Supreme Lord

Chapter 1849

Listening to what Little Jin’er said, Gu Qingfeng stared at Little Jin’er’s clear eyes carefully, seemingly suspicious.

It’s not that Little Jin’er is genuine or fake.

He is very sure that the Little Jin’er in front of him is the real Little Jin’er.


The real Little Jin’er does not mean the former Little Jin’er.

Little Jin’er has changed.

Not grown up, nor matured.

It’s the blood moon that appeared earlier, which has already begun to affect Little Jin’er. It can even be said that Little Jin’er wakes up not only from the memories of this world, but also from previous lives. The memories related to the era of innocence have also begun to wake up…

“Big Brother, I know you must be suspicious, Jiner is still not the old Jiner, right?”

Gu Qingfeng shook his head, said with a smile: “No, how could it be.”

“Big Brother, don’t lie, Jin’er can see it from the look in your eyes just now , And…Jin’er can also feel it.” Little Jin’er lowered his head and whispered softly: “Actually…Big Brother’s suspicion is also normal, because Jin’er himself doesn’t know that Jin’er is still not the same as before.”

“It has something to do with that blood moon, right?”

Little Jin’er heavily nodded, responding: “Since that blood moon appeared, in Jin’er these years A lot of strange things really happened to Er.”

“What happened?”

Little Jin’er shook his head again, then stared at Gu Qingfeng, faintly said: “Big Brother, do you believe in Jiner?”


“If Big Brother believes in Jiner, don’t ask about it again, okay Jin’er has grown up now, and I can deal with my own affairs.” Lifts the head, Little Jin’er said seriously: “Moreover, Jin’er can swear to Big Brother, Jin’er used to be Big Brother’s Jin’er Now it’s Big Brother’s Jiner, and in the future it will also be Big Brother’s Jiner. Jiner will always be Big Brother’s Jiner. It will definitely change because of any existence, absolutely not!”

“Okay, Big Brother believes in Jin’er.”

Gu Qingfeng embraced Little Jin’er with a gentle smile.

“Big Brother, you know? Jiner is really happy and happy in your arms. I really hope to be embraced by Big Brother forever.”

” Jiner is happy, then Big Brother will always hold you like this.”

“Really? Big Brother, don’t lie to Jiner.”



“Then let’s pull the hook.”

“Hehe, Big Brother is so good.”

Gu Qingfeng would like to ask, what exactly is Blood Moon towards Little Jin’er? What was the impact? However, Little Jin’er refused to say that he had no choice. He wanted to take out Divine Consciousness and explored it quietly, but after thinking about it carefully, he finally gave up. Since he agreed to Little Jin’ er, then you can’t break your promise.

“Ah! That’s right! I almost forgot.”

Little Jin’er broke free from Gu Qingfeng’s arms again and asked: “Big Brother hasn’t answered yet. What about me, why on earth would I refuse to meet my elder sister?”

When Little Jin’er raised this issue, Gu Qingfeng had a headache and said: “You said it yourself just now, I’m already stuck In the original sin of falsehood, and the sinking is very deep, your sister Su Wei is also the person who has accepted the true fate. We are incompatible as fire and water, what can we do if we meet?”

“But… …The elder sister doesn’t care about these at all.”

“She doesn’t care, I still care, what if she kills me?”

“The elder sister likes you so much, How can I kill you.”

“Like a person, and kill a person, there is no conflict, since ancient times, killing one’s beloved by oneself is everywhere, you Big Brother, I have never stopped I’ve seen this kind of person once, and they are all women. Once a woman gets upset, she can do anything.”

“Other women may do, but the elder sister absolutely No.”

“You are not Su Wei, how can you be sure you will not.”

“I can be sure.”

” Well, even if your elder sister is not that kind of person, I don’t want to see her.”

“why on earth?”

Little Jin’er seems to be asking Gu Qingfeng , And seemed to be talking to himself, saying: “Is Big Brother worried about the elder sister? No! No, with Big Brother’s temperament, if you really fall in love with the elder sister, you will definitely protect yourself She will certainly not let her down, so Big Brother from the very beginning didn’t fall in love with her elder sister, right?”

Gu Qingfeng shrugged, noncommittal.

“Since Big Brother doesn’t love her elder sister, why should we give her elder sister illusory hope?”

“Jin’er, Heaven and Earth, conscience, you Big Brother When did I give Su Hua’s illusory hope? From the very beginning Su Hua was looking for me, I kept hiding from her, until the end, there was no way, that’s how I exposed my identity, but even so, I’m too Didn’t you recruit her? I kept avoiding her.”

“Big Brother, if you didn’t recruit the elder sister to plant the cause in Ancient Era, the elder sister would desperately samsara reincarnation to come to this world Are you looking for you?”

“This…” Gu Qingfeng speechlessly said with a bitter smile: “This is killing me. Back then, I was just seeking revenge from that family member, and it happened Su Wei is getting married with a child of that family, Su Wei asked me to take her away from my unfathomable mystery, so I took her away. At that time, you Big Brother, I really didn’t mean anything else, if I knew it would provoke so much Even if you beat me to death, I will not take Su Wei away.”

When I think of the rescue of Su Wei, Gu Qingfeng regrets it.

That is really regretful.

I regret that I shouldn’t go to the family for revenge that day, and if I regret my own revenge, then revenge. Why do I have to take away Su Wei with my hand.

Only motherfucker did such a damn thing because of his low hands, and got into such trouble.

“Big Brother should know that there is a cause and effect between you and your elder sister, past causes, and current results. It was not a coincidence that Big Brother rescued the elder sister, it was not accidental, but long ago. Doomed cause and effect.”

“Cause and effect?”

“Stupefied, isn’t it?”

“I said Jiner.” Gu Qingfeng squinted his eyes to see Pointing to Little Jin’er, he said: “Why do I listen more and more wrongly?”

“Why is it wrong?”

“You tell me honestly, did Su Wei instigate you to come? Yes? Let you instill ecstasy soup with me?”

Little Jin’er couldn’t help but give Gu Qingfeng a white look, and said: “Nothing.”

“Really not?”

“Really no! Jin’er can swear, I just feel sorry for her elder sister, that’s why I said these things.”

“Then when did you become such a babble , Opening and closing are both cause and effect, don’t you know that Big Brother is disgusted with these two words?”


Inexplicably, Little Jin’er has a long voice sighed: “Big Brother, you have been asleep for ten thousand years without feeling anything, how do you know how your elder sister spent these ten thousand years?”

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