Supreme Lord

Chapter 1885

“Perhaps Tianji Empress has taken a fancy to your friendship with Youdi, so I let you come to this Lingluo Tianyu to be the domain master.”

“What do you mean?” The shark scratched his head. , Asked: “I don’t understand why I’m a little bit confused.”

“Lord, you might as well think about it, why hasn’t Jiutian given its will until now?”

“Niutian hasn’t come down The will does not mean that there is no movement. Maybe Jiutian has already begun to make real preparations, but we don’t know that’s all.”

“Even if it is true, it can only mean that Jiutian has already made real preparations. This means Jiutian doesn’t want to go to war with You Emperor. Perhaps it should be said that it will not go to war with You Emperor in less than nine days. If Jiu Tian really wants to go to war with You Emperor, I’m afraid all Heavens Myriad Realms will receive Jiu Tian’s Decree.”

The elephant shark sat back on the throne again, nibbling on raw beef, nodded, and said: “I think so too. In Ancient Era, I had eaten that many losses in Youdi’s hands for nine days. It’s time to have a long memory, and the servant of Youdi has sunk so deep in the muddy water of original sin, and moved his whole body deeply. His kid is now in a mess, stomping his feet, this All Heavens Myriad Realms Three Thousand Great Daos is frightened.”

Speaking, Shark said with a smile: “Don’t say Jiutian dare not move You Emperor, even if you want to move You Emperor now, you have to weigh it. Can I bear the consequences, but well.”

As soon as the conversation turned, the Shark continued: “Nine Heavens values ​​honor and prestige so much. In the ancient times, it was hard to dominate Heaven and Earth, in order to maintain the prestige of Jiutian and consolidate its position as the head of the avenue, even if Jiutian does it, he will never sit back and watch.”

“Yes! That’s right! The reason why Jiutian hasn’t come down for a long time This is probably the reason. They don’t want to go to war with Youdi now, but they have to give All Heavens Myriad Realms an explanation.” Old Zong said, “As for the way, this thing is probably not at all as simple as that. .”

“Of course it’s not that simple. If you do it in nine days, it’s basically like confessing to the emperor.” Shark said with a smile: “The emperor was extinct back then. Xian Dynasty, is burning Jiutian again, wantonly trampling on the power of Jiu Heavenly Venerate, Jiu Tian absolutely hates his kid, want Jiu Tian to recognize the emperor? Hehe, this is probably very difficult, even more how…”

I don’t know why, Thinking of Jiutian’s dilemma now, the Shark couldn’t help but want to laugh, saying: “Even if Jiutian really admits and acts like this, he may be able to hide from All Heavens Myriad Realms, but he definitely can’t hide from other avenues. There must be other avenues behind my son who are contributing to the flames. If you want to give All Heavens Myriad Realms an explanation, people on other avenues will come out and shout when the time comes. Then it will be lively. After the ranting, let Nine Days One Army, then it’s even more lively…”

“ha ha ha ha! I can’t help but want to watch this excitement sooner. You said when the time comes. If the people of other great roads really come out to bring the Nine Heavens Army, will Nine Heavens move or not move You Di? Don’t move? It’s impossible to explain to All Heavens Myriad Realms. The position at the head of the avenue may be unstable, but if you move the emperor, the great huang will immediately fall into chaos. When the time comes, the position at the head of the nine days avenue also cannot be seated. Steady, not only is the position at the top of the avenue unstable, and blood will flow into a river in nine days. “

“Aiya! I really want to see the excitement of Jiutian! ha ha ha ha! “

The shark laughed madly.

“This is only the second thing, there is one more thing, I wonder if Lord has thought about it. “

The Shark asked: “What’s the matter?” “

“The exposure of Youdi’s identity may be fueled by other avenues behind the scenes. I want to use Youdi to break the nine-day rule of Heaven and Earth, and also want to use Nine-days to test the existence of Youdi. “

“And then? go on. “

“I dare not go to war with Youdi in less than nine days as a last resort, but it doesn’t mean that Youdi is afraid to go to war with Jiutian. “

When I heard the old master say this, the Shark Elephant’s heart squatted, nodded heavily, and said: “Nine Heavens hate You Emperor deeply, and You Di Nasi hate Jiu Tian’s tooth roots. In order to obliterate the emperor, it can be said that he did everything he could. The forced emperor had to go to Nine Nether. Based on Lao Tzu’s understanding of the emperor, that kid was the master of seeking revenge for the slightest grievance. Nine days were in Ancient. Era tossed him so much. After coming back from the ancient times, he would definitely seek revenge for nine days. Even if he didn’t take revenge, he would have to toss for nine days. “

“So, the crux of the problem lies in Youdi’s attitude. “Old Zong twisted his beard, speculated: “Jiutian dare not to act blindly without thinking, I am afraid it is also the attitude of the Emperor You are not allowed, and…”

“And what? “

“The old man suspects that the Empress of Tianji will let Lord you be the domain owner in the Lingluo Tianyu. I am afraid that is also…so. “

hearing this.

This time, the Shark not only shook his heart, but even shivered and stood up. He who had been laughing for nine days just now suddenly changed. Be serious.

The old clan continued in a low voice: “All Heavens Myriad Realms in the Great Wilderness is now a mess, and things are so big. The nine days are in a dilemma. Three Thousand Great Daos is waiting for the opportunity. In the final analysis, it was all because of You Emperor. Although many people have come forward to confirm that You Emperor died and returned from resurrection, after all, no one has actually seen You Emperor. In fact, this matter is easy to solve. As long as You Emperor does not show up, Or the Emperor You took the initiative to disappear, then all the problems caused by this matter would be solved. “

“Lao Zong, do you mean that Empress wants Lao Tzu to persuade You Di to disappear?” If that’s the case, then she looks down on Lao Tzu too, right? The Shark Xiang said angrily, “Although I said that I have some friendship with You Emperor, motherfucker’s friendship is not deep enough to persuade You Emperor. Lao Tzu’s face in front of You Emperor is not so great, and he is also impossible to give Lao Tzu this face. , Let’s talk about it again, why should Laozi persuade others to disappear for Jiutian? Nine days of embarrassment has nothing to do with Lao Tzu. “

“If Tianji Empress asked you to persuade Youdi, I am afraid that you should have received Empress’s will long ago. Moreover, if the old man’s guess is good, someone on Jiutian has already consulted with Youdi. , However, the result should not be ideal. If Emperor You promised to disappear, Jiu Tian would have come forward long ago, and he has not come forward yet, it should have been rejected by Emperor You. “

“Then you said that Empress had let Lao Tzu come to Lingluo Tianyu as the domain owner, what is the purpose? “

“This…the old man can’t think of it. Empress knows the past and the future, controls the cause and effect of destiny, and deduces the Universe Great Desolate, clearly understood Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow. What is her idea? People of my generation can guess at will. “The old Zong sighed then said, “The only thing that is certain is that the Empress of Heaven has let Lord you be the domain owner. It must be related to this matter, but what is the purpose of Empress, I am afraid that no one knows. “

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