Supreme Lord

Chapter 1844

It’s the setting sun again, it’s dusk again, and it’s night again.

Among the bustling crowds on the streets of Shixian Town, a young girl walked slowly with a white horse.

The girl is wearing a azure shirt, outside is a thin white gauze, three thousand black long hair naturally falls behind her, her body is petite and exquisite, her appearance is delicate and sweet, and her big smart eyes are especially clear. There is no impurity, even a little bit, just like a newborn baby, without the slightest dust of the world, it is really pure.

The girl looked like she was 15-16 years old, holding a white horse in one hand and a sword in the other, making her stand out among the crowd.

Because in the modern and ancient times, when you go out, you will either take a big lion, or a bird Spirit Beast, or walk with a sword, few people will lead a white horse on the street, let alone no one Will readily hold a Bing sword.

“Little girl, you are finally here.”

Seeing the girl, Luo Xuan Lao Tang’s buddy hurriedly greeted us and said: “These days, we have been anxious. “

“Little brother, what’s the matter?” The girl blinked her big smart eyes and asked suspiciously: “Did something happen after I left?”

“That’s it No, but we Old Ancestor have been waiting for you these days.”

“Oh, that’s it.”

The girl asked, “Where is Luo Xuan’s great grandfather?”

“Here, it’s still there.”

The girl looked over, and when she saw Luo Xuan Old Ancestor in the corner of Luo Xuan Lao Tang, a bright smile appeared on her face. , And then said to the horse: “Horse, horse, I’m going to listen to Luo Xuan’s great grandfather telling the story, you stay here for a while, okay?”

The horse seems to be able to After understanding the girl’s words, she raised her hair and fluttered, and then sensibly walked to a place where there was no one, lying on the ground.

“hehe, Luo Xuan great grandfather, how are you?”

The girl walked into the shop of Luo Xuan Lao Tang and said apologetically: ” After the town left, I went to other places. I didn’t say hello to you before I left. I’m so sorry.”

“No problem, little girl, you can come back to see old man, old Man is already very content!” Luo Xuan Old Ancestor looked very happy when he saw the girl, and he quickly invited the girl to take a seat, saying: “The old man saw you not coming a few days ago. I thought something happened to you. I asked my family to look for it, but I didn’t find it for a long time. I was very worried because I was called old man.”

Luo Xuan Old Ancestor asked with concern: “Girl, did you meet something? Matter? If you really have something, you might as well tell the old man. Although the old man doesn’t have any abilities, fortunately, there are still a few old friends. As long as it is a world-related matter, the old man can solve it for you.”

“Thank you great grandfather for your concern. I was not at all in danger, but I just went to Red Clouds Sect.”

“Good point, what are you doing in Red Clouds Sect?”


“Didn’t the great grandfather let me go?”

“The old man let you go?” Luo Xuan Old Ancestor was surprised and asked: “What made you go to Red Clouds Sect?”

“The great grandfather said that only the seniors of Red Clouds Sect knew what happened back then, so I then went to Red Clouds Sect.”

“What happened back then? What happened back then?”

Luo Xuan Old Ancestor thought about it carefully, as if he had remembered something, and said: “old man remembered it, girl, you seem to be from a foreign country Well, I came to this world to inquire about Gu Xiaozi, that is, Youdi, right? However, the old man just casually said at the time, did you really go?”

“Hmm, I This time I came to this world to inquire about Emperor You.”

“Then, did you find out about this trip to Red Clouds Sect?”

The girl looked a little disappointed. , Shook his head slightly.

“Yes, you are a little girl who is unfamiliar in life. You may not be able to get in if you go to Red Clouds Sect, and you may not be able to see those people back then, all blame old man If you don’t think about it well, let’s wait for tomorrow. The old man will take you to Red Clouds Sect in person. There are many old man in Red Clouds Sect. Many acquaintances are required. The old man has to talk about it. I believe they will give the old man the face. Yes.”

“Many thanks great grandfather, just…”

“Why? Girl, don’t you believe in the ability of old man?”

” no! great grandfather, don’t get me wrong, I’m just…I’m just…” The girl bit her lip slightly and shook her head helplessly and said, “Don’t hide the great grandfather, I have an aunt in Red Clouds Sect.”

“Then why don’t you ask your aunt for help.”

“She… won’t help me.”

“Why? She has a bad relationship with you “

“No no! Aunt is very good to me, if I speak, she will help me with anything, but this is the only thing…she won’t help me, and I don’t want to Let aunt know that I’m asking about Youdi. Originally, I went to Red Clouds Sect this time to find aunt, but when I arrived at Red Clouds Sect, I wandered for a long time, and finally decided that I didn’t want aunt to know about it.”

“Why is this again?”

“The matter is very complicated, I also said not quite clear for a while.”

Next to it.

Gu Qingfeng has been listening for more than a long time, and the more he listens, the more confused he becomes. Finally, he can’t help but ask: “Little Sister, what do you want to ask about Emperor You?”

“little Brother, you are…”

“Me?” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “I am the discipline of Red Clouds Sect.”

“little brother is Red Clouds Sect Disciple?”

“Yes.” Gu Qingfeng asked: “What do you want to inquire about Emperor You? You might as well say it, and I can tell you about You Emperor, I don’t know Less.”

Luo Xuan Old Ancestor said: “youngster, don’t talk nonsense, you brat can’t help you with this matter.”

“What can’t you do with this? , I really know a lot about Youdi.”

“The deeds of the ancient boy, All Heavens Myriad Realms, who doesn’t know, but you brat? Let’s talk about it again, you No matter how much I know, can any old man know about Youdi? Even the old man doesn’t know, you brat let alone, I’m afraid I’ve never even heard of it.”

” It’s not necessarily, I’ve never heard of it, but just talk about it.”

“Hey, you brat is not convinced, right? It’s okay to tell you, to be precise, the little girl is not asking about Youdi. It’s a Little Sister whom You Di loved very much.”

“The Little Sister You Di loved?” Gu Qingfeng questioned: “Who? What’s his name?”

“What’s the name, the old man doesn’t know, it should be Jin’er, yes, that’s right, the old man remembers that Little Jin’er called Little Jin’er.”

“Little Jin’er “

hearing this, Gu Qingfeng was surprised, and looked towards the girl next to him, and said: “Do you want to inquire about Little Jin’er?”

The girl nodded, blinked With big smart eyes, he looked at Gu Qingfeng and said: “little brother, have you heard of the name Little Jin’er?”

“I’ve heard of it, but…you ask. Little Jin’e What does r’s message do? “

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