Supreme Lord

Chapter 1946

“Don’t push yourself… crazy… okay?”

In the sky, Jun Xuanji’s faint voice came again, still full of hesitation and confusion, still intermittent, giving people It feels as if consciousness is also intermittent, speaking very incoherently, and every word spoken is like consciousness wandering between vague and clear.

It’s just that many people can’t understand what she said.

Nalan Qianqiu and Mo Ruyi do not understand.

Black liquid Empress and old beggar do not understand either.

Even Bai Chou, who has the same blood of original sin within the body and Gu Qingfeng, is puzzled.

What does it mean to not drive yourself crazy?

Stupefied Gu Qingfeng, has been driving madness?

Is anyone between Heaven and Earth driving themselves crazy?

Usually, it is too late for everyone to avoid it, how can someone drive themselves crazy.

How can there be such a thing.


I don’t understand.

No one knows.

“Don’t… force them anymore… who can come forward… are… killed by you… who didn’t come forward… you… force them… they… won’t come forward either .”

Just now, Jun Xuanji’s words were difficult to understand, and this sentence was even more incomprehensible.

Black liquid Empress, old beggar and the others all know that until now are all those great deserts Old Ancestor and Heavenly Paradise are forcing nine days of immortal dao and Heavenly Dao to kill Gu Qingfeng. The persecution fails, so they retreat But be second to try.

Why listen to Jun Xuanji’s voice now, it seems that Gu Qingfeng is not only forcing the Old Ancestor of the great wilderness giant Heavenly Paradise to take action, but he is also forcing the nine days immortal dao and Heavenly Dao, including hibernating in the dark The Holy Land forbidden land and Guixu hands-on.

What is the reason?

Those Old Ancestor forced immortal dao and Heavenly Dao to obliterate him?

And why did he force immortal dao and Heavenly Dao to do it?

Frustrated him tired of living?

Want to commit suicide?

Is it possible?

If you really want to commit suicide, let those Old Ancestor kill him, why bother to fight back?

But if it wasn’t suicide, why did he force all beings to do something?

“You…don’t wait for her anymore…she knows what you think…”

Jun Xuanji’s voice came intermittently again: “As long as… You are here… she… won’t show up…”

In the Foreign Domain of Lingluo Tianyu, on the black liquid mountain, the old beggar asked in a low voice: “Who is she talking about in Jun Xuanji’s mouth? “

Black liquid Empress responded: “If my guess is good…it should be unknown.”

“The old man thinks so, but the problem is…” Old beggar scratched Scratching his head, he asked: “Eternal Wuming should have known what happened here, and it was she who came forward to suppress the nine days immortal dao. In that case, why didn’t she show up to stop it? This is not common sense. , And Jun Xuanji said that as long as this kid is here, the eternal namelessness will not appear. What is the reason?”

Black liquid Empress shook her head, she didn’t know.

Just then, an immature voice sounded in the sky.

“Big Brother.”

Everyone looked over and saw a young girl rushing out.

The girl is wearing a red dress inside and a white tulle outside. Her long hair falls naturally, giving people a very smart feeling, cute and cute. Nalan in the corner At a glance, Qian Qiu recognized that this girl was not someone else, it was Little Jin’er.

Seeing the appearance of Little Jin’er, she wanted to rush over and shout at Little Jin’er. After all, Gu Qingfeng at this moment is very emotionally unstable, and like a madman, she is worried that Gu Qingfeng is confused She was confused and could not recognize Little Jin’er. However, this thought was fleeting in her mind, and then she gave up because she suddenly remembered what Junior Sister Su Wei once said, if this All Heavens Myriad Realms If anyone can persuade Gu Qingfeng, then this person must be Little Jin’er, and only Little Jin’er can persuade Gu Qingfeng.

“Big Brother……”

Little Jin’er rushed over, plunged into Gu Qingfeng’s arms, and said: “Don’t force yourself, okay……”


That’s strange.

When Little Jin’er appeared, the sky of blood gradually dissipated, the sky full of chaotic rainbow light, the sky full of immortals and all phenomena, the burning dark fire, the boiling quiet water, roaring The song of killing, the fluttering wind of death, everything seems to fade away with the appearance of Little Jin’er, just like the sun that appeared in World of Ice and Snow, the snow gradually melted…

Including Gu Qingfeng’s bloody flames, and even the faintly discernible blood in Gu Qingfeng’s eyes melted with the appearance of Little Jin’er…

“Jin’er Knowing what Big Brother wants to do, and knowing these things Big Brother has to do, Jin’er shouldn’t make her own way to persuade Big Brother, but… But seeing Big Brother unhappy, Jin’er is really… sad… “

Little Jin’er threw himself in Gu Qingfeng’s arms, choked up and cried very uncomfortably, Gu Qingfeng raised his hand and wiped the tears from the corner of Little Jin’er’s eyes with the corner of his clothes, said with a slight smile: “Jin’er doesn’t cry, Big Brother is not unhappy, I just… pretend to be angry and scare them.”

“Big Brother, let’s… go back, okay Jin’er doesn’t like here…I don’t like them.”

“Since Jin’er doesn’t like them, then we will go back.”

Gu Qingfeng raised his hand to hug Little Jin’er Get up, take a step out, and the void flows under his feet like a wave. Then, his heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, tyrant voice comes.

“the blue mountains never grow old and the green waters flow on forever, Gu Mou still said that, I don’t care what you are, what Heavenly Paradise, or what you are Three Thousand Great Daos If you want to fight, I will fight, and those who come will not refuse, stay with you to the end, and never die.”

Gu Qingfeng left with Little Jin’er in his arms, but his voice was like a curse Reverberating constantly in the sky, shocked All Heavens Myriad Realms, and shocked all living beings.

Foreign Domain black liquid on the mountain.

Old beggar asked: “Who is this little girl? It looks pretty wicked, what is her relationship with this kid?”

“Who is the little girl, I don’t know. I only know that when the ancient times just opened, Emperor You used to fight the immortal dao and Buddhism alone for this little girl. Not only did he slaughter the nine-day purification dragon, but also the five kings of the West Heavenly Buddha Dao.”

“There are still such things?” The old beggar astonished, and said: “immortal dao why did the Buddhist Dao kill this little girl?”

“Because the rumored little girl caused the blood moon to come , And… it’s still the blood moon of the innocent age.”

When he heard this, the old beggar slammed in his heart and said in amazement: “You mean the ancient Early-Stage, the innocent blood moon is This little girl brought it out?”

“Old beggar.”

Black liquid Empress sighed: “You should really take time to understand what happened in the ancient times Otherwise, your ignorance is really annoying and annoying!”

“Old fogey, isn’t this just leaving the customs.”

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