Supreme Lord

Chapter 1824

“You mean that the entire Northwest is now… the site of Red Clouds Sect?”

From Huode’s proud energy, Gu Qingfeng had already guessed the reconstruction of Red Clouds. The scale of Sect is certainly not small. If it weren’t for this, Huode would not sell it like this, but he never thought that the scale of Red Clouds Sect was so large that it would occupy the entire Northwest.

In his impression, the Great Northwest is quite large, larger than the Yanluo country back then, accounting for almost 90% of the entire world.

“I said Huo De, I did not expect that in just ten thousand years, your old fellow played such a big time in the secular world, and took motherfucker to the entire Northwest. Don’t say, Lord, I used to I really underestimate you, your motherfucker ability is really not small.”

“Mixing with that’s all, not worth mentioning.”

Although Huo De said so, inwardly But he was so happy, especially when he looked at Gu Qingfeng’s surprised expression. Don’t mention how happy his heart is. After being hit by Gu Qingfeng for so many years, but also suffocated for so many years, now he finally exhales fiercely in front of Gu Qingfeng. Put, Huo De Na is an energetic.

“Say you are fat, your old fellow motherfucker is still breathing.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Tell me, how many disciplines are there in Red Clouds Sect now?”

“Guess guess, even if you guess bigger, guess harder.”

“Hundred 800,000?”

“I said Gu, old man is like that in your eyes Can you bear it? Guess again.”

“Thousands of thousands?”


Huo De rolled his eyes and stood in the air In the middle, with one hand behind him and the other hand twisting the white beard on the chin, he said: “Tell you Gu, listen well, and stand firm. Today’s Red Clouds Sect has more than ten thousand distributions alone. Subordinate gangs There are countless family names and so on. The total number of disciplines is hundreds of millions of disciplines. This is only a figure counted a thousand years ago. Today there are probably more disciplines.”

“My grass !”

hearing this, Gu Qingfeng finally couldn’t help the exclamation in his heart, and made a violent swear word. After a long time, he nodded and said: “Nice!”

“ha ha ha ha !”

Looking at the surprised expression of Gu Qingfeng’s clothes, Huo De couldn’t help but laughed heartily up, this smile also made up for all the blows suffered in front of Gu Qingfeng that year came back.

“Gu boy, go, the old man will take you to meet the big world, let you brat open your eyes.”


Huo De was about to dive down, suddenly remembered something, and said: “By the way, there is one thing, Gu boy, you must promise old man.”

“What’s the matter? ?”

“Now the old man is also the Ancestral Master of Red Clouds Sect, the prestigious Yunxiazi, who will return to the sect later and meet the disciples and grandchildren of the old man, can you brat right? The old man has a better attitude. Give the old man some face. Don’t motherfucker and let the old man ashamed in front of the discipline.”

“What? You call me and call you Ancestral Master?”

“It’s not necessary. You don’t want to call the old man ashamed in public.”

“Look at your appearance, it seems that you still have something to prepare, okay, don’t worry, this time he will definitely give you face .”

“That’s good.”

After Gu Qingfeng agreed, Huo De then swooped down with Gu Qingfeng.

At this moment.

In front of the main entrance of Red Clouds Sect.

There are countless densely packed people.

Although there are many people, they stand neatly.

The team of grandiose looks quite grand.

When they saw Huo De descending from the sky, everyone was extremely surprised. The nine people standing in the front were the first to bear the brunt, jumping up and bowing to welcome them.

“Disciple welcomes Master to return to the clan.”


A group of hundreds of people bowed down and shouted: “Li Chang rate your cabinet Elder, and welcome Sect Founder back!”

“Bai Tao rate you Inner Palace Elder, welcome Sect Founder back Zong!”

“Yingjiang rate all the inner church Elder, welcome Sect Founder to return to the sect!”

“Ziwu rate all Sect Elder, welcome Sect Founder to return to the sect!”



Huode is no longer the sloppy old urchin, dressed in a white robe, holding Buddha dust, divine poise and sagelike features, facing the Red Clouds Sect Elder’s respect, he just Faintly nodded, not at all said anything, just walked towards the clan with Gu Qingfeng.

The two sides of the clan are also full of people, and the standing is especially neat.

When Huo De passed by, people on both sides knelt to welcome him.

“Bai Tao rate Red Clouds Sect and Fengling dispatched to Elder to welcome Sect Founder back to the sect.”

“Yinhuan rate Red Clouds Sect to be dispatched to Elder to welcome Sect Founder back to the sect! “


In Red Clouds Sect, those who bowed down and greeted Elder in the clan, and bowed down on both sides to greet the Sect Masters and Elders, all the backbones, as for those disciplines, sorry, even There is no qualification to kneel down.

Huode just went all the way, and wherever he jumped, everyone bowed down to greet him. It was not Yunxia’s subordinate Sect, or Yunxia’s subordinate gang, not this family, or that tangkou .

Gu Qingfeng has been following Huo De, stunned.

First, I marvel at the Great Influence of Red Clouds Sect, and there are many disciplines. Second, I also marvel at the motherfucker of Huo De.

It’s really big.

The big Gu Qingfeng is a bit impressed.

“I said Huo De, I haven’t seen it for so many years, and the ability has not risen much. This ostentatious ability is an eye-opener for me.” Gu Qingfeng sound transmission whispered: “You are comparable I was more awe-inspiring back then. Lord, I founded the Chixiao Sect back then, and brought a bunch of Chixiao brothers to the South and the Northern War. I never put up such a big score. I know that your old fellow is a Sect’s Master, I don’t know. The motherfucker thought it was the founding emperor!”


Huo De is not at all feeling sorry and not at all embarrassed, and replied: “Old man, old man I know that you will definitely laugh at old man by motherfucker, but the old man doesn’t mind, and the old man is not afraid to tell you that the old man has put such a big score these years.”

“Hey! You guys The old fellow also learned the stinky to have no shame.”

“If you come out to have no shame these days, who needs a face!” Huode said: “Gu boy, the old man admits that you possess Great magical power, rampant Heaven and Earth omnipotent, but for the sect set, you brat has always been a layman, you don’t understand it.”

Huode explained: “Actually, Gu boy, The old man didn’t have to put up such a big score. In the first few years, the old man was also very resistant to this stuff and felt embarrassed on his face, but later he gradually accepted the habit, and Sect wanted to grow. Sometimes you can’t make this score bigger if you don’t.”

“You brat don’t think that this old man deliberately put such a big score in front of you. Of course, the old man does I want to show my face in front of you brat, but today this score is not just for you brat alone, but for other sects in the ancient world, and also for those sects behind these sects in the Lingluo Tianyu. Immortal Realm is even more for Xianchao.”

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