big Brother disappear. “

“Even more how Tianji Empress has also personally refuted the rumors. Original sin is not a sin, and the ancient boy is not the God of original sin, so don’t think about it. “

Huo De and Fei Yue both persuaded each other. However, Little Jin’er stared at Gu Qingfeng as if he hadn’t heard at all, his eyes were a little red, as if he was about to cry, and continued to ask Said: “If Big Brother must choose one between Jiner and Between Heaven and Earth? “

Without waiting for Gu Qingfeng’s answer, Little Jin’er said again: “Heaven and Earth also includes the grandfather, the elder sister, the elder sister…Big Brother, everyone who cares Among Heaven and Earth, what would Big Brother… choose? “

“Jin’er. “

Gu Qingfeng pulled Little Jin’er over, embraced him, and said: “Do you believe in Big Brother?” “

I don’t know why Jiner buried her head in Gu Qingfeng’s arms and suddenly burst into tears and said: “Jiner believes in Big Brother!” wu wu wu, always believe, Jin’er believes in Big Brother at all times. “

“Since you believe me, Big Brother will tell you that I won’t let you disappear between Heaven and Earth, absolutely! Correct! Do not! meeting! No matter when I will not, if I make a choice between Jiner and between Heaven and Earth, I will definitely choose Jiner. If Three Thousand Great Daos can’t accommodate you, I will kill Three Thousand Great Daos, Heaven and Earth. If Earth cannot tolerate you, I will destroy this world. “

“wu wu wu ……”

Little Jin’er was lying in Gu Qingfeng’s arms in pain.

Little Jin’er cried very much. For a long time, the tears of crying dried up, and I was exhausted from crying, maybe because I was tired of crying, Little Jin’er just fell asleep in Gu Qingfeng’s arms.

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