Supreme Lord

Chapter 1822

“Really or fake, still revealing the real body?”

Gu Qingfeng looked up and down the Huo De with suspicion, said with a smile: “You show a real body and let him see.”

“Then you brat is a little bit mentally prepared, don’t be scared by motherfucker.”

Huo De coughed twice, corrected his positive expression, and then changed his body, originally wearing a shabby robe , The sloppy, sloppy fire virtue disappeared. Instead, a holy white robe, white beard and hair, and Buddha dust appeared.

“Gu boy.” Huo De twisted his white beard, with a look of divine poise and sagelike features, lightly said with a smile: “How is Poor Daoist’s real body? Look at your expression, definitely Be surprised.”

Don’t say it.

Gu Qingfeng’s heart was really surprised by the fiercely of Huo De here. He looked around Hu De fiercely, looked and looked at it, and after a while, he exclaimed: “I It’s okay to say that fire morality is okay, no wonder people say that people rely on clothing and Buddha rely on gold. You brat wears this outfit. At first glance, it looks like motherfucker has several points of divine poise and sagelike features. If you don’t know you , Really motherfucker would think that your old fellow came out of senior expert.”

“ha ha ha ha! Believe it now.”

Huo De He laughed proudly and said: “Moreover, the old man can tell you responsibly that in Lingluo Tianyu, the old man is really the senior expert of the genuine, whether it is the Old Ancestor of the Immortal Realm family or the big Lord, even if He is a man of destiny. If you meet an old man, you must respectfully shout Yunxiazi Senior.”

Gu Qingfeng raised his brows and asked: “Yunxiazi Senior?”

“Yes, Yunxiazi is the old man’s name in Lingluo Tianyu.”

“Yunxiazi? Why is this number so familiar?” Suddenly, Gu Qingfeng remembered something and said: “This motherfucker Isn’t it the name of the Ancestral Master of our Yunxia School?”

“It is precisely because Yunxiazi is the name of the Ancestral Master of our Yunxia School, so the old man gave himself the name of Yunxiazi.”


“Gu boy, you know that the old man has always had a great regret in his life, that is, he failed to promote Yunxia.”

Gu Qingfeng nodded, he also knows that Huo De’s heart is Yunxia Sect. If it were not for this reason, when he was in the secular world, Huo De would not devote most of his life to Yunxia Sect.

“To this day, the old man still clearly remembers that the Master died in depression. It is precisely because the Yunxia School was lonely day by day. From then on, the old man vowed that he would definitely carry the Yunxia School forward. “

“Unfortunately, the old man didn’t have the ability before, and the Yunxiao Sect was in the hands of the old man. Not only did it not carry forward, but even the inheritance did not continue. In the end, it was slapped by you brat.”

“The Yunxia school is the knot of your old fellow, and this knot is getting stronger and stronger in your heart. This is the fundamental reason why your cultivation base has stagnated.” Gu Qingfeng said:” If the Lord didn’t send Yunxia to annihilate, you would not be an old fellow for the rest of your life.”

“The old man knows that you brat killed the Yunxia faction for the good of the old man, but ……” Huo De shook his head and said: “The Yunxia School carries too many memories and dreams of the old man. The old man can’t let go of it. Before, he didn’t have the ability to carry forward the Yunxia School. Later, you brat you. For the good fortune, reshape the fleshy body for the old man, the old man is considered a bit of ability.”

Gu Qingfeng asked: “What about then?”

“Actually, Gu boy , There is one thing the old man hasn’t told you.”

“What’s the matter?”

“After the old man fleshy body was rebuilt and awakened, not at all rushed to the famine Instead, it re-created the Yunxia School in the secular world. You also know that the old man is not well-known in the secular world. Imitate the dog and steal chicken has done a lot of activities. Many acquaintances know the details of the old man. The old man was worried that if he used the name of Huo De to create the Yunxia School, he would be gossiped in the future. Therefore, the old man used the name of Ancestral Master and lied to the outside world that he was the Ancestral Master of the Yunxia School.”

“So, you have created another Yunxia Sect in our secular world?” Gu Qingfeng smiled and looked at Huo De, and said: “Look at your proud look, the newly created Yunxia Sect It’s not bad to mix in the secular world?”


Huo De mysterious laughed, said : “Gu boy, since I have arrived at Lingluo Tianyu, do you want to go back to our hometown, world? “

“Even if you don’t say it, I want to go back and take a look. “

“Then go. “

In the Great Wilderness, there are many Smaller Thousand Worlds in every universe, and Lingluo Tianyu is no exception.

Ancient Era, due to lack of resources, dominates the fairy dynasty of World Source, People who are worried about the other world will compete for resources, and they are also afraid of the invasion of demons and ghosts. Therefore, most secular worlds are closed. After opening the space barriers, it is difficult for people outside the world to enter, and it is also difficult for those in the world to get out. .

In modern and ancient times, everything is revived, and cultivation resources are everywhere. In addition, in this and ancient times, the immortal dynasty dominates the wilderness, and there is no worry about other people competing for resources, let alone the invasion of demons and ghosts. Therefore, all secular worlds dominated by immortal dao are in an open state.

People inside and outside the world can enter and exit at will. Not only that, for trade, the world and the world are also interoperable, as long as you get immortal With the permission of the DPRK, Great Immortal Realm can still settle here.

Gu Qingfeng and Huode’s hometown world is called the ancient world.

That’s right.

It’s called the ancient world.

This is a very strange and weird name.

As for why it is called such a strange name, no one knows.

Among the many secular worlds of Lingluo Tianyu, the reputation of the ancient world is not small, it can even be said to be very big, at least, as long as the ancient world is mentioned, most people have heard of it.

The reason is very good. Simple.

Wudao Mountain has come on more than once in the ancient world.

As everyone knows, Wudao Mountain belongs to the era of Wudao, and in a sense even represents Wudao. In times, there are even more rumors that as long as you climb the Wudao Mountain, you can unlock all the secrets of the Wudao Age.

It is no coincidence that Wudao Mountain has come several times in the ancient world.

Some people say that the ancient world may have some connection with the era of innocence. Perhaps the ancient world is the fragmented world of the era of innocence.

For this alone, the ancient world is enough to be famous in the great wilderness.

Of course.

There is a more important reason why the fame of the ancient world is so great.

Most worlds dominated by immortal dao have their roots It is ruled by the Immortal Dynasty, and the Lord of the Immortal Dynasty is also the master.

Only the origin of the ancient world is not the Lord of the Immortal Dynasty, but the Empress Junxuan of the Empress Ji is the ruler from beginning to end. The immortal dynasty has never dominated the origin of the ancient world, not even once.

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