Supreme Lord

Chapter 1833

After Gu Qingfeng returned to Red Clouds Sect, he did nothing and fell asleep.

Actually, what Bai Chou said is not bad.

Gu Qingfeng had long suspected that Bai Chou was the same Big Senior Sister in Canyang Valley. Of course, he was only skeptical, not sure.

The reason why he never asked until now was because he didn’t care if Bai Chou was who.

Why did Gu Qingfeng pretend to be confused and deliberately acted in such a play, it is not what Bai Chou said. Gu Qingfeng knows the purpose of her coming this time, to be honest, Gu Qingfeng didn’t know, or even knew that Bai Chou was in this world.


One thing Bai Chou said is right, that is, as long as Gu Qingfeng is willing, nothing can be concealed from him between this Heaven and Earth.

Gu Qingfeng may not know the purpose of Bai Chou’s visit this time, but he knows one thing in his heart that Bai Chou will not find him for no reason, and he will not come to him too much Chat, find out what must be something you must have, and this matter must also be related to the original sin of the innocent age.

Now Gu Qingfeng, he neither wants to see, nor disinclined to pay attention to, anyone in the era of vain and original sin.


As feigning ignorance Bai Chou, he fiercely showed off his acting skills.

Don’t say it.

It’s pretty enjoyable.


To this day, after experiencing so many things, Gu Qingfeng himself does not know whether he has always been acting as a self-deception or he is the real self.

As he said, I might have been lost long ago…but I didn’t know it.

As Bai Chou said, Gu Qingfeng doesn’t care if he is lost or not, so it doesn’t matter to him whether he is lost or not.

I slept for seven or eight days in this sleep, and I slept quite well. After getting up, Spirit, Soul and Qi feel good.

I rinsed and took a bath by the way.

At noon.

Gu Qingfeng is sitting on his back in the Lord’s chair in the garden, basking in the sun and drinking a little wine, not to mention how comfortable it is to spend a small day.

No way, Gu Qingfeng is just like this. Through childhood has never changed.

It didn’t take long.

A person walks slowly into the garden.

This is a woman, a beautiful and alluring woman in red-clothed.

When she saw Gu Qingfeng, her expression was startled, she couldn’t help but froze there, a pair of eyes stared at Gu Qingfeng with extremely complicated expressions.

Gu Qingfeng also tilted his head, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at the beautiful and alluring woman. He seemed to have heard Huode say that this is the mountainside of Red Clouds Sect, which belongs to the quiet meditation. The school’s discipline is not allowed, and even the large and small Elders in the clan are not eligible to come.

How come a woman suddenly appeared.

Moreover, this woman is not a person of cultivation in the secular world. Although she is a person of great dao, she is neither a fairy Buddha nor a Demon, but a very rare witchcraft, which surprised Gu Qingfeng even more. Yes, this woman still has an edict on her body, and it is still nature’s edict.

If it were just an ordinary nature’s imperial, it would not make Gu Qingfeng feel peculiar. In fact, he could see that the nature’s imperative of this woman gave him a strange feeling. It is an imperial order and not like an imperial order, it is not an imperial order of nature, this beautiful and alluring woman is like fuse together with nature, inexplicably magical and weird.

Gu Qingfeng is thinking that this beautiful and alluring woman is most likely to be related to nature.

Looking at it, Gu Qingfeng felt that the beautiful and alluring woman was a bit familiar, as if she had known each other.

Damn it.

It’s a feeling of deja vu again, so this girl is also an innocent person?

Gu Qingfeng took a closer look and found that he was too worried. The beautiful and alluring woman is not an innocent person.

But if you are not an innocent person, why do you feel deja vu?

It’s hard to say that I have seen it before?

After thinking about it, Gu Qingfeng asked: “Big girl, have we met before?”

“You…don’t remember me?”


The beautiful and alluring woman stared at Gu Qingfeng. After a long time, she said, “We met a long, long time ago.”

“How long is it? “

“Ten thousand years ago, when Jingu just opened.”

Gu Qingfeng thought carefully, when Jingu just opened, he was taken away by God. , And then rebirth from the death of this world, but I don’t remember knowing such a beautiful and alluring woman in the memory. She explained: “Big girl, I, my brain is not very bright, and my memory is also lacking. Many things in the past I have forgotten, so…can you tell me more about it?”

“One day ten thousand years ago, I took Yeye to the cemetery of King Chixiao under Chiyan Ridge to worship. That was the first time we met…”

The beautiful and alluring woman hadn’t finished her words, Gu Qingfeng slapped her forehead and happily said: “I remember, you are Ouyang Ye’s aunt , It seems…it’s called Feiyue, right? I remember you still experience a mountain village called Grade 1. Back then, I used to go to your mountain village to drink and listen to music, right?”

I heard that Gu Qingfeng not only recognized himself, but also remembered his name. Feiyue was very surprised and did not dare to neglect, so she immediately bowed down and said: “Little girl Feiyue pays respects to Chi Xiao… to see Emperor You.”

“They are all old friends, what to worship, what to worship, besides, now I am neither the King of Chixiao nor the Great Emperor of Nether, but a layman that’s all.”

Gu Qingfeng waved his hand casually, Feiyue still somehow had something wrong, only to feel that she was supported by a breeze.

“Big sister, count the days, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, come here, sit down and talk.”

Gu Qingfeng waved his hand to sign Fei Yue to sit Come to drink together, even though Feiyue came over, she didn’t dare to sit down.

Back then, she didn’t know the identity of Gu Qingfeng and that’s all. Now that she knows that Gu Qingfeng is not only the King of Chixiao in this world, but also the Great Emperor of Nether in Megatron, how dare she be in front of Gu Qingfeng Sit down and drink together.

“Sister, how have you been all these years? Why are you here in Red Clouds Sect? Wouldn’t you become a member of Red Clouds Sect now?”

Feiyue nodded, respectfully responded: “Since Huode Senior rebuilt Red Clouds Sect, I have also joined Red Clouds Sect.”

“Ouyang Ye in the past has now become a big Empress of nature, you are her aunt anyway. Looking at this All Heavens Myriad Realms, what you want is easy to do. Even the 36-hole seventy two blessed land in the great wilderness can be chosen by you. Why stay in this small Little Red Clouds Sect, if I had a niece such as Empress of Nature, I would have already been above heaven under earth walk unhindered.”

“Youdi Lord laughed.” Feiyue said seriously: ” The little girl does not yearn for the vast wilderness, nor does she like the unfamiliar environment, she only likes to stay in her familiar hometown, world, and spend the rest of her life peacefully.”

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