Supreme Lord

Chapter 1846

“Little Sister, if you like it, you can treat me as your relative in the future.”

“Is it really possible?”

Little Jin’ er looks very happy.

Although the current Little Jin’er has been reshaped by Su Wei’s fleshy body, and his appearance is not the same as before, but the pair of clear eyes without any worldly dust has not changed, it is still that So pure, so innocent, so innocent, expecting to ask: “Then can I call your big brother in the future?”

“Of course.”

For some reason, when Gu Qingfeng finished speaking, Little Jin’er’s eyes suddenly reddened, tears couldn’t help streaming down, and he plunged into Gu Qingfeng’s arms and cried out of voice.

The cry of Little Jin’er made Gu Qingfeng cry a little not knowing what to do. It was just the back of Patted Little Jin’er, and asked: “Sister, why are you crying so good? ?”

“wu wu wu…big brother, I don’t know…I just feel so happy in my heart! Wu wu wu…I’ve never been as happy as today, I’m really I feel like my big brother is like my relative, like a relative I miss very much, wu wu wu……”

Gu Qingfeng comforted Little Jin’er and listened to the cry of Little Jin’er , His heart is also very uncomfortable, saying: “Perhaps a long time ago, such as the previous life, such as the previous life, we were really relatives.”

Little Jin’er feels that Gu Qingfeng looks like hers. A loved one.

And why is it not like Gu Qingfeng?

Since the end of Ancient Era that year, he was robbed of everything by God. In this world, he was reborn after death. The first time I saw Little Jin’er, I felt a very strong feeling, wishing forever Always guard Little Jin’er like a big brother guarding a younger sister. As long as Little Jin’er is happy, he will be satisfied, even if he truly becomes the Allah of Original Sin in the future, destroying the Three Thousand Great Daos, destroying heaven extinguishing earth, and opening the era of innocence , Also do not hesitate.

That’s true.

In Gu Qingfeng’s life, he only has this feeling for Little Jin’er.

He doesn’t know why.

Perhaps as he himself said, his previous life and Little Jin’er are really dependent relatives.

This can’t help but make Gu Qingfeng a little bit emotional.

Because of the extinction and rebirth, I returned to the eternal world and met Little Jin’er.

I never thought that this time I was killed and reborn again, and I returned to the eternal world, and I met Little Jin’er again.

Probably, perhaps this is the so-called cause and effect, the so-called destiny, it is already doomed.

Little Jin’er cried for a long time, lying in Gu Qingfeng’s arms, crying and falling asleep.

“What’s wrong with this little girl?”

Luo Xuan Old Ancestor looked suspiciously. Obviously, he was suffering from elder madness and couldn’t understand what happened before him. In one scene, I can’t figure out the two strangers, how to say they have become big brothers and younger sisters who depend on each other?

“Just fell asleep.”

Gu Qingfeng stroked Little Jin’er’s hair and looked at Little Jin’er who was sleeping, gently pampering.

“Why are you still asleep.”

Luo Xuan Old Ancestor wanted to wake up Little Jin’er, but was stopped by Gu Qingfeng, saying: “This girl ran to this world secretly from far away. She was tired and exhausted. She was only supported by a belief. Otherwise, she would have collapsed.”

” Ah.”

Luo Xuan Old Ancestor looked up and down Gu Qingfeng, wondering: “However, you brat doesn’t look as simple as the surface. Who on earth are you?”


Gu Qingfeng laughed and said: “An old man.”

“An old man?”

Luo Xuan Old Ancestor was puzzled: “What acquaintance?”

“Come on, I will tell you after drinking this glass of wine.”

Gu Qingfeng toasted and drank, and Luo Xuan Old Ancestor did the same, just as Luo Xuan When Old Ancestor finished a glass of wine and put down the glass, he was already lying on the table.

“Old Ancestor Old Ancestor!”

Luo Xuan Lao Tang’s buddies saw this scene, they all rushed over, pointed at Gu Qingfeng angrily, shouted: “You did to us Old Ancestor What’s wrong?”

“Your Old Ancestor is just drunk.”

Gu Qingfeng got up, hugged Little Jin’er, and looked at Luo who was sleeping on the table. Xuan Old Ancestor said: “Old Master, we’ll meet again some day.”


People have disappeared without a trace.


In the early morning of the next day, the sun rose.

Two people rode two horses slowly on the country road.

A man who looks bohemian, with his long hair dangled casually, is riding an Old Ma, carrying a hip flask, and drinking.

A girl who looks innocent, well-behaved and cute, holding a sword, riding a white horse, with a bell hanging around the white horse’s neck, the bell makes a crisp sound as it walks slowly .

It is Gu Qingfeng and Little Jin’er.

Little Jin’er looks very happy, talking and laughing with Gu Qingfeng along the way, said; “big brother, you know? I am really happy to meet you, and also very happy. I have never I have never felt this way.”

“What? Have you been unhappy before?”

“No, I have been very happy before, but this kind of happy feeling Different, when I was with the big brother, I felt very relaxed, and I slept in the arms of the big brother last night. I really… really feel very happy. I have never felt that I can sleep so happily when I sleep.”

Little Jin’er blinked his clear and pure eyes and asked, “Big brother, did you say that we were really relatives in the previous life?”


“Big brother, do you believe in reincarnation in the previous life, cause and effect in this life?”

When Little Jin’er mentioned cause and effect, Gu Qingfeng frowned and asked, “Why do you suddenly talk about this? ?”

“Actually…I have always had a secret in my heart. I have never said it to outsiders, even to my family. But after meeting my big brother, I suddenly wanted to Tell the big brother the secret.”

“The secret? What’s the secret?”

“The big brother promises me, must keep it secret, don’t tell anyone, okay?”

“Don’t worry, I will never tell anyone.”

“Big brother, in fact, I… used to have a strange dream.”

First, cause and effect.

A dream again.

Gu Qingfeng suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, guessing that Little Jin’er’s previous memories may show signs of recovery, maybe even worse than imagined. After pondering for a moment, he asked: “What dream?”

“In my dream, I seem to have been to this world before. Not only have I been here, I also met a Big Brother here. The first time I met Big Brother, I felt like Big Brother It’s the person I’ve been waiting for. I don’t know why I’m waiting for Big Brother here. I only know that the person I’m waiting for is Big Brother.”

“Big Brother is very good to me, he will To make me happy, to make me happy, and to protect me desperately. He was worried that I was in danger, so he gave me a bracelet, which is a heart bracelet. As long as I call Big Brother in my heart, Big Brother no matter where I am , Will appear in front of me desperately.”

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