Supreme Lord

Chapter 1907

The Great World and Immortal Realm of the entire Lingluo realm are all shining brightly with the sun, blooming with the majesty of the sun, including the sky of Linglua, there is also a large incandescent sun hanging in the void, showing the world the nine days Immortal dao’s hegemony.

Throughout the Lingluo realm, only the ancient world is still changing as usual. The Lingluo realm, which is shrouded by the sun, is particularly special.

When Gu Qingfeng returned to Red Clouds Sect, it was already dead at night. Seeing Huo De Alone sitting in the courtyard drinking sullen wine, he couldn’t help but jokingly said: “I said Huo De, this is in the middle of the night, If your motherfucker doesn’t go to sleep, you’re messing around with me.”

Hearing the voice, Huo De stood up with a stunned eyes, staring at Gu Qingfeng, some excitedly said: “you brat Where did motherfucker go, why did you come back now?”

“Went outside and wandered around, what’s wrong.”

“What’s wrong! Do you know what happened two days ago? Shengyanggong took a group of people to look for you everywhere in the ancient world, and the motherfucker came to our Red Clouds Sect. The old man almost fought with that Old Turtle!”

“Who is Shengyanggong? This name sounds familiar.”

“Nonsense! You brat hovered between life and death in those days, can you be unfamiliar with motherfucker!”

” Is there such a thing?” Gu Qingfeng thought for a while, but didn’t have any impression.

“Have you forgotten? I heard that you entered the Great Wilderness at the beginning of the year and lived in Lingluo Tianyu in seclusion. After your identity was exposed, it was Shengyang Gong and the great experts of Tianyu to encircle you…”

Hearing this, Gu Qingfeng slapped his head, said with a smile: “Listening to what you said, I seem to remember, it seems to be the Great Elder of the Lingluo Tianyu Xianting Mansion, right? Isn’t Old Guy known as being selfless, host Justice, full of benevolence and morality?”

“Yes! This is Old Turtle!”

“Then Old Guy is not dead yet?”

Gu Qingfeng chatted with Huode when he was idle.

“No, I’m alive and well, and you know, that Old Turtle is now not only the Great Elder of Xianting Mansion, but also the Tianyu Controller of under one person above ten thousand people, and it is also immortal. Dao Ruler can be said to be Quan Tianyu, no one dares provoke. The disciples are all over the Tianyu. I heard that in his discipline of grand disciples, there is also an immortal dao throne and immortal dao Star Monarch.”


Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Then what did Old Guy find me for? Why, do you want me to take revenge?”

“You In Ancient Era, if you beat people so hard, they must find you to take revenge, but… even if the bastard of wily old fox thinks so in his heart, he will definitely not say it. He has been looking for you everywhere in the name of guarding the avenue. It’s so majestic.”

“You didn’t tell him, I am here.”

“I said Gu, what do you mean by this? How could an old man say Your message tells that Old Turtle.”

“And then, did you start with that Old Guy?”

“Almost started, motherfucker, I don’t know Shengyang I don’t know where the Old Turtle has the ambition to eat the leopard’s guts. I took out the stele held by Saintess’s mother and also sacrificed the colorful Phoenix of Empress of Nature. The Old Turtle is not afraid. , I have to come in and search, guess what happened later?”

“What happened?”

“It was Mo Ruyi, the lord of the immortal dynasty of the ancient world, who came forward and took out the Great Day Light Order. The Old Turtle of Lord Shengyang left.”

“Mo Ruyi? Who is it?” Gu Qingfeng took a sip of wine and asked, “The Lord of the Immortal Dynasty of this world has changed?”

“We don’t know who Mo Ruyi is. Anyway, it’s quite wicked, and he also holds the Great Sun Illumination Order. That thing is a token representing the nine-day immortal dao, even if it’s the immortal dao. See you I have to be somewhat afraid.”

I was talking about what Huo De remembered, and continued: “And when Mo Ruyi was leaving, he deliberately said a word, saying that the day light order she held in her hand represents the nine-day immortal dao. In the ancient world, she promised that no one would disturb Red Clouds Sect. Old man didn’t understand this sentence, but Little Jin’er said, Mo Ruyi knows that you are in Red Clouds Sect. This sentence is for you. “

“That’s it…”

Listening to Gu Qingfeng’s unsavory words, Huo De was anxious and asked: “What do you mean?” You are talking about it, this sentence is really for you brat? “

“Maybe, I guess what she meant is that as long as I stay in the ancient world without showing up, the immortal dao will turn a blind eye over there in nine days. “

“If that’s the case, then nine days immortal dao is this you brat confessed?” “

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and laughed, and said: “Nine days immortal dao, where is it? They don’t want me to go out and cause turmoil.” “

“No matter what, the nine days immortal dao has at least expressed its attitude. “Taking this opportunity, Huo De hurriedly persuaded: “I’m thinking about the ancient boy, so please don’t have fun with them, right?” “

“Didn’t I tell you that this incident was fueled by someone behind the scenes. Even if I don’t show up, someone will push me out. “

“As long as you brat decides not to show up, Lao Tzu will not believe that they can push you out. Moreover, it has been so long. If anyone really wants to push you out, I am afraid I would have done it long ago. Well, how come there is not a little movement now. “

“It should be coming soon. “Gu Qingfeng raised his head and glanced at the night sky of the ancient world, and said: “It is estimated that after everyone who should appear, someone should do it.” “

“You brat know who is behind the scenes?” “

“I don’t know who it is, but I can figure it out. “

Huo De originally wanted to persuade Gu Qingfeng, but Gu Qingfeng didn’t bother to listen to him any longer, stood up, yawned, and said: “Okay, the master is also a little tired. In the past two days, I have to conserve strength and store up energy and get a good sleep. I guess when the time comes, there will be a tough battle to be fought. “

As soon as he heard that he was about to fight a tough battle, Huode’s heart was frightened, and he was about to speak. Suddenly, there were strange laughter in the air.

“he he he ……he he he ……”

This laughter seems to come from above nine heavens, like from below Nine Nether, like from the sacred heaven, like from the evil hell, and like from The ancient times…illusory, like the devil laughing, gives people a feeling of have one’s hair stand on end.

“What sound? “Huo De swallowed his saliva and said: “Why are you so panicked?” “

Huo De took out Divine Consciousness, looking for the source of the sound, but unfortunately, I found it in the ancient world not at all, and then I was looking for it in the Lingluo Tianyu. I just looked for it, but I couldn’t find the sound. The only thing I know is that this weird laughter not only spread throughout the ancient world, but everyone in the Great World Immortal Realm in Lingluo Tianyu seems to have heard this laughter.

“he he he … dear You Di, your servant misses you so much…”

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