Supreme Lord

Chapter 1811

The hatred in Huode’s heart!

Hate’s tooth roots itchy, even the heart of killing Gu Qingfeng.

The three Wannian Vermilion Fruit Gu Qingfeng on the Xuantian Ship last time, one did not stay, and one drop of hell impermanent wine this time was not left.

This kid’s cheapness is not even a bit of it!


The fierce and virtuous cursing mother, but due to the presence of Weiyang Demon Emperor Ren Tianhang, he was not good and didn’t dare to say anything, he could only endure it with such a bend.

“Refreshing! Refreshing! What a motherfucker refreshing!!!”

After drinking a full jar of Hell’s impermanence in one breath, Gu Qingfeng drank black smoke all over his body.

This black smoke is nothing but the special smell of Hell’s impermanence wine, which is emerging from the various acupuncture points in Gu Qingfeng’s fleshy body, which looks very evil.

A moment.

Gu Qingfeng hiccuped, wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and said: “motherfucker! It’s been a long time since I had such a refreshing drink. Hell’s impermanence is worthy of hell’s impermanence. Drinking is really refreshing. Ah!”

Since the end of antiquity, after Gu Qingfeng died and was reborn, he mostly drank some fine wines from the secular world. For ordinary persons, these fine wines may be called fine wines, but for Gu Qingfeng In fact, it is almost the same as boiled water, especially after the death and rebirth, the fleshy body is rotten, and after drinking all the wine, there is no taste. No matter how strong the strong liquor enters his stomach, it will be as colorless as boiled water. Tasteless.

Gu Qingfeng has always been very upset.

Fortunately, I ran into Ren Tianhang today. I was fortunate enough to drank a jar of Hell’s impermanence wine, which made me feel a little alcoholic.

“Brother Ren.”

Gu Qingfeng sat down again, put the empty wine jar to one side, looked at Ren Tianhang, and said, “If you remember correctly, , Just now, you seemed to say that if you are full, you can hold on, do you still count?”

“This Ren has always been one word worth nine sacred tripods. Since you said that you are full, naturally not I will break my promise.”

I saw Ren Tianhang throw his hand up, and in the blink of an eye, a jar of fine wine piled up like a mountain in Gu Qingfeng’s eyes. Good guy, there are hundreds of jars. , And every sigh is hell impermanence.

Looking at this scene, not only Huo De was dumbfounded, even Gu Qingfeng, a Nine Nether who went up to heaven or down to Hades omnipotent, was as shocked as seeing Ghost God. There.

Others may not be clear, but he clearly knows that Hell’s impermanence wine is made from tens of thousands of years with the fire of hell. It can be said that it is as precious as it is precious. Throughout Heaven and Earth, there are not many masters who know how to refine the impermanence wine of hell. The most important thing is that hell is not something that anyone can enter, even if they do. It may not be possible to go.

Gu Qingfeng said that he loves wine as one’s life, but he doesn’t know much about winemaking. Back then, he could drink hell impermanence wine, relying on swindle to steal and burn, kill, and loot, and he knew Ren Tianhang’s Even though people are demons and Demon Emperors, Ren Tianhang will never do things like grabbing and drinking. To be precise, he doesn’t bother to do it. Even more how based on his knowledge of Ren Tianhang, this servant has a good understanding of wine. This thing is not too interesting.

“Where did you brat get so much hell impermanence wine?”

“Pick it up.”

“What? Pick it up? I’ll go! “Gu Qingfeng almost suspected that he had heard it wrong, and said: “Is there such a good thing? Where did you pick it up? You told me to pick it up too?”

“In a revived ancient Cave Mansion The ones picked up inside, to be precise, should be given to this Ren by an Old Senior.”



If Ren Tianhang said it was true, then it must be true.

“Motherfucker, why can’t I run into such a good thing?”

Gu Qingfeng is quite depressed, and even a little envious that Ren Tianhang has such good luck, for venting Unhappy in his heart, he continuously drank two jars of Hell’s impermanence until he drank five jars, then he stopped, and the depression in his heart dissipated.

Beside, Huo De picked up the wine glass and sipped the glass one by one. He didn’t dare to drink like Gu Qingfeng. This hell impermanence wine was too strong. He just took a sip and almost wanted After his old life, the feeling is really indescribable. He didn’t want to live but wished one were dead. The pain made Huo De not dare to taste the second bite, but the refreshing feeling made Huo De’s heart itch, and his heart could Said extremely tangled.

And here.

Gu Qingfeng and Ren Tianhang were chatting while drinking wine.

Two people toast and drink together.

Ren Tianhang sighed: “Last time we drank, the antiquity has not yet ended. I didn’t expect this time that the modern and ancient era of drinking has opened for thousands of years.”

“Who said it was not. , As the old saying goes, time flies, time flies, and I haven’t lived to understand what’s going on. Motherfucker is already ten thousand years after I wake up.”

Toast again and drink together.

Gu Qingfeng looked up and down Ren Tianhang and asked: “When the Gate of Samsara was opened back then, did you have no reincarnation?”


“When the ancient times ended, don’t tell me God didn’t judge you.”


“Didn’t you kill you?”

” No.”

“You didn’t even take away the destiny from you?”


“Hey! You brat is quite capable. Ah, how did you carry it? Lord, I used all the milk feeding back then, but I was killed by God. Even the destiny of good fortune was taken away by his mother. Why do you seem to be fine? What about you?”

Ren Tianhang replied: “We are different.”

“Why are we different? You brat’s crime is not less than that of his master.”

“This is not a question of sin, but a question of destiny. Your presence threatens Heaven and Earth Grand Dao, and they will naturally not let you go.”

“So, back then, God gave you water when he came down for the trial?”

“No, I was able to survive the trial that year because my previous life saved me.”

“You His previous life?”

Hearing this, Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and said: “The previous life of the era of no way?”

Ren Tianhang nodded.

“After having been in trouble for a long time, you turned out to be a person from the era of innocence. We really have fate.” Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: “Come on, for this fate, to have a drink.”

Toast again and drink again.

Ren Tianhang said: “Brother Gu should have seen that this Ren has more fate with you than this.”

Gu Qingfeng laughed and did not speak.

He knows that the fate of Ren Tianhang and himself is indeed not just as simple as the Innocent Age, apart from this, he can see that Ren Tianhang is the same as himself as the body of original sin.

In addition to the body of original sin, Gu Qingfeng also felt a sense of familiarity in Ren Tianhang that was inexplicable and familiar.

This sense of familiarity reminds Gu Qingfeng of the false self.

In other words, Ren Tianhang, like Gu Qingfeng, is not only the body of original sin, but also the false self.

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