Supreme Lord

Chapter 1818

“It’s not easy for anyone alive to motherfucker.”

Huo De expressed such emotion.

This is what he really feels after listening to Gu Qingfeng and Ren Tianhang chatting.

As a result, he finally realized that behind any prestigious reputation may be burdened with unimaginable distress, sorrow and danger.

The greater the prestige, the more suffering may be borne.

The famous Weiyang Demon Emperor Ren Tianhang is like this.

The same is true for Gu Qingfeng, the master of Nether.

The prestige of the two is bigger than the other, and the things they did in the past are more crazy than the other. At the same time, the two of them are carrying more suffering than one.

He was sighing with emotion here, but Gu Qingfeng said in a calm and indifferent way: “It’s just that there is nothing difficult to live purely. What is really difficult is to live the way you want to live.”

“It’s just you brat, right? Who doesn’t want to live the way he wants to live? But the point is that between Heaven and Earth, all living beings, since ancient times, how many people can live themselves I want to live.”

Gu Qingfeng said with a laugh: “If you can’t live the way you want to live, it’s better to live as if you want to live like a master. If you want to live for a day, you can count on a happy day. One day, what a pity, what a pity! What a pity.”

“What a pity?”

“It’s a pity that the old man doesn’t understand this principle.”

“It’s not that Ren Tianhang doesn’t understand, they just don’t want to make do, they don’t want to just live, you think everyone is the same as you brat!”


“So what?”

“So he is Ren Tianhang, and I am Gu Qingfeng.”

“Just you? Repay the breeze?” Huo De looked up and down very contemptuously Gu Qingfeng said: “Look at you brat, where is it like a breeze? The old man sees you more like a bad wind.”

As he was talking, Huo De seemed to think of something and asked He said: “By the way, the old man has always wanted to ask you brat a question, why did you change your name suddenly when you were so good?”

Huode used to think that Gu Qingfeng might have stabbed something in the wild. So I changed my name and changed my surname. It’s only in the Great Wilderness that I found out that the overlord of this level like Gu Qingfeng, to change or not to change the name is simply to take off his pants and fart. Don’t change the name, just to change the head, even if it’s Seize Body For Rebirth, even samsara Reincarnation can’t hide from Heaven and Earth Grand Dao.

even more how to understand Gu Qingfeng based on Huo’s morals, and to change his name and surname in order to avoid chasing and killing, Gu Qingfeng simply disdains to do this kind of small business.

“The name Qingfeng was changed by a woman.”

“A woman changed it for you?” Huo De was curious, and asked, “Why did they give it to you? Change your name?”

“She said she didn’t like my name as Gu Tianlang, so she changed me to Gu Qingfeng.”

“She didn’t like you, so she changed? Boy, you When did you listen to women like this?”

“No way, I lost the bet. A real man, a real man, spit a nail in one bite. Since I lost the bet, I can only give up and change my name. “

Recalling the fact that he was forced to change his name when he lost a bet, Gu Qingfeng still remembers fresh, sadly said: “Master, I made a lot of bets with people in my life, and I only lost once in my life, but Just this time I lost, I lost my real name…Small gambling, big gambling, consigned to eternal damnation, strong gambling on scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, the old saying is not unreasonable.”

“Is it too expensive for you brat to play? The old man is still the first time I heard that you can bet on names and bets. Your motherfucker really knows how to play. You really live a long time. What is rare Everything can happen.”

Huode curiously asked: “But who is the woman who won you? It sounds amazing.”

Gu Qingfeng Lazily glanced at Huo De, and said: “Want to know?”

Nodded with great deeds, let alone, he really wants to know which woman changed the name of Gu Qingfeng.

“Actually, it is a bit reluctant to say that she is a woman. Strictly speaking of which, she is not a real woman.”

Hearing this, Huo De does not understand, Asked: “What does it mean to be a real woman? A man? A demon? Eunuch?”

“Not so evil, cultivated to a certain realm, there is no gender distinction, you If you want to become a man, you will become a man. If you want to become a woman, you will become a woman. The reason why I am the guy who wins is a woman, because she is usually incarnation as a woman, at least, it seems to be a woman, so No, I haven’t verified it, I don’t know.”

“You brat said so much, who is it?”

“Have you ever heard such a sentence, Knowing the past and the future, in charge of the cause and effect of destiny, deduced the Universe Great Desolate, clearly understood Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow!”

Huode stunned in his heart and said in amazement: “You mean the one who is known as Causal messenger, the Mystery Old Person of the incarnation of destiny, is the eternal nameless?”

“Yes, it is her!”

“Are you brat stupid? A bet with the eternal namelessness? This is not Playing thunder and lightning in front of thunder father and electric mother? Playing yin and yang with mother nature, what is this not display one’s slight skill before an expert? People are known as causal messengers fate incarnation! Know the past and the future, deduct Universe Great Desolate, you bet with others It’s weird to be able to gamble and win!”

“If I knew that the servant was an ancient and unknown person, I wouldn’t have gambled with her. The point is that I didn’t know her identity at all. After many years, I guessed that the little lady might be unknown.”

“Why should I change your name?”

“This question, I too I want to know.”

“You brat didn’t ask?”

“Who? Is that old nameless lady? I’ve seen her once in my life, or I saw it when the Wudao Mountain came last time. At that time, I was full of original sin, but I forgot about it.”

“You brat’s heart is really big, if someone else gave it to you The name you changed is also that’s all, but it’s unfamiliar. You brat this matter and you have to take seriously, old man. Thinking about it, she changed your name definitely not just because she didn’t like your name, there must be something tricky in it. “

“Oh, Huode, you old fellow not simple, you have learned to use your brain. “

“You brat joke about old man, isn’t it? The old man tells you the truth, you brat, please be more serious! “

“What’s serious about this, if the little lady who bet with the Lord back then is really unknown, it is nothing more than the original sin and falsehood of the Lord, and there are variables related to the name change. My son, it has nothing to do with the original sin and falsehood. The master guessed that it might be related to the variable. It may be that the ancient unknown has known the variable of the Lord and me. Therefore, she deliberately changed the name to the Lord to make the variable of the Lord. Be a little smaller, and the change can be within her control. This is like nailing a nail to the master. No matter how the master’s cause and effect changes, even if the eternal name cannot be controlled, it can be known for the first time. . “

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