Supreme Lord

Chapter 1872

“Old Master, you are so old, why are you still like those youngsters, you learn from other people to play a personality cult, really…”

Kaishan Old Master scolded angrily : “Old man is a man no matter how old, but every man wants to be a real man able to support both heaven and earth. You, a little woman, don’t understand.”

“Good OK! I’m a little woman, I don’t know how to do it anymore!”

By now, I don’t want to argue with Kaishan Old Master about man or woman. She just wants to go back and ask: “Qing Qing , Old Master, they are not going to go back, so let’s go back.”

“Martial Uncle…” Qingqing lowered her head and responded softly: “I…I don’t want to go back either.”

“What? You don’t want to go back? I said girl, don’t you tell me, are you really in love with that Youdi?”

“Martial Uncle, don’t you Nonsense, I’ve already said it, I haven’t! I just…want to stay and see.”


What I want to say, I suddenly noticed The main entrance of Plum Blossom Immortal Realm is blooming.

“Who want to come in?”

This is Plum Immortal Realm. If there is no Plum Immortal Realm, the mysterious Old Mister of Plum Blossoms, outsiders can’t come in, and Plum Immortal Realm has always been isolated from the world. The Meihua Old Mister rarely interacts with people outside. The reason why the people of Changsheng Pavilion can come in is because Changsheng Pavilion has some connections with Meihua Immortal Realm.

Just when Kaishan Old Master was puzzled, a group of more than a hundred people appeared in Meihua Immortal Realm.

Seeing the people coming, not only was distracted and shocked, the expression of Kaishan Old Master was also very surprised.

They all know these more than a hundred people who have appeared, and they are Danding Valley, which is also one of the seventy two blessed places.

If it was just the common disciple of Dandinggu, it would not surprise the people of Changshengge so much. In fact, most of the hundreds of people who appeared in the Immortal Realm of Plum Blossoms had climbed the ladder. The prestigious ancient powerhouse, what they didn’t expect was that of the three headed people, two of them were still the Avenue Star Monarch.

One is Bai Yuan Immortal Monarch.

One is Huangfeng Demon Lord.

As everyone knows, the Avenue Star Monarch is the destiny of the present and ancient times, in other words, it is also the destiny of the present and ancient.

Whether it is the foundation of aptitude or the perception of mood, it is incomparable, cultivation base is good fortune, and it is matchless in the world. Star Monarch, the avenue of destiny, is not the so-called immortal. As far as mention on equal terms is possible, the gap between the two is as large as Heaven and Earth.

Because the edict is bestowed by the Dadao.

And the destiny is given by Heaven and Earth.

The Dao grants imperial fate, and can also take away imperial fate, but the destiny cannot be taken away by the Dao.

Similarly, to accept the edict given by the Dao, you must obey the will of the Dao, and the destiny does not need to obey the will of the Dao, not only does not need to obey the will of the Dao, in a sense, these destiny Those who are all arranged by God and selected by heaven are also envoys of the Great Dao, who are also eligible to use Grand Dao Law.

For example, the Star Monarch of immortal dao can use the immortal dao law.

If it is the Star Monarch of the demon way, you can also use the law of the demon way.

The reason why Star Monarch is terrifying is precisely because of this.

Think about it, you can use the Grand Dao Law, how can it not be terrifying, even more how these destined Star Monarch, themselves are the geniuses of All Heavens Myriad Realms, even if you don’t use the Grand Dao Law, just by yourself The powerful destiny is definitely not what the so-called proud masters outside can imagine.


The powerhouse from Dandinggu is not just as simple as the two avenues, Star Monarch.

The middle-aged man who is headed by a fatter body, a yellow robe, and a majestic complexion is more powerful.

The Taoist name is Xuan Xingzi.

It is Elder of Naidan Dinggu.

It is known as the Immortal King of Beiding.


Immortal King!

Moreover, his name as the Immortal King of Beiding Immortal King is not self-appointed, nor is it canonized in nine days, nor is it a gift, because he himself is the throne of heaven and is also an Ancient Era. The older immortal dao throne is very famous in Dahuang.

When I saw the Immortal King of Beiding, the two Star Monarch avenues, and a bunch of ancient powerhouses from Dandinggu, appeared in the Immortal Realm of Meihua, whether it was the Old Master, the centrifugal or Qingqing Somewhat surprised.

Especially Old Master.

Others may not know, but he knows that the matter behind the Emperor Youdi is not as simple as the surface, not only is the Three Thousand Great Daos fighting each other in secret, but also hiding the original sin and the retribution. It is the fortune of ancient times.

And 36 caves, seventy two blessed land has always had an unwritten agreement, that is not to participate in the battle between the Three Thousand Great Daos, nor participate in the heaven and earth fortune of any era.

Of course.

It is not excluded that other Heavenly Paradise people will come over to watch the excitement, but from the lineup of Dandinggu, they are not as simple as coming over to watch the excitement.

“Junior Xuan Xingzi has seen Kaishan Old Senior.”

When Beiding Immortal King walked over, the expressionless greeted him, those ancient powerhouses in Dandinggu, The same applies to the two avenues, Star Monarch.

Although the Old Master of Kaishan does not have the destiny of the Great Dao, he is the Old Senior of Ancient Era. He is also highly respected in the Great Wilderness. In addition, there are some connections between 36 Dongtian and seventy two blessed land. Therefore, wherever Heavenly Paradise No matter how high the cultivation base is today, no matter how strong the status is, you will also meet the old Master of Kaishan.

Following centrifugation and Qingqing, Juniors all saluted North Ding Immortal King, Bai Yuan Immortal Monarch, Yellow Wind Monarch, and many ancient powerhouses in Danding Valley.

The Kaishan Old Master tentatively asked: “Immortal King and you all came to visit Old Mister Meihua?”


North Ding Immortal King is tall and fatter. Standing there is like a mountain, giving people a strong oppression. Even the ancient Immortal who has climbed the ladder is standing in front of Beiding Immortal King. I also feel pressure, especially Beiding Immortal King is notoriously ruthless and very ruthless, which is called centrifugation, and the others feel uncomfortable.

Beiding Immortal King looked towards Qingqing, and said: “I’m waiting for a special trip to find the Qingqing girl.”

“I don’t know what Beiding Immortal King is looking for?” Kaishan Old Master seemed a little puzzled, and asked: “It’s difficult for you to come for the Emperor You too?”

“No, neither.”

“How to tell?”

“Old Senior, presumably you should also know that my Dandinggu’s discipline Lengjue was beaten up by You Emperor when he was on the Xuantian Ship!”

hearing this.

Everyone in the Changsheng Pavilion looked startled. They remembered that when they were in the Xuantian Ship, it seemed that there was indeed a discipline from Dandinggu who had been beaten into a waste by You Emperor, but they were still not quite right. Understand, what is the Beiding Immortal King coming this time, but it is difficult to avenge that discipline? Isn’t it possible? Just for a discipline, it is worthy of Beiding Immortal King and Two Avenue Star Monarch to bring so many ancient powerhouses in person?

And still seek revenge from Youdi?

That’s the Emperor You.

Just for a discipline, to seek revenge from You Emperor?

This is too risky, right?

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