Supreme Lord

Chapter 1935

The darkness is burning like fire.

The silence is like boiling water.

Slaying is roaring like a death horn.

The entire emptiness of Lingluo Tianyu became distorted and blurred, like hell, very terrifying.

Black liquid on the mountain.

Old Beggar closed his eyes, his face was green, and his expression was complex, shocked and shocked, but more uncomfortable.



The dark fire like burning made him feel uncomfortable for every inch of his skin, every pore, every orifice point, and every strand of hair.

The boiling water of silence is like with no opportunity, steaming the mind, mind, consciousness, and will all incomparably uncomfortable.

As the painful sound of killing like the song of death, it really shocks the soul like the song of death from the abyss of hell, making people terrified.


He opened his eyes, his eyes burst into incredible, incredible light, and said: “What is this motherfucker? Power? Good luck? Or what is it? No! Neither, this motherfucker… It looks like a realm!”

black liquid Empress stood up at some point, with a charming and charming face, cold and solemn, staring closely, said solemnly: “You are right, this It’s the realm.”

“What kind of realm is this? Why is it terrifying?”

“I don’t know…” black liquid Empress also carefully felt the changes in Lingluo Tianyu, and said : “He should have realized what terrifying realm is based on those forbidden avenues.”

The Old Ancestor incarnation of the nine days immortal dao rushed to the earth one after another, trying to save the fate of the Dao.

However, without exception, all fell into the mysterious realm of Gu Qingfeng took out, impossible to move a single step.

In the field.

Ten Dadao destiny kneeled in the sky.

With loose hair, Qiqiao’s face was bloody, his face was ashen ashes, and his consciousness was extremely dim.

Then Gu Qingfeng stood standing, a pair of gloomy eyes swept across all directions, and shouted sharply: “I don’t care if you are Heavenly Paradise or some great wilderness giants, today you send these great destiny over, nothing more than thinking Forcing immortal dao and Heavenly Dao to take action, now you don’t need to force immortal dao and Heavenly Dao to take action for you!”

Gu Qingfeng turned around, raised his hand, and shouted: “Let you Get out of my destiny guard!”

With such a shout, the fleshy body of the ten Great Dao destiny was distorted and blurred, and the crackle kept crackling, the Meridian was broken, and the cultivation base collapsed. A good fortune also disappeared.

In the rumor.

As long as those who inherit the destiny, if life is in danger, the guardian of the destiny will appear.

Sure enough.

Gu Qingfeng drank his prestige, and not only lost the cultivation base of the ten Dadao Destiny Shock, but also shocked their destiny protection.

The ten avenues within the body shoot out a holy white beam of light at the same time, and the beam of light shoots straight into the sky like an Azure Dragon going out to sea.

The beam of light not only contains the billowing Heavenly Might, but also contains the vast breath of holy light.

Heavenly Might is the mighty Heavenly Might, the sacred vastness of the sacred, the light is the vast light.

This Heavenly Might, this sacred light desire to illuminate the entire Lingluo Tianyu, even Gu Qingfeng’s realm is shaken.

“There has never been sacredness in Laozi’s domain! There will be no light!”

Gu Qingfeng’s cold and domineering voice came, staring at the sky, shouted: “Even though You are Heavenly Might, and you have to get me off!”


The fire of darkness rose instantly and burned wantonly.

The water of silence is boiling frantically, and the killing roar like the song of death is endless.

The endless darkness, the endless silence, the endless killing and the mighty Heavenly Might, the vast sacredness, and the vast light vie against each other.

It is unbelievable that the light that has been suppressed is no longer vast, the sacred is no longer vast, the Heavenly Might is no longer vast, and the ten pillars of light are suppressed and dimmed.

On the black liquid mountain, the old beggar who watched this scene was stunned, and muttered blankly: “This kid…motherfucker not only forcibly suppressed Heavenly Might, but even Heavenly Dao’s. Holy light Ming has dimmed in his realm. What kind of realm does this kid motherfucker understand? This is too wicked!”

“Have you not found a problem? “

Black liquid Empress asked.

The old beggar couldn’t understand for a while, and asked blankly, “What’s the problem?”

“As long as the destiny is in danger, the guardian of the destiny will appear, and the destiny At the same time that the guardian appears, the Scourge will come and judge those who walk the heavens-defying road.”

“Yes! How did I forget this!”

Hearing this, the old beggar’s heart stunned. Just now, his head was full of Gu Qingfeng’s terrifying field. He forgot everything. Hearing the black liquid Empress mentioned, he realized that the ten guardians of the destiny of the Great Dao are all It has appeared, why has it been so long, Heavenly Dao hasn’t moved a bit, not to mention the scourge, even the sky thunder hasn’t sounded, and there are no signs of heaven.

“What’s the situation? It’s hard to say that Heavenly Dao really stopped cooking in the ancient times?” Old Beggar thought again, shook his head, and said: “No, old man also heard that some years ago. A little bastard wanted to grab his fate, but he was shocked ashes and dispersed smoke by Heavenly Dao’s thunder, wait, maybe…”

Old beggar seemed to realize something, Said: “Couldn’t Heavenly Dao be prepared to pretend to be deaf and dumb in this matter? If that is the case, the wishful thinking of those giants Old Ancestor this time will be completely lost.”

black liquid Empress stared at the realm here, faintly said: “Perhaps his realm suppressed the Guardian of Destiny, and for a time Heavenly Dao Law could not sense it.”



Old Beggar didn’t even think about it, shook his head and denied: “Unless this kid jumps out of Heaven and Earth, otherwise Heavenly Dao Law impossible can’t be sensed.”

“I hope my guess It’s wrong.”

Just then, whiz whiz whiz whiz! One after another silhouette rushed out from all directions, first twelve, then seventeen, and more than twenty…one after another, one after another.

Black liquid Empress can see that these silhouettes are not the Old Ancestor of the nine-day immortal dao, but the Old Ancestor Fang who has been dormant in the dark, including the Old Ancestor of the great wilderness giant, and the Old Ancestor of Heavenly Paradise.

black liquid Empress lightly saying: “These giant Old Ancestor finally can’t hold back their anger…”

“tsk tsk.” Old beggar said with a smile: “If these giants Old Ancestor don’t make a move, none of the ten people with Destiny will survive today. Even the heart of Destiny on their bodies will fall into the hands of others. The old man estimates that many people are waiting. This kid killed the Dao Destiny, and then snatched the Destiny Heart, including these nine-day immortal dao Old Ancestor incarnation.”

Old beggar glanced at those nine-day immortal dao Old Ancestor incarnation with extreme contempt. , Said: “The first nine Old Ancestors who came down may be those who really wanted to keep the fate of those great avenues. As for the later Old Ancestor incarnations, most likely came from the heart of fate, those giant Old Ancestor plots. Against nine days, nine days also plot against giants like them, motherfucker is jackals of the same tribe, not a good bird.”

“How about it, the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of The oriole behind it.” The black liquid Empress said with a smile disdainfully: “It’s just that there are so many mantis and oriole…”

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