Supreme Lord

Chapter 1857

Gu Qingfeng drank a little wine while chatting with Nalan Qianqiu and jokingly. The atmosphere was not bad.

“Youdi, can I ask one thing?”

Nalan Qianqiu’s expression suddenly became serious and serious, and Gu Qingfeng was still so leisurely and doing nothing. He replied: “Sister, what are you being polite with, just ask whatever you want.”

“Okay.” Nalan Qianqiu first toasted a glass of wine before asking: “Can I know what you are doing here this time?”

“What do you do, I don’t plan to do anything.”

“Do nothing, then why do you come back? ?”

“I said the big girl, what are you talking about, how do you say it here is also my hometown, I can’t come back to see it?”

“Don’t Misunderstanding, I didn’t mean that.”

“What do you mean?”

“All Heavens Myriad Realms well, what you did in the Xuantian Ship the other day Known, you should know about this, right?”


“Many people are looking for you, do you know?”

“I’ve heard what Huo De said about this, but… Master is a little confused, what are they looking for me for? They want to kill me?”

Nalan Qianqiu stared In the eyes, he said angrily: “Otherwise, what do you think?”

“Isn’t it, I don’t have so many enemies, right?”

“You are in Ancient Era and Three Thousand Great Daos is the enemy. How many caves have been offended, how many blessed places have been lost, how many Immortal Realms have been slaughtered, and how many families have been destroyed. In the ancient times, people could not help you. The Old Ancestors of people in modern times have all awakened. , I will naturally seek revenge from you!”

“It’s also ha.” Gu Qingfeng nodded said with a smile: “Why don’t the old sayings come out and you will have to pay it back sooner or later.”

“Apart from this, those destined people in modern times and ancient times are also gearing up for you. However, they are looking for you not for revenge, but to prove themselves. You are in the Ancient Era. The man of fate in ancient times wants to obliterate you and make you famous.”

“Youngster, you can understand who doesn’t want to be famous.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Don’t say they , That’s why I sometimes want to kill myself and make a name.”

Nalan Qianqiu gave Gu Qingfeng a glance, and said: “However, it doesn’t matter, what matters is you Is the origin of well known The sinner, All Heavens Myriad Realms knows that your existence threatens Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, all living beings, so as long as you show up, the consequences can be imagined. “

After all, Nalan Qianqiu was afraid of Gu Qingfeng’s misunderstanding, so he quickly explained: “Youdiye, don’t get me wrong, I’m not scaring you, I can’t scare you, I say this, not at all other meanings, just want to let you know how chaotic the Great Wilderness is now. “

Gu Qingfeng asked indifferently: “So what? “


Nalan Qianqiu hesitated for a moment, and said: “So, I hope you…can you stay away from the storm temporarily and wait for the storm to pass, If you come out again, you will have less unnecessary troubles since then, what do you think? “

“It is true. “

Nalan Qianqiu happily said: “You agreed?” “

“This is not a difficult task, I have any reason not to agree, even more how, you are also good for me, right? “


Nalan Qianqiu couldn’t help but stared at Gu Qingfeng with a complicated look, seemingly incredible.


She came to Red Clouds Sect this time not only for Little Jin’er, but also for seeing Gu Qingfeng. To be precise, the most important purpose is to see Gu Qingfeng.

Only Little Jin’er is here, she dare to see Gu Qingfeng.

If Little Jin’er did not come this time, she would not dare to see Nalan Qianqiu to death. Gu Qingfeng.

Because of Little Jin’er here, she dared to come and test Gu Qingfeng’s attitude, whether she wanted to break the peace of the great wilderness.

Little Jin’er was here, she dared to persuade Gu Qingfeng if she could stay away from the limelight.

Before coming, she didn’t at all hold any hope, because she knew that Gu Qingfeng was an arrogant and arrogant person. In addition, she didn’t have much friendship with her, so she didn’t expect to persuade Gu Qingfeng. She originally thought, if she couldn’t persuade her, let Jiner try.

But she didn’t. I thought of it casually, Gu Qingfeng actually agreed so readily, and Nalan Qianqiu was so refreshed that he couldn’t believe it was true.

“You really… promised to avoid it? “

“Avoiding me will also reduce that many troubles. What’s wrong with this? It’s just…”

When Nalan Qianqiu, who was happy, heard Gu Qingfeng utter only three words, he immediately became nervous and asked, “It’s just what? Do you regret it? “

“It’s not a remorse, sister, I’ll avoid the limelight this time, what if next time?” I still avoid the limelight? What if next time? I can’t live secretly all my life, right? What do you say. “

“I didn’t let you live secretly all your life, I just hope you can avoid it temporarily and wait until the storm passes. “

“Sister Qianqiu, can I ask you something?” “

“Just ask what matter. “

“Did Jiutian let you over this time?” “

“I…” Maybe something guilty, but also a little nervous, Nalan Qianqiu lowered her head and dared not look at Gu Qingfeng’s eyes anymore. She drank a glass of wine, and after a while, she nodded and responded Said: “I know I can’t hide it from you, this time it was indeed nine days that let me come over, don’t get me wrong, nine days let me come, just want to persuade you, there is no other meaning. “

“The meaning of Jiutian is to let me avoid the limelight first, right? “

“Yes. “

“This matter is well known in such a short time. Nine days should know that someone behind it is fueling the flames, right? “

“That’s why we hope that you will stay away from the limelight for the time being and don’t be used by others. “

“Then what is the purpose of the person behind the scenes?” What do you want to use me for? What is the goal? “

“Of course I want to use you to make the Great Wasteland chaotic. “

“I understand. “Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Nine-day immortal dao finally dominates Heaven and Earth in the ancient times. They don’t want chaos in the wilderness, so let you come down and persuade me. “

Nalan Qianqiu said solemnly: “They were fancy this point, so they pushed the flames behind the scenes and passed the incident to All Heavens Myriad Realms well known. “

“In other words, the people behind the scenes want to provoke a fight between me and immortal dao, right? “

“Yes. “

“What good is the person behind the scenes?” “

“There are so many benefits. “

“Talk about it. “

“You Emperor, you should know that there are many original sinners between Heaven and Earth, right? “

“I know. “

“You should also know that many, many original sinners want to become the God of Original Sin recorded in the Book of Destiny who ends the present and the ancient and opens the age of innocence, right? “

“I heard it. “

“Back then, Wudao Mountain came, Youdiye, you lit the fire of original sin karma, but you also awakened the blood of original sin. Many people regard you as the future god of original sin. “

“So what? “

“Therefore, many original sinners want to replace you, especially the terrifying group of Guixu, who have been staring at you in secret. “

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