Supreme Lord

Chapter 1877

This humane number shark elephant.

Is the lord of the fairy garden and the lord of the Lingluo Tianyu. The Great Wilderness is known as the Great Shark Elephant Lord. It controls the Source Law of the Lingluo Tianyu and controls the Three Thousand Worlds in the Tianyu. It is not just in name only, but also in reality, is also a well-deserved overlord of heaven.

There are three big hobby people.

Drink, eat meat, listen to music.

Normally, I indulge in wine all day, drinking flower wine and visiting brothel for three days. There is not a little bit of virtue and prestige due to the overlord of Tianyu. Even the government affairs of Tianyu are also disinclined to pay attention to, Ling Luo Tianyu Large and small things are also taken care of by the fairy garden Elder. Apart from eating and drinking merrily, this guy hasn’t done anything serious all day long. Needless to say, the reputation is very bad, and it can even be said that there is no reputation at all. When people in Lingluo Tianyu mentioned this domain master, they would shake their heads and sigh and say four words, wine skin and rice bag.

Of course.

Everyone is nothing serious.

In fact, I know in my heart that the person who can sit on the seat of the domain master is definitely not a wine skin and rice bag, and nine days will not let a wine skin and rice bag that eats and drinks merrily all day. The law of order that governs a universe.

It is said.

This shark elephant Lord was also a great character back then. When he was not the Lingluo domain master, he once wiped out an Immortal Realm with a slap, and I heard that he also killed the Demon King himself. In this way, it is reported that the great wilderness void beast called become terror-stricken at the news has been slaughtered.

No one knows whether this is true or not, and no one has seen it. Everyone spreads it like this anyway.

Also, the identity and background of this Shark Elephant Domain Master is also very mysterious. So far no one knows where this fellow came from, even he cultivated how many years and which era he was from. Senior doesn’t know anything about it. For so many years, the only impression that has been given to people is that they are indulged in drinking and drinking.

Therefore, the domain owner of Shark Elephant also has a lot of nicknames, such as big shark elephant and old pig.

At this moment.

Gathered on the great hall, those anxious and anxious immortal masters, watching the sharks and elephants at this time are still eating meat, drinking wine, and humming small songs, really telling them not to Knowing what to say, in the end everyone couldn’t help it and said.

“Domain Lord Lord, the sky is about to fall, why are you still… still in the mood to drink and eat meat!”

The Shark Elephant Domain Lord sits on the throne, close I looked, shook my head and shook my head, playing with two skulls. When I heard the words, there were no eyes opened. I just picked up the bowl, took a sip of wine, and said: “Don’t worry, the sky won’t fall.”

The Lords of the Immortals above the great hall looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed, but they didn’t know what to say.

“Domain Lord Lord, if You Di really died and returned from the resurrection, even if the sky can’t fall, it will be almost the same.”

The Shark Elephant Domain Lord said indifferently:” Haven’t you confirmed that You Di really died and resurrected now? Why are you so eager!”

“Although you haven’t seen You Emperor himself, you can basically confirm that You Di is really true. I’m back.”

“What happened when I came back? I didn’t say that it must be in our Lingluo Tianyu.”

“Lord Lord, what if You Di is in our Lingluo Tianyu? Do?”

“That’s right! Don’t be afraid of ten thousand for anything, just in case.”

Finally, the Shark Elephant Domain Master opened his eyes and rubbed his chin. Said: “If the Emperor You really appeared in our Lingluo Tianyu, it would be really hard to handle.”

“So, I hope that Lord Lord will have an idea. We should also prepare as soon as possible. .”

“You call Lord, let me make up your mind. Let’s just wait for the will of Nine Heavens.”

An immortal lord asked:” It’s no way for us to wait like this. If Jiutian’s will doesn’t come down and You Emperor appears, what should we do?”

“What can we do? Just do what we should do. “The Shark Elephant Territory Master pulled off a corbel and stuffed it in his mouth, chewing and saying: “Since there is no will in Nine Heavens, let’s not move, we should eat and he he he he.”

“What! Eat and eat should he he? Heaven Lord, that’s the Emperor You, the mortal enemy of our immortal dao, and a threat to the existence of Heaven and Earth. Now all directions, I don’t know how many people have come to Lingluo Heaven. Once You Emperor appears, It will cause chaos. As the immortal officials of Lingluo Tianyu, how can we sit back and watch?”

“Yes, now the Lords of Great Immortal Realm are outside waiting for our letter, if it is The Emperor You appears, and if we sit and watch, what face of us immortal officials will stand in Lingluo Tianyu in the future? What face will stay in Lingluo Tianyu?”

“We are the Lingluo Tianyu. Immortal officer, it is our duty to maintain the order of Lingluo Tianyu, and it is our duty to protect everyone’s life. Otherwise, we will be sorry for the grace of Nine Heavens and the trust of hundreds of millions of immortals…”

“Stop, stop!”

The Lord of the Immortal Dynasty was interrupted by the Shark Elephant Territory before he finished speaking. He said impatiently, “Don’t talk to Lord. I don’t want to listen to any obligation. Since you don’t agree with me, what do you guys say? How about we all copy the guys to destroy the Emperor after You Emperor appears?”

When the voice falls, the many immortal masters gathered on the great hall look at me, I look at you, looked at each other in blank dismay.

“Why don’t you speak anymore?”

“I dare not? Are you afraid? Do you dare? Stand up if you dare, Lord, I immediately call the Lord of Heaven Let this seat come out and let him do it, who dares?”

“Who was just clamoring that it is the duty to maintain the order of the Lingluo Tianyu, and it is the duty to protect everyone’s life? Come, come, stand up , Tell Lao Tzu to see how big your face is?”

The masters of the Immortal Dynasty were blushing, and no one dared to speak.

The Shark Elephant Territory took a sip of wine and said, “Everyone is smart, so, don’t play with these empty heads, who won’t shout slogans? I would also shout, and I would shout The slogan is definitely loud, but the point is, it’s a fart to just chant the slogan, and what to say is that I’m sorry for the grace of nine days, and I’m sorry for the trust of hundreds of millions of immortals. You really motherfucker are not ashamed, this slogan , You don’t feel embarrassed, I feel disgusting!”

The Shark Elephant Domain Master unceremoniously satirized the Lords of the Immortals on the Great Hall, saying: “I really asked you to copy the guys. In a fight with Youdi, your motherfucker is more than one. Of course, counseling is normal. Don’t say you’re counseling, Lao Tzu is also counseling. In the face of Youdi, who won’t counsel? To say something disrespectful, including Jiutian immortal dao, I’m afraid I’m also counseling, no If you are counseling, you have already given up your will, and you still need to shout slogans here?”

“Tianyu Lord, then, what on earth should we do?”

“Didn’t Lao Tzu tell me just now, wait for nine days’ will, and nine days will not surrender, let’s just wait like that.”

“Okay…then the Lords of Immortal Realm outside, how can we tell them Explain?”

“Explain what? Lao Tzu, the domain owner of Lingluo Tianyu, do I have to explain to them what he is doing? They are upside down!”

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