Supreme Lord

Chapter 1838

“The Lord beat someone in the Xuantian Ship, and the goddess and the goddess, as well as the discipline of Seventy Two Blessed Lands. They are not ordinary masters. The background is bigger than the other. If the master does not recognize his identity If the time comes, do you think they will let him go? When the time comes, it must be a wave of searching for him. Finding him is a lot of trouble.”

“Then you brat Can’t bear it? Even if you didn’t hold it back then, just change your face in the future. Forgive them for not recognizing you. If it doesn’t work, hide. If you hide, no one between Heaven and Earth can find you brat. “

“Hold it up? Change your face? Hide?” Gu Qingfeng glanced at Huo De and cursed: “Go away as soon as possible. Lord, I faced God back then. I can’t bear, I didn’t hide. I have lived for most of my life. Now you ask my father to bear to hide a few small hairy children. Then what am I still alive? I’m dead motherfucker.”

” It’s also.”

Huo De scratched his head awkwardly, laughed, and said: “You brat, when he was young, came down from Chiyan Ridge and walked the heavens-defying road all the way. He never recognized counseling. I lowered my head, and there was no tolerance for avoiding these words in the life dictionary, but…”

Huo De poured Gu Qingfeng a glass of wine and handed it over, saying: “The key is you brat personally. I admit my identity, but I can’t hold them down, because whoever motherfucker doesn’t know whether you brat is the real Youdi or the fake.”

“So, I will prepare this time. Let them see if I am real or fake.”

“Then you brat will be in serious trouble this time. If you brat didn’t admit to knowing the identity, others would just doubt, you face The trouble at best is the Changsheng Pavilion, Danding Valley, and several Immortal Realms in Lingluo Tianyu. Now you brat has admitted his identity. All Heavens Myriad Realms wants to know whether you are true or false. Don’t you know, now the Great Wilderness It’s already messed up.”

Huo De said: “There are nearly ten thousand immortals in Lingluo Tianyu alone. There are only more Great Immortal Realm Lord Old Ancestors. According to the old man, Dadao More than a dozen Star Monarch have come, and a few of the Throne of the Avenue have come. These are only those with names and surnames, those ex hidden in the dark. The pert ghost knows how much, and what’s more terrifying is that this is only the situation in Ling Luo Tianyu. “

“Now the people outside don’t know that you brat is here in the old man. If they know, the experts of All Heavens Myriad Realms will be swarming. “

“You brat caused so many big troubles all at once in order to solve the small troubles. “

Gu Qingfeng lightly saying: “Big troubles or small troubles, these troubles will be faced by the Lord sooner or later. You can’t avoid it, since the rush has arrived. Here, the Lord had no choice but to do nothing, and solve all the troubles in the past, now and in the future. “

hearing this.

Huo De was frightened and turned pale, and said in amazement: “You…you brat are going to kill again?” “

Huo De understands Gu Qingfeng.

The clear Gu Qingfeng never takes the initiative to cause trouble, but if something comes to the door, he will never be soft, and he knows Gu Qingfeng will act. There is a principle, that is, either do nothing, do it thoroughly, or to be precise, either do not kill one, kill all if you want to kill, kill the whole family in one pot, and eliminate the troubles forever.

Be aware that those immortals are still backed by Great Immortal Realm, and those who are behind the Star Monarch, the power behind the Avenue Throne use their toes to think about how terrifying, even more how in this All Heavens Myriad Realms, The forces of the Great Immortal Realm are all intertwined. As for the 36 caves and sky, not to mention 72 caves, it is simply unimaginable.

If Gu Qingfeng is really ready to kill this time, it will be triggered. The consequence is simply unimaginable. When the time comes, even if Three Thousand Great Daos dare not act blindly without thinking in the face of Gu Qingfeng, they will have to take action. Once Three Thousand Great Daos takes action, all kinds of destiny will All kinds of people who should be killed will appear, and at the same time, people of all kinds of original sins will also appear. As soon as the war is about to happen, the ancient catastrophes will also occur.

“Killing? hehe. “

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and laughed, and said: “Killing is indeed the easiest, most crude, most direct and effective means to solve troubles. However, he is too old to be able to kill, and he is too lazy. Kill again…”

“Then what did you brat mean to solve all the troubles just now? “

“There are many ways to solve troubles, killing is just a method that’s all, and sometimes solving troubles does not necessarily have to kill. “

“Then how are you going to solve it? “

“When the time comes, you will know, and now you don’t understand. “

“Well, but…Gu boy, I don’t know if you have thought about it. Now Three Thousand Great Daos is all staring at you, I always want to know you brat Attitude, you are playing so much now, and you are still playing so big, in case…old man means in case, in case Three Thousand Great Daos thinks you are demonstrating to them, or thinks you want to take this opportunity to show you Attitude, what should I do? “

“Huo virtue. “

Gu Qingfeng did not answer the question, and said: “Do you know Three Thousand Great Daos why not dare to act blindly without thinking?” “

“You brat have an unclear attitude, no one can tell your pulse, and of course you dare not act blindly without thinking. “

“Because of what? “

“Because you brat is sinking too deep in the black hole of original sin, it is very likely that the original sin has been pursuing Allah, they are all afraid, afraid that if you brat provoke hair, it will cause catastrophe . “

“Not bad, it’s true. “Gu Qingfeng continued: “Then tell me again, if I am preparing for a major event in Lingluo Tianyu this time, what will Three Thousand Great Daos do? “

“What can I do? You brat suddenly plays such a hand suddenly, Three Thousand Great Daos will definitely be extremely nervous, when the time comes, even if you brat is not scared to death by you brat, you will definitely get a cold sweat. “

“Hey! That’s right, don’t you always want to know what kind of fun you want to have? This is the fun the Lord is looking for. “

Gu Qingfeng’s voice fell, Huo De couldn’t help being there. He was shocked for a while before he gradually came back to his senses, pointed at Gu Qingfeng, and stammered: “You… Boy…you brat…motherfucker This is no fun, you are…this is to scare Three Thousand Great Daos to death! “

“hahaha! How about it is a great fun. “

“Guy boy, you are looking for fun…Is it too big? Motherfucker found Three Thousand Great Daos, and your motherfucker is playing with them. ! “

Gu Qingfeng shrugged, and said indifferently: “You also said just now, Lord and I have always been a master who has revenge, and the Three Thousand Great Daos has not been tossing about it all these years. Lord, I just scared them, it’s already cheap for them. “

“Okay. “

Huo De took a deep breath, calming down the panic and stimulation in his heart, after a long time, he exclaimed: “Look at this All Heavens Myriad Realms, dare to have fun with Three Thousand Great Daos. So motherfucker you brat has the courage! “

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