Supreme Lord

Chapter 1882

None of the people present would have thought that the Shark Elephant Domain Lord would even mention the incident in front of the Sacred Sun today. They thought that the Sacred Sun would be furious, but what surprised everyone was that although Sacred Sun Gong’s face looked a little gloomy, but instead of being furious, he stared at the Shark Elephant Domain Master and said: “Does the Domain Master allude to old man use official authority for private interests, using public office to avenge private wrongs?”

“Using public office to avenge private wrongs? Oh, Great Elder, you can don’t say this, others don’t know, but don’t we know who your Senior is?” Shark Elephant Domain The main newspaper apologized and explained: “In our Lingluo Tianyu, no one knows that your Senior has always been selfless, upright and upright. No one disrespects you. How could we say that you always use authority official for private interests, using Public office to avenge private wrongs, no! Great Elder must not misunderstand anything that is absolutely nothing.”

“Whether the domain owner believes it or not, the old man himself has a clear conscience.”

Sheng Yang continued: “The old man was greatly humiliated and lost his lover during the encirclement and suppression of You Emperor, but the old man does not regret it! Even if he comes back, the old man remains the same. He will encircle and suppress the criminal of Emperor You, even if he reappears a thousand times or 10,000 times, the old man will do it.”

After that, he said, “The old man still said that, regardless of You Emperor. Is it the Allah of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny? In Ancient Era, he slaughtered innocent immortals, destroyed the immortal dynasty, burned nine days, and trampled on my immortal dao. It is an indisputable fact. If this is the case, all immortal dao people of my generation should Stand up and smash his body into pieces, not only to seek justice for the innocent immortal who died tragically in his hands, but also to immortal my immortal dao!”

The lord of the great immortal dynasties and the lord of the Great Immortal Realm all agreed, shouting to kill the emperor, seek justice, and raise immortal dao respect.

Looking at these people in the great hall, the slender eyes of the Shark Elephant Domain Master flashed a touch of disdain, the corner of his mouth was picked, and a touch of ridicule passed, sighed then said, and asked: “Great Elder, what should we do according to your old meaning?”

“First, tell Lingluo Tianyu, the old man must let everyone in the Tianyu know our Fairy Mansion It is bound to obliterate You Emperor’s attitude and determination to fight harm for the people!”

“Secondly, all Great World and Great Immortal Realm, including Lingluo Tianyu, are all under martial law. Only entry is allowed from now on. Not allowed to go out.”

“Third, immediately summon all the patrollers of the heavens to search for the whereabouts of the criminal Youdi!”

“Fourth, call all the laws of the heavens Enforcer, maintain the order in the heaven.”

“Fifth, the order goes on, the masters of the great immortal dynasties, the initiative of the Great Immortal Realm, all the immortals, prepare to kill the emperor.”

“Not bad, not bad.” The Shark Elephant domain owner applauded and asked: “What then?”

“What then?”

“I am Say if you find the emperor, what do you do?”

“If you find the whereabouts of the criminal of emperor, naturally at all costs, it will be completely wiped out!”

” Youdi! Hehe!”

The Shark Elephant Domain Master picked up a towel next to him, first wiped the greasy corners of his mouth, then wiped his hands, and said: “Great Elder, I know you are right for nine days immortal dao is loyal, selfless, and awe-inspiring. This is what we admire you most. However, it is not enough to obliterate the emperor by loyalty to Jiu Tian. It is even more nonsense to rely on your own determination and justice. You have to rely on strength. Do you understand strength?”

“The old man always believes that evil does not suppress the righteousness!” Sheng Yang Gong held his hands behind him, resolutely said: “As long as everyone is united, the same enemy is angry, holding The determination to die will definitely kill the criminal Youdi!”

“In case…I mean in case, ha, in case when the time comes does not kill Youdi, but everyone is killed by Youdi It’s been slaughtered, what should I do?”

“How can people of my generation be greedy for life and fear of death?” Shengyang Gong sternly shouted: “It is our duty to guard the order of the universe, and to protect the people of the universe The safety of the immortal is even more our duty. As the heavenly immortal officer, we must be worthy of the gift of nine days, worthy of the trust of all living beings, and worthy of our own conscience!”

Shengyanggong put on a loyal and righteous appearance and talked about the so-called obligation and duty. The Shark Elephant Domain Master has a headache. He is not a fake headache, but I really have a headache. I closed my eyes, rubbed the temples on both sides, and said patiently: “Just what you mean, it’s endless? You seem to be yourself, right? “

Perhaps I did not expect that the Shark Elephant Domain Master would say so, Sheng Yang Gong looked startled, and then shouted in anger: “Shark Elephant! what did you say! “

“What’s the matter, didn’t you hear clearly?” Do I need to repeat it again? “

The Shark Elephant Domain Lord frowns looked at Shengyang Duke and said, “Originally, you were a lot of age, and I didn’t want to follow you lower oneself to somebody’s level, but your motherfucker is not over yet hu hu , This guy slapped his nose to the face, in his eyes is there still Lao Tzu as the domain owner. “

Without waiting for Shengyang Gong to reply, the Shark Elephant Domain Master said again: “I was puzzled, you said you are such a big person, why don’t you have a long memory? You were the one who took the lead and yelled at you to encircle Emperor You, right? The emperor You lived in Lingluo Tianyu well. Didn’t you bother you? What do you say you go to encircle people for? Besides, do you have the strength to encircle and suppress? In this way, there is still a face to say that the previous domain master was killed by You Emperor. If it weren’t for your motherfucker yelling to encircle and suppress You Emperor, the previous domain master’s motherfucker was killed by You Emperor? “

“Do you know how many people died because of your organization to encircle Emperor You?” Although those people died in the hands of Emperor You, all of them were killed by your mother. “

The Shark Elephant Territory Lord said unceremoniously angrily: “Also motherfucker dares to say that I have a clear conscience in front of Lao Tzu. The one who really has a clear conscience is the emperor You, if you want to kill others, they will kill you. This is called a clear conscience, understand? Your motherfucker killed so many people, how can your motherfucker still have the face to say that you have a clear conscience! “

“You! you! you! ! “

At this moment, the face of Shengyang Gong is blue and white, waiting for his eyes, pointing at the Shark Elephant Territory Lord, shaking with anger, shouted from gnashing teeth: “You! This is… this is… dirty! smear! old! husband. “

And the Shark Elephant Domain Lord didn’t even look at him, and continued: “The last time you were encircled and suppressed, the Emperor You didn’t kill you. You left you alive. You don’t know how to repent. Motherfucker still wants to encircle others. You Di, it’s an announcement, and it’s a mobilization. What’s the matter, there were not enough people killed last time, this time I plan to kill all the people in Lingluo Tianyu? “

“I found one thing, don’t you understand it, you old man?” Do you know why the Emperor You left you last time? Do you think that Emperor You dare not kill you? Still can’t kill you? Do not! No, the reason why the Emperor You left you is because you think you are a very sad person, know? Do you know how sad your life is? It’s so sad that it’s disgusting, so sad that even Imperial Capital doesn’t bother to kill you, because in the eyes of the Emperor You, you are like a walking corpse. You have already died. It makes no difference whether you kill or not.”

“Let! Wanton! “

Holy Yang’s anger was thunderous, and shouted with anger: “Shut up the old man!” “

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