Supreme Lord

Chapter 194

“Later, the Sect Founder of the Ice Profound Sect left behind the Heart of Ice Profound, and after passing down the position of Sect Master, mysterious disappeared.”

“I heard that there were also many Sect experts back then. I went to snatch the Heart of Ice Profound. It’s a pity. Although the Ancestral Master disappeared, the new Sect Master is also very powerful after integrating the Heart of Ice Profound. It knocked those people down.”

” I heard that when it was the turn of the Third Generation Sect Master, Bingxuan’s Heart was robbed by an expert once, and the expert was frozen into ice sculpture on the 2nd day…”

” Since then, everyone knows that the Ice Profound Heart of the Ice Profound Sect is very mysterious and peculiar, but no one dares to snatch it again, and the Ice Profound Sect has grown stronger with the development year after year, becoming the first in the surrounding area. sect.”

“To this day, no one knows the identity and background of the Ancestral Master of the Ice Profound School. Many people call her Bingxuan Empress, and some people say her name is Yun Nishang. As for her Whether Senior died or disappeared back then…no one understands.”

“I remember you said that your Yunxia Sect and Ice Profound Sect are related, and the two Ancestral Masters are still fellow apprentices or something. “Gu Qingfeng asked: “In that case, don’t you Ancestral Master know her whereabouts?”

“Don’t mention it.”

Huode waved his hand and took a sip Xiao Jiu’er said: “When the Ancestral Master of the Ice Profound Sect disappeared, our Ancestral Master also disappeared…today is whereabouts unknown.”


Gu Qingfeng knows that there must be a connection between the heart of the ice mysterious and the heart of the sun, thinking that there is a connection between the Ancestral Master of the Ice Profound School and the Ancestral Master of the Yunxia School. At this moment, I heard Huo De said that Yun Ni Chang disappeared. At the same time, Yunxia Sect Ancestral Master also disappeared. It seemed that this matter was really complicated enough.

“As for whether our Ancestral Master and Ice Profound Ancestral Master are fellow apprentices, no one knows about it, everyone is guessing.”

The origin of the Xuan Sect and the Yunxia Sect, Huo De is also a face of doubt and melancholy, saying: “One Ice Profound Heart, one Sun Heart, and the two Ancestral Masters disappeared at the same time. After disappearing, they will explain the Sect Master generation after generation. Inheritance goes down, and the two Sect Masters can be Yin and Yang Dual Cultivation.”

After taking a sip of wine, the fire snorted, and said: “You think, if it’s not the fellow apprentices, we Yunxia School and Bingxuan Will you send two Ancestral Masters to explain these things? And our Yunxia Sect was formerly called Yanyang Sect. Later, I heard that Yun Nishang came, and then our Ancestral Master changed Yanyang to Yunxia. Listen to the name Yunxia , There is a cloud character in it, the Ancestral Master of the Ice Profound School and surnamed Yun…the two disappear at the same time…tsk tsk…If it weren’t for the loving fellow apprentices, would it be so ambiguous?”

Gu Qingfeng pondered carefully, nodded, and felt that what Huode said was not unreasonable.

The only thing that puzzled him was that he originally suspected that he had a cause and effect with Yun Nishang. After checking and finding out an Ancestral Master of the Yunxia School, what does this matter have to do with him? After pondering for a moment, he asked: “Who is your Ancestral Master?”

Huo De didn’t even think about it, and shook his head very neatly to answer that he didn’t know.

“I don’t know? You don’t even know who your Ancestral Master is?”

“Ancestor, don’t say I don’t know, you can ask me a few senior and junior brothers Who knows? If the third elder Yunxia is still alive, they don’t know.” Huo De cried his face, his expression was a bit complicated, seemingly helpless, and said: “Don’t talk about the identity and background of our Ancestral Masters, even I don’t know what Ancestral Master’s name is.”

Gu Qingfeng murmured, holding the wine glass, “It’s so evil!”

“Evil? Tell you, ancestor, There is something more evil than this.” Huo De seemed to be interested, and while pouring wine to Gu Qingfeng, he said with complicated words: “I want to say that no one in this World has seen our Ancestral Masters, you believing or not 3000 years ago people of the older generation, Sect of the older generation, they have never seen the face of our Ancestral Master, and they don’t even know what it looks like, how about it? It’s evil enough.”

“Is there anything like this?”

It should be said that Gu Qingfeng has once won the Demon King seat in this world, soared to Heaven Realm, and has also asked Nine Nether the Great. How could it be considered that he has seen the world. The lord, just now I heard Huo De mentioning Yunxia’s Ancestral Master, he felt that he was a long-sighted person, and he had opened his eyes.

A Sect with more than three thousand years of inheritance, Sect Founding Ancestor, who doesn’t know, what’s the name, or even what it looks like, there’s no sense of existence in the surrounding area for 3000 years. , This is too weird.

“I heard that after the Ancestral Master created the Yunxia Sect, I received a discipline, which is the first Sect Master of the Yunxia Sect. I am afraid that only his Senior has seen the Ancestral Master. I don’t know why, his Senior has never mentioned Ancestral Master, even if there is not a word, he did not say anything about Ancestral Master when he was dying.”

Gu Qingfeng listened.

Just listening.

After hearing what Huo De said, his thinking began to become confused, like a paste, and his mind was full of mysteries.

A Yun Nishang matter has caused him enough headache.

Now there is another guy who is more mysterious than Yun Nishang.

What is this motherfucker called?

Close his eyes, Gu Qingfeng pinched his eyebrows, a little sad.

“Gu boy, what did you say before, what Tianzhao, immortal, demon, and Buddha… They really all appeared?”

Huo De is in some ancient books I have seen records about this aspect in the book. It is said that the people of the Tianzhao are destined and the people of the Xianzhao are the destiny of the gods. In other words, the people of the Tianzhao are for God and the people of the Buddha. It is for the Buddha, and the immortal edict is for the immortal Lord.

See Gu Qingfeng nodded, Huo De can’t help but suck in a cold breath, shivering, he only knows the power of various samsara reincarnations after the catastrophe, various treasures, various immortal fate , Really didn’t expect even the edicts of motherfucker appeared, this is too terrifying motherfucker.

“They are all here for the Ancestral Master of the Ice Profound Sect?”

“No way.”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and said:” Not good said that some may be, some may not. If they are here for Yunni Clothes, then your Yunxia faction will not be able to escape. Now if you want to come, your heart of the sun will fall into the hands of the Jiuhua Alliance. Already made a move…maybe people have already started the layout.”

“This…is too damn…”

Huo De grinned and swallowed saliva. Suddenly, he thought of something, and asked: “You brat has offended the fairy and Heavenly Dao. If God takes advantage of the catastrophe to turn over the old accounts, then you brat will definitely not be able to run.”

“Can’t run?”

Gu Qingfeng raised his head and drank the wine in his glass, glanced at him, said with a smile: “I have been stared long ago I’m on.”

“Is being targeted? By whom? Who is the edict?”

“By whom?” Gu Qingfeng’s mouth flicked a playful smile, squinting. My eyes gradually opened, looking at the sky, said with a smile disdainfully: “Mother Nature.”

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