Supreme Lord

Chapter 190

Early morning.

The sun is rising.

A villa named Qingye.

In the pavilion.

Wei Qing is sitting on the stone bench, holding a chess piece in one hand, and looking at a set of remnants on the table with a solemn expression. There is some hesitation in his eyes, but also a little dazed, more worried, deeply. Worries.

Not far away, Wei Qing bowed, lowered his head, and said nothing.

Besides, in a red suit, the enchanting Liu Piaopiao is leaning on the stone pillar, looking at the flowers and plants in the yard with a desperate look, just looking at it, there is panic in his eyes, and more Frightened, I closed my eyes, and my mind was filled with the silhouette of a white clothed man, unable to drive away, drive away, and disperse.

The arrogant person in the gaze, the arrogant person in the world, the domineering person in silence.

One step at 1 Heavenly Layer, the acupuncture points must be opened.

The fierce fire burns the sky, and the violent thunder blows up the void!

spirit strength The vast 9th layer changes, the nine changes and nine generations kill the sky.

In front of Tianzhao, obliterate Xianzhao.

Liu Piaopiao closed his eyes, his eyes trembled a little, shook his head slightly, and asked hoarsely: “What do we…”

What should I do?

Wei Qing also wants to know this question.

“A few days later, Zhu Xia and Leng Yanqiu will leave the customs. I think they have already integrated the Heart of Ice Profound. With the blood spirit of Empress, they should also open up the profoundness of Heart of Ice Profound. mystery, when the time comes, they will definitely use the heart of the ice mysterious to reassemble the seven soul beads to try to replace Empress…”

“And Tianzhao…I don’t know what they will do then. “

Liu Piaopiao said weakly: “And Gu Qingfeng…I don’t know what he would do.”

After a while, Wei Qing responded: “Empress said , Let us watch the changes.”

“That’s what I said, but…the situation is so chaotic now, in case Empress…”

Liu Piaopiao was talking, suddenly Stopped because she suddenly found a person appearing out of thin air in the yard.

It was a cold white clothed man. I don’t know when or how to appear. When he appeared, it was like twilight, even though it’s early morning and the sun is rising. It also gives people a feeling of twilight, as if darkness will shroud at any time.

It’s him!

Gu Qingfeng!

When he saw Gu Qingfeng, Wei Qing stood up suddenly, his expression was shocked and panicked.

He is like this. Standing by the stone pillar, his energy is sluggish, and Liu Piaopiao, who is desperate when he sees Gu Qingfeng, is so scared that his expression changes drastically, not far away he has been bowing and lowering The gray head of his head was even paler in fright, as if he saw Ghost God, his eyes were full of fear.

None of them thought that Gu Qingfeng would suddenly appear.

I don’t even know what he will do when he appears.

Gu Qingfeng walked to the pavilion, sat down at will, and looked at the appearance of Wei Qing and Liu Piaopiao, said with a smile: “Don’t be nervous, I just want to ask you something.”

Last night’s Gu Qingfeng was cold, stern, and arrogant, regardless of the law and of natural morality. The expression was that the eyes were right, the means were right, and everything was right.

At this moment, Gu Qingfeng is neither cold, nor arrogant, nor arrogant, and some are just casual, just indifferent. Although the smile on the corner of his mouth is not leisurely and pleasant, it is also seemingly The spring breeze under the sun gives people a very relaxed feeling.

At least on the surface.

But even so, both Wei Qing and Liu Piaopiao were very nervous.

Don’t be nervous?

I witnessed Gu Qingfeng killing the immortal in front of Tianzhao, how could Liu Piaopiao not be nervous, standing there, nervous, staring at him, afraid to breathe, afraid to speak, I dare not move.

“Come, sit down and have a chat.”

Gu Qingfeng took out a cup of Shuiyun wine and Taixu, poured himself a glass, poured a few more, waved, gestured They sit down.

Sit down and chat?

Who dares?

Wei Qing did not dare, Liu Piaopiao did not dare, and Hui Lao did not dare.

Looking at the trio’s nervous look, Gu Qingfeng couldn’t help but laugh, shook his head, picked up the Taixu wine glass, and drank the wine in one cup, helplessly said: “In that case, Then forget it.” After pouring himself another glass of wine, the conversation turned, and he said: “But there are a few things I have to ask about today.”

A few things?

Next to Wei Qing’s thoughts are like electricity, as if he realizes what Gu Qingfeng wants to ask, after thinking about it, he stepped back a few steps, left the pavilion, bowed his head, and said, “I don’t know Gu… I don’t know Chi Young. What does Master Yan want to ask?”

Backing up was because of fear.

I bow my head because of panic.

It is because of fear.

The respectful name Chi Young Master Yan also represents the respect in his heart.

Wei Qing has always been a cautious person, and he also knows that facing Gu Qingfeng, he must be cautious and cautious, otherwise there may be mortal danger at any time.

“Who is your master?”

Gu Qingfeng asked softly.

Wei Qing did not hesitate and responded: “Sect Founder of the Ice Profound Sect.”

“What’s the name.”

Wei Qing pondered for a moment. Replied: “The name Bingxuan, surnamed Yun, the name Nishang.”

“Clouds Nishang…”

Gu Qingfeng chanted this name, very strange, and never heard of it before. Having said that, he thought about it, shook the Shuiyun wine in the Taixu cup, and asked: “Your master had already samsara reincarnation once when he founded the Ice Profound Sect, and her samsara reincarnation was who before.”

“I don’t know.”

Wei Qing lowered his head in response.

“I don’t know?”

Gu Qingfeng asked.

“I don’t know.” Wei Qing responded affirmatively.

Gu Qingfeng took a sip from the Taixu cup, raised his legs, and looked at Wei Qing on the opposite side. He could see it, no matter Wei Qing not at all lied, he could also see it, whether it was Wei Qing and Liu Piaopiao are not humans, at least they don’t have souls, and their bodies are not flesh and blood, but are shaped by the blood spirit of Taiyin.

This kind of existence is also a kind of strangeness in demons and ghosts.

A kind of blood monster.

It is the same work as Murong Family’s blood weird song. The difference is that the Murong Family’s blood monster is made by the sacrifice of the day after tomorrow, while Wei Qing has a congenital existence.

Gu Qingfeng’s eyes can penetrate the surface of everything in the world to see its essence. Naturally, it can also be seen that Wei Qing and Liu Piaopiao were created to look like 3000 years.

In other words, it was Yun Nishang who created them with Taiyin Blood Spirit 3000 years ago. If Yun Nishang samsara reincarnation was before, it is normal for them to not know, after all, Yun Nishang had not yet Create them.

“Yun Nishang created you and let you do what.”


“What to observe?”

“The change of the heart of Bingxuan.”

“Observe the change of the mind of cause and effect, and why.”

“I don’t know.”

Gu Qingfeng Nodded, while drinking, he was thinking about it. He wanted to come to Yun Nishang to create Wei Qing and let him observe the changes of Bingxuan’s heart. Perhaps it should be an observation of cause and effect.

“What have you discovered since 3000 years?”

This time, Wei Qing did not respond, but just lowered his head. After a while, he shook his head and responded: “I don’t know.”

“I don’t know?”

“I don’t know.” Wei Qing responded affirmatively again. Xu was worried that Gu Qingfeng would be angry, so he quickly explained: “500 years Earlier, there was an accident. That accident caused me to sleep for a full four hundred years. I didn’t gradually wake up until after the catastrophe. After I woke up, many memories disappeared…”

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