Supreme Lord

Chapter 187

Chixu Villa, the crowd is surging.

Gu Qingfeng disappeared.

No one knows where he went or what he did.

The people around were talking in low voices, looking at the old man who was still kneeling there.

Compared with the whereabouts of Gu Qingfeng, they want to know why Sen is kneeling and why he respects Gu Qingfeng so respectfully. The respectful previous True Person Bing was just cursed little bastard, so he was slapped by Sen. It’s dead.

They don’t know who Gu Qingfeng is and what identity he is.

But one thing is certain, if anyone in the field knows, then this person must be Sen old.

Sen Lao knelt there for a long time, until he calmed down, he slowly stood up, looked at the night sky, and then re-arranged a Formation between the waves, covering the villa, and Everyone is isolated.

Turning around, looking at these corpses on the ground, these flesh and blood, these residual limbs, these half-dead people, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, said solemnly: “Find someone to deal with it as soon as possible.”

The ***nodded next to him, opened his mouth and looked like he wanted to talk but stopped, and then he seemed to have made a lot of determination before he dared to ask in a low voice: “Master, the man just now… is Who!”

This question, *** has been thinking about it all the time, but I can’t figure out who that person is.

He didn’t understand why the Master would kneel and why he was so excited.

“I don’t know.”

Sen always replied.

It’s just this sentence that made *** be there. He wondered if he had heard it wrong, and then asked: “Master, what are you talking about… You don’t know who that person is?”

“I don’t know.”

The old man replied with certainty.

This time, *** was completely dumbfounded.

What does not know?

I don’t even know who that person is.

Master just knelt down?

Is this a fool?

Is there something wrong with Master’s mind?

If you change to someone else, *** will definitely think that you are a fool, but he knows that the Master is absolutely impossible. There is a problem in his mind, and even more impossible is a fool. On the contrary, there must be a reason for the Master to kneel. When inquiring.

Old Sen closed his eyes, as if recalling something, and muttered: “Although I don’t know who that person is, I know the mysterious seal he produced.”

Print order mysterious?

***I still remember clearly that the white clothed man seemed to have condensed a mysterious. He didn’t know what it was, and he couldn’t see it. At this moment, I heard the Master said it was a mysterious seal. It was the first time he heard the name.

“That is the Chishang Seal Order of the Chixiao Sect.”

The Chishang Seal Order?

***I have never heard of the mysterious seal order, so how come I have heard of the so-called red seal order.

“You don’t understand, only the Chishang Sect’s people know what Chishang Yinling is. And only our Chishangzong who knows the meaning of Chishang Yinling.”

“Master, what does Akakami Seal Order represent?”

“Represents a person.”

“Represents a person? Who?”

When ***When I asked again, Sen not at all responded. He just closed his eyes, as if he was remembering something. The excitement that had been calmed in his heart gradually emerged, and his muttering voice became trembling: “Chi Shangxiao, Printing is honorable, so that the world will be enlightened…”

Beside, *** listened to Sen always chanting a sentence, but he didn’t know the meaning.

He didn’t ask any more.

He has been following the Master for many years, knowing that if the Master wants to tell himself, he will speak it out, and if he doesn’t want to say it, it is no use asking.

Just as the old man chanted, the excitement between the expressions became more intense, and tears flowed from the corner of his eyes.

“Master, you…what’s wrong with you.”


After a long time, the old man sighed then said, wipe He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, shook his head, and asked: “That person…what’s his name?”

“I heard that it is the Yunxia school’s palm storage discipline, called Gu Qingfeng.”

“The last name is ancient?”

“The last name is ancient.”

“The last name is ancient?”

The old man asked several times, and his eyes were drawn After a touch of surprise, it just dissipated quickly. He shook his head again and sighed: “Impossible…Impossible, Akakami Impossible is back, Impossible…”

The Chixu Villa was re-arranged by the old man in Formation. The people gathered near the Villa did not leave, but still gathered together in small groups and talked quietly.

The biggest cultivation Sect in the gilt realm, the Lingdu faction was almost destroyed.

The largest Ice Profound Sect in the surrounding ten directions has suffered numerous casualties.

The Murong Family of the Jiuhua Alliance, the giant who dominated the border and controlled more than a hundred realms, was removed.

The Deficit Head Villa, which was in charge of the underground underworld order in this world, also destroyed most of it.

This is definitely a major event. Everyone is talking about the outcome of this event.

In the distance.

On a sand dune.

Wei Qing stood, looking at the night sky, looking at the sky.

When Gu Qingfeng left, he not at all chased him. He knew that the person Gu Qingfeng was chasing was from the immortals.

Although, he would like to know the result.

I really want to know how Gu Qingfeng will deal with the immortal man, or how the immortal man will deal with Gu Qingfeng.


He wants to know.

But he is not at all chasing, not without this ability.

but not dare.

He is a cautious person. He clearly knows that some things are better not to be known. If he knows more, he will cause a killing disaster.

Although he is also very curious about Gu Qingfeng’s identity.

But just curious.

Now even if someone is willing to tell him, Wei Qing doesn’t want to listen.

He doesn’t want to know Gu Qingfeng’s identity anymore, if he can, he will never want to.

A person who dares to use Slaughtering Dao to test Tianzhao, Buddhism, Xianzhao, Mozhao, do you still know his identity?

What can I do if I know it?

Wei Qing didn’t know what he was going to do after the immortal man.

Is it just this question important?

Not important.

The important thing is that he dared to chase after the immortal man, this has been able to explain everything.


One silhouette is like falling from in the sky, maybe it is falling, more like a stumble.

Is a woman.

A red-clothed, beautiful and alluring woman with red hair.

It’s Liu Piaopiao.

Liu Piaopiao came from the void, as if he had been frightened. He looked like lose one’s head out of fear, and seemed to be a little unsteady even standing, a beautiful and alluring picture. pretty face deathly white Tieqing, directly paralyzed to the ground.

See this scene.

Wei Qing’s heart startedled, and he blurted out: “You…Don’t tell me, you just chased after!”

When I saw Liu Piaopiao, Wei Qing realized one The serious problem is that the previous thoughts were too messy, and Liu Piaopiao was forgotten in a chaotic manner. Just now I saw her coming from the void, and at this moment, she was shocked again.

Did she…

“Have you really chased it?”

Liu Piaopiao was lost and paralyzed on the ground, as if he hadn’t heard it. Say nothing.

“Speak! Have you chased after you!”

Wei Qing screamed and displayed a loud and mysterious voice to stimulate Liu Piaopiao’s soulless spirit, Liu Piaopiao fiercely startled, lifts the head, looking at Wei Qing, whispered: “He…he…he killed…he killed the immortals.”


Hearing this, Hui Lao next to him didn’t mention it in a sigh of fright. He was frightened and paralyzed on the spot.

Also, Wei Qing only felt that the sky was spinning, da da, back two steps, a stagger almost collapsed on the ground.

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