Supreme Lord

Chapter 192

“He’s gone?”

Xu was just too nervous, until Gu Qingfeng left for a long time, Liu Piaopiao asked startledly.


Wei Qing looked at the chess game on the table, as if somewhat absent-minded.

After confirming, a rock hanging in Liu Piaopiao’s heart fell, and his body seemed to have been emptied. He sat weakly in the pavilion, and immediately remembered something, and asked: “Why did you say everything.”

“He wants to ask.”

“If he wants to ask, just say it!”

“Otherwise Yeah.”

Wei Qing continued, Liu Piaopiao said nothing.


He wants to ask, what can you do without it.

The man is mysterious and terrifying. He has a pair of eyes that are more like clearly understood everything in the world. He is staring at him, as if he has no secrets anymore.

“What does the sentence he said when he left? He didn’t know Empress, but it was related to Empress? What else did he say might help Empress, why did he do it.”

Wei Qing looked at the remnant chess on the stone table with strange colors in his eyes, and responded: “He should be causal.”

“Causality? Do you mean he and Empress have cause and effect? “

“Perhaps, I don’t know.”

Liu Piaopiao stood up again, his eyebrows frowned deeply, recalling the conversation between Gu Qingfeng and Wei Qing just now, whispering Said: “500 years ago, our Sea of ​​Consciousness all had mutations. Do you really suspect that Empress has awakened?”

Wei Qing did not respond to this question in time, but closed her eyes. After a while, he shook his head to signal that he did not know.

“You don’t know?”

Liu Piaopiao stared at him and asked: “Wei Qing, tell me honestly, do you know something?”

Wei Qing just looked at the endgame, shook his head, and again signaled that he didn’t know.


Liu Piaopiao was coldly snorted and said: “You must know something, otherwise, after the catastrophe, when we wake up, why have you been snorting Yunxia? I have a special liking, is the Yunxia Sect related to Empress? What do you know, tell me!”

“The reason why I have been paying attention to the Yunxia Sect is because of the Ice Profound Sect and the Yunxia Sect created by Empress. There is a connection. I just want to know what is the relationship between Empress and the Ancestral Master of the Yunxia School, that’s all.”

“But you have been investigating for so long, not at all, what did you find, did you?”

Although Wei Qing and Liu Piaopiao were both created by Yun Nishang.

Although they don’t know the true identity of Yun Nishang.

Although there was a mutation in the Sea of ​​Consciousness 500 years ago, it caused a lot of memory loss.

But one thing is certain, there is an unexplainable relationship between Empress and Yunxia Sect. To be precise, it has something to do with the Ancestral Master of Yunxia Sect, the person known as Yanyang Sect Founder. It is also related to the heart of the sun of the Yunxia school.

Wei Qing knows this, and Liu Piaopiao knows this too.

After the catastrophe, they tried their best to investigate, they just checked and checked, but nothing was found. The Yanyang Sect Founder appeared out of thin air. There was nothing except Knowing that he founded the Yunxia Sect, he didn’t know anything else, what identity, what background, he didn’t even know anything about him.

Very low-key!

Low-key terrifying.

Low-key without any sense of presence.

If it weren’t for the Yunxia Sect, no one would know who the Ancestral Master of the Yunxia Sect was.

As for the heart of the sun.

At the time of the catastrophe, it fell into the hands of the Jiuhua League. It was said that it was in the hands of an Elder of the Jiuhua League. Wei Qing knew that there was another person behind him. As for who it was, he did not know , Has also been investigating. However, after investigating for a hundred years, there is no clue. This is the fundamental reason why he joined the Jiuhua League.

“I remember that you said that the reason why Empress risked the risk of scattered ashes and dispersed smoke but also bloodline awakening must be related to the Yunxia School Ancestral Master.”

With the stone pillar, Liu Piaopiao also closed his eyes, recalling what Wei Qing said before, saying: “You also said that 500 years ago, our Sea of ​​Consciousness mutation occurred, it must have been awakened once by Empress.”

paused, she said again: “You also said at the time that based on the time of our Sea of ​​Consciousness mutation, we speculated that something strange happened to the Ice Profound Sect not at all that year, but the Yunxia Sect did. Two things have happened.”

“One of them is related to King Chixiao. That year, King Chixiao was expelled by Yunxia Sect.”

Liu Piaopiao said more and more. Qixing said: “I also asked you if King Scarlet Cloud might be related to Empress. You said you didn’t know, but after I investigated, I learned that the cultivation base of King Scarlet Cloud was advanced by leaps that year. and bounds because he has been in contact with the heart of the sun.”

“In other words, Jun Wangji and Empress may have some cause and effect.” Liu Piaopiao seemed to realize something, and said: ” What Gu Qingfeng said just now is very clear, he is also exploring cause and effect, Gu Qingfeng…The King of Chixiao is also surnamed Gu, Gu Tianlang, Gu Qingfeng…Could it be…”

Thinking of this, Liu Piaopiao His expression was shocked, and even his breathing stopped. However, at this moment, Wei Qing’s voice came.

“Isn’t it…I also suspected that, but unfortunately, he is not the King of Scarlet Clouds, he is also impossible.”

Liu Piaopiao wanted to ask why, but the words came. He stopped again.

She knew that King Chixiao had fallen 300 years ago and was tried by immortal dao as scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. Even if the rumors say that the king is not dead, but uses great means to ascend the Heaven Realm, it’s not enough. Ascend to Heaven Realm, after the catastrophe, samsara reincarnation should also be taken.

And that Gu Qingfeng’s body is not at all turbid, even if there is not a little bit of it, which shows that he has nothing to do with samsara reincarnation, with Seize Body For Rebirth, or even with bloodline inheritance.

“If Gu Qingfeng is not the King of Chixiao, then what is the cause and effect between him and Empress.”

Liu Piaopiao asked, but Wei Qing did not respond.

If possible, he also wants to know.


Liu Piaopiao seemed to think of something again, and asked: “You said that 500 years ago when our Sea of ​​Consciousness mutation happened, two things happened to the Yunxia School, one of which was Chixiao The king has touched the heart of the sun, what is the other thing!”

Wei Qing shook his head and signaled that he did not know.

“Do you really know or don’t want to say it.”

“Really…I don’t know.”

Wei Qing reached out and pinched a white chess piece, wanting To put it in the endgame, but quickly took it back, saying: “Empress things… we still don’t pretend to be guessing, some things are not as simple as they seem… and some things, if you don’t know I don’t know, if I know too much, it’s not good…Yes to you, and I am no exception.”

At noon this day.

Yunxia School, mountainside Lingyin Garden.

An Elderly who looks rather sloppy is walking around in the yard. Elderly is sloppy, wearing a gray robe, pacing back and forth, opening the jug from time to time and taking a sip of wine with his mouth foul. -mouthed.

“Old boy, old boy! You really it is easier to change mountains and rivers than to alter one’s character!”

“When you were young, you brat just went wherever you went Oh, why so many years have passed, you brat still has this virtue!”

“You said you brat…It’s only been a few days, and the surrounding area Two Great Sects is almost destroyed by you brat.”

Huo De just came back from outside. He only got the news at dawn, saying that Gu Qingfeng was causing trouble at Chixu Villa, but it was too late to reach the gilt land boundary.

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