Supreme Lord

Chapter 1853

“I said that your little girl has changed so much and talked so much. You dare to learn from the ancient and unknown little lady, Jin’er, you should stay away from her and stay away from her.” /p>

“Ah! Big Brother, the nameless Empress said that you have always misunderstood her deeply. It seems like that.”

“I don’t have any misunderstandings about her, just pure Disgust.”

“Jin’er knows why Big Brother is disgusted with the nameless Empress, in fact…the nameless Empress is not what Big Brother thought, although the nameless Empress is the messenger of cause and effect, the incarnation of fate, but… …Anonymous Empress can’t graft cause and effect at all, nor can they arrange fate, let alone dominate anyone’s causal destiny.”

“That’s why I dislike her. You said she can’t even graft cause and effect, even Destiny can’t be arranged. I’m ashamed to call myself a causal messenger, destiny incarnation. Next time you see the eternal nameless lady again, bring me a word to her.”

“Big Brother wants to What is Jin’er bringing?”

“Tell her, if you don’t have a big head, just don’t wear such a big hat. Just stay at home obediently and honestly. Don’t motherfucker with a karma and destiny. Hats, put goddesses everywhere, and fool motherfucker.”

“Ah! Big Brother.” Little Jin’er frowns, said: “How can you say that nameless Empress.”

“I just said that, what can she do?”

“Anonymous Empress will hear it.”

“What if I hear it, I’m afraid she won’t make it?”


“No wonder the nameless Empress is very angry when you mention you. Big Brother must have said bad things about the nameless Empress.”

“It is light to scold her as a little lady, if you see her in the future , You believing or not I slap in the flace and smoke her.”

“Big Brother, don’t talk about it anymore, do you know you are good?”

“Yo, little girl , Listening to your tone, it seems like you don’t agree?”

“hmph hmph! Jiner just refuses, what do you want, Big Brother?”

Gu Qingfeng jumped up and jumped up. I jumped onto the white horse of Little Jin’er, laughed heartily Said: “I will let you see how powerful Big Brother is today. “

“Ah! Big Brother is good or bad, no! Itchy! Big Brother, Jin’er is wrong…”

Here, Gu Qingfeng and Little Jin’er are laughing and playing.

In Red Clouds Sect, this happened. A major event, at least, it is a major event for Huode.

At this moment.

Red Clouds Sect is in a villa.

Huode and Feiyue stood obediently and honestly.

Across from them, there was a woman sitting in the pavilion of the Bieyuan.

This woman was dressed in a suit. Dressed up, it looks beautiful and alluring, graceful and luxurious. Whether it is temperament or power, it is extremely powerful.

Huo De and Fei Yue both know this woman, named Nalan Qianqiu, both Saintess Empress The Senior Sister of Su Hua, and also the noble Empress of immortal dao, plays a decisive role in immortal dao and even the Great Wilderness.

Although they know Nalan Qianqiu, they only know how many they have met. Just face it, not at all what kind of friendship, and I don’t know why Nalan Qianqiu suddenly came to Red Clouds Sect.

Huo De lowered his head, meditating, wondering whether Nalan Qianqiu was for Gu Qingfeng. When he was thinking about it, Nalan Qianqiu’s voice came.

“Huode, there is one thing I want to ask you, and I hope you will answer truthfully. “

“I don’t know what Qianqiu Empress asked?” “

Nalan Qianqiu is a nine-day immortal dao noble Empress after all, Huo De naturally does not dare to neglect, and his words and deeds are also very serious and restrained.

“He, did he really come back? ? “

hearing this.

Huo De’s heart chuckles, as expected, Nalan Qianqiu or for Gu Qingfeng came, Huo De pretending to be puzzled, and asked: “I don’t know Qian Qiu Empress says he is…”

“Why do you want to be confused with me, do you have to make it clear? “


Huo De didn’t know whether he should tell Nalan Qianqiu about Gu Qingfeng’s return. If it was someone else, pretending to be silly and flickering, maybe even I was able to fool around, but I was just facing a nine-day immortal dao Empress like Nalan Qianqiu, and I was afraid that I couldn’t hide it at all. After thinking about it, Huo De was ultimately nodded and said, “Gu boy, indeed he is back. “

“Is he in this World now?” “

“It should be there. “

“What does it mean to be?” “

“The old boy was still in Red Clouds Sect yesterday. He said he went out for a stroll, but he has not returned yet. “

“In other words, he left Red Clouds Sect yesterday and has not come back yet, right? “

“Yes. “

“Where did she go yesterday? Did you go to Shixian Town? “

Hearing Nalan Qianqiu’s question, Huo De was shocked, because he remembered clearly that when Gu Qingfeng left yesterday, he did say that he wanted to go to Shixian Town to eat some delicious food, but Nalan How did Qian Qiu know, wondering in his heart, and asked: “Empress has seen the ancient boy? “

“He really went to Shixian Town! “

Nalan Qianqiu took a deep breath, his expression looked extremely anxious, and there was a gray robed old man standing beside Nalan Qianqiu, and Elderly was also panicked and said: “Now Oops, the one who took Jin’er from Shixian Town yesterday should be…youdi. “

Hearing Elderly mentioning Jin’er, Fei Yue asked nervously, “Is Jin’er here too?” “

Huo De also asked with a look of confusion: “Empress, is it really hard that Jin’er came with you this time?” And what happened to Shixian Town? Gu Xiaozi took Jin’er? When did this happen? “

“Jin’er was here long ago. “

Huo De and Fei Yue glanced at each other and asked: “But we have never seen Jin’er. “

“That was because she deliberately avoided you. “

“Hiding us?” Why does Jin’er hide from us, and what is she doing here? “

“Find You Emperor. “

“What! “

Huo De asked in astonishment: “How did Jin’er know that Guy Gu is back?” Not! Doesn’t Jin’er remember the past? Why would she come here to find Gu boy? “

Nalan Qianqiu did not respond, but stood there quietly, eyes closed, his face full of sorrow.

Besides, the gray robed old man said: “Two I don’t know, Jin’er’s previous memories have long been restored… After she recovered her memory, she secretly ran out here to wait for You Emperor. Empress was worried about Jin’er’s safety, so she kept the old slave behind in secret. Just yesterday, Jiner came to Shixian Town to chat with Luo Xuan Old Ancestor. Among them was a mysterious man. They chatted for a long time, and then the mysterious man disappeared with Jiner. “

“The old slave searched every corner of the entire world, but couldn’t find the whereabouts of Little Jin’er, so he quickly informed Empress about it, and the old slave did not know until now. That mysterious man should be Youdi. “

When it came to this, Elderly sighed very reproachfully and said, “I also blame the old slave for being careless. “Speaking, Elderly knelt down and said: “I hope Empress will punish the old slave!” “

“This has nothing to do with you. You have never seen You Emperor. It is normal for him to be You Emperor, even more how, even if you recognize him as You Emperor, what can you do? “Nalan Qianqiu shook her head slightly, and murmured: “All this is doomed, it’s already doomed…”

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